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  • Date > 1966-xx-xx (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
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10 results

  • . This is. the record. During • ' all this period the American Military Ad­ visory Assistance Command in Vietnam consisted of less than 800 personnel. Finally, in December 1961, President Kennedy in response to a request by the Government of Vietnam incr eased U.S
  • Asia. McG. B. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Fri., Feb. 4, 1966, 12:30 MR. PRESIDENT: These pages from a standard book of reference show the general context in which President Kennedy was working on Caribbean matters in October, 1963. m~ rs. McG. B
  • -/~ -71) State Department Foreign -Policy Briefings on the Hill Vietnam Ambassador Goldberg met yesterday in an off-the-record luncheon, with Senators Moss, Fulbright, McGovern, Hartke, Clark, Church, Boggs, Ribicoff, Cooper, Young, Kennedy, Bayh
  • for him on the nuclear business and get the British into a collective force with the Germans. I am sorry to say that this has become an obsession with Walt, as also with George Ball, Robert Schaetzel and Henry Owen - - they keep coming back to it by one
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHONGTON CON FID EN I~ April Lqis: I - :J;:.t , ~ -l-- ,,_;J ,. 6 f"° 19 . , · ~:t, YY ;'v~ '""' ,;·µ..-'-'• a­ Attached is my response to Juanita Roberts 1 question about sending flowers to the Greek Ambassador. You can either
  • reference to wa.ntlng to talk to Axnbaseado:r J,o nes before replylng to-you refers to hls deslre to review the memorandum o.f' unde:r­ standlng whlch Walt pl'"epar.ed. Points 4, 6 and 7 are deslgned to provide a.dditlonal reassurance. Robert Komer
  • - . By d,- , NARA Datei,.1,_, 4 - ,, -2- You may know that the United Nations• Palestine Con­ ciliation Com.'nission (PCC), of which we are a member, made a genuine effort to solve the problem in 1961 after· President Kennedy had opened the way
  • Secretary Assistant to Governor OASD/ISA, Formerly of Defense for Far Mr. Richard Goodwin, President's Summer Study Group and Center for Advanced Studi~s, Wesleyan, Formerly Assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and Deputy Assistant Secretary
  • about the reasons for our being in Viet-Nam and our objectives. The Administration's usual answer is that there is no reason for confusion. This is no answer. He cites the Bobby Kennedy statement regarding negotiating with the Viet Cong