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  • of the idea. L: I suppose they do. B: Then did you have an opportunity in Los Angeles to see the Kennedy group in action at the convention? L: Yes. I particularly saw Robert Kennedy on the floor. This didn't make a very favorable impression on me
  • Ky; Robert Komer; Tex Goldschmidt; Nguyen Van Thieu; RMN; Khrushchev; Max Milliken; William Westmoreland; William Gaud; Henry Kissinger; Phil LaFollette; Mike Monroney; Abe Fortas; Harold Ickes.
  • General Robert Kennedy or some of the other staff members? Y: I would say they were sort of lumped together. You sort of thought of them as the clique or the clan, the Eastern Establishment. I guess the more unkind characterizations have been the Mafia