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  • Date > 1969-05-15 (remove)
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6 results

  • situation of poverty and the declining skills in such areas as coal mining countries. Mrs. Johnson had wanted to be an activist first lady. she wanted her deeds to emerge. She said that The previous year, the ten months we had 1 LBJ Presidential
  • incident; Lady Bird served fruit and vegetables of Texas to visiting guests; Lady Bird was LBJ’s goodwill ambassador; Lady Bird flew in the same plane as the press; logistical problems of getting stories in; Lady Bird’s gift for phrase-making; White House
  • Zoo. And we secured authority from the Secret Service to present those, not as a gift to the President that night, but to name them Lyndon and Lady Bird. And they were brought into just part of the pleasant part of the evening which we went through
  • in their meetings with LBJ and Hubert Humphrey; tiger cubs at Atlanta zoo named for President Johnson and Lady Bird; relations with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mrs. King; MLK's assassination and resulting racial problems in Atlanta; concerns and involvement
  • she performed her role as first lady sufficiently? V: Oh, I would say that's an understatement. I think she's been one of the best first ladies we ever had. M: Why do you say that? V: Well, partly because I think that she could meet with any
  • First meeting LBJ; impressions of LBJ as a Congressman and Senator; LBJ's relationship with FDR and Rayburn; rural electrification; defeated in 1946 Senate race against Nixon; Cooperative League; meeting Lady Bird; assessment of LBJ's performance
  • . And he's a Bill White always thought we two would White arranged a real small dinner party early in the Kennedy Administration. It was Bill and his wife, my wife and myself, Jim Rowe and Lady Bird and the Vice President. The whole purpose
  • they stopped the elevator and he sa i d, I'll see you later." up to Lady Bird's bedroom and he waited for her. And he carried her She appreciated that. Then that night at the state dinner he told a joke about, something about, well maybe Lady Bird would run
  • be possible to know a more charming, wonderful in every sense of the word, person than Lady Bird Johnson . I just think she is one of the great women I've ever been privileged to know . Her role in the government, I would say, is intangible, but very, very