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  • , Barbara, Sharon, Ashton, and Marilyn -- re: objectives between now and January 20th. 5. 5:30 To the second floor with Liz -- to work on Texas trip. 6. 8:15 Diana MacArthur in. 9:50 Dinner with the President and Diana. 10:30-11:30 Chief King. Retired. *******
  • visited by) down at Andrews Air Force QHK Base - President departed AAFB via helicopter - accompanied by Horace Busby, George Christian, Tom Johnson Dr. Frank Stanton Douglass Cater Dr. George Burkley JRJ. mf. Larry Temple Sam Houston Johnson Wesley King
  • le ft and I d ecid ed I m igh t a s w e ll liv e it up. I c a lle d in C h ief King,-^and got a m a s s a g e , and when he had fin ish ed , tip toed to L yndon's MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE :' WA SHI NOT ON - M onday, A p r il 1, 1968 d oor