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  • Subject > Assassinations (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)

30 results

  • . After all, Sevareid and Howard K. Smith were then as powerful as they are in fact now or even more so. So that's how our relationship really grew. always there and was so dear and so wonderful And Lady Bird was ~bout everythtng. LBJ Presidential
  • Washington career background from 1951; contacts with LBJ when Senator; LBJ's relationship with Washington and White House press corps; LBJ's control and selection of Lady Bird's wardrobe; early days in Washington as correspondent; impressions
  • Zoo. And we secured authority from the Secret Service to present those, not as a gift to the President that night, but to name them Lyndon and Lady Bird. And they were brought into just part of the pleasant part of the evening which we went through
  • in their meetings with LBJ and Hubert Humphrey; tiger cubs at Atlanta zoo named for President Johnson and Lady Bird; relations with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mrs. King; MLK's assassination and resulting racial problems in Atlanta; concerns and involvement
  • . I f she was We were the first We passed out the balloons, the; popcorn--well, not popcorn of course, but the Lady Bird whistles-since it was a whistle-stop we passed out whistles--candy kisses, LBJ Presidential Library
  • the assassination hurt Dallas’ reputation; Walter Jenkins; the effect of LBJ’s position on their friendship; Dale’s work as chairman of LBJ’s inauguration; the inaugural balls; money made from the inaugural events; accompanying Lady Bird to parties; LBJ and parties
  • it was called secretary--same job. F: Did you ever see the secretary or administrative assistant in Washington during that period? D: Yes, I made one trip up here and visited with him; stayed, of course, in the little apartment that he and Lady Bird lived
  • African-Americans and the poor; "make work" projects; roadside parks; 1937 campaign; Uncle George; 1941 and 1948 campaigns; LBJ as Deason's best man; Hardy Hollers campaign in 1946; Lady Bird's business interest in her radio station, KVET; application
  • and exchange ideas and think a little. F: Deliberate. ?!I: And deliberate. Ue don't have the time now for deliberation that we used to have. F: In that brief period when Johnson was in the Navy, di~ you get any opportunity to observe Lady Bird running
  • she was, how she tried to make you feel at home . the house well . room . I can remember I think Lynda Bird was there ; we went up to her There were about maybe twelve Senate wives . food we had . I remember the I know a really nice black lady
  • from VP's office; 1964 campaign; first meeting Lady Bird; JFK's 1956 VP race; 1960 election; LBJ visiting Hyannis; returning to White House for the presentation of portraits; contact with the Johnsons after 1963; warmth and generosity of spirit of LBJ
  • president, the former president and now a statesman . F: Our former friend . J-9 : No, he's not a former friend because he's still my friend . He and his wife have been my friends for a long time and I've been their friend . In fact, Lady Bird has
  • long. But anyhow, he accepted the invitation and came up by helicopter on a rainy night, brought Lady Bird along. He sat in the chair there waiting for his turn to speak, and I talked to Lady Bird, and I said, "Lady Bird, tell me the truth. What
  • the President of Costa Rica. There were hundreds of people out on the streets, openly crying and coming to the Embassy to express their sympathy. I remember I had one little lady, an old lady--and she was a very poor person--that came up to me and wanted
  • boy ." This is the truth! That's interesting, you know, to be able to say that . I'll tell you one thing I remember about his race--naturally I couldn't forget this . He wasn't known very well in this area--East Texas-­ even though Lady Bird
  • of Lady Johnson in LBJ's career
  • really right or wrong in your own heart. But one night, a long time after the election, I'm going to be in bed and I'm going to turn over to Lady Bird and say, 'Bird, you know those folks dovm in New Orleans. their judgment.'" at that point. (Laughter
  • as First Lady- B: I think she played her role gracefully and I think she has been a real credit to him and to the nation . ability . I think she has handled it with dignity, as well as I think he has a fine family . There's a lot of kidding about
  • Biographical information; Texas politics; LBJ's liberal tendencies; 1956 support of Shivers; Schwille case; JFK's assassination; A TEXAN LOOKS AT LYNDON; attorney for J. Evetts Haley, Jr.; statement on Johnson Presidency; Lady Bird Johnson; 3/31
  • President, the new President, sworn in-F: Or to accompany a new president. R: --and even less that we were going to fly back on the plane with the dead President, the new President, Jackie, and Lady Bird, and most of their staffs. F: Let's slow up just
  • as a family, too. You see, we were I even gave Lady Bird a transfusion once. F: Oh, really? G: Anyway, we had a close personal relationship. personal than political. I would say it was more Bird very often would ask me what did I think about something
  • and Lady Bird made this country--what it's been I suppose since Theodore Roosevelt--conservation conscious, but they put it on a plane I think from which there is no retreat now. Did you work with that story yourself? H: Yes. I never went out on any
  • as a President; Secretary Udall; Lady Bird’s effort to make America conservation conscious; assessment of history’s judgment of LBJ’s presidency; LBJ’s interest in the space program.
  • 1948 Senate race; KTBC radio; Lady Bird; LBJ's recreational activities; KTBC-TV; station policies; JFK assassination; Jim McCrocklin; impression of LBJ
  • . That's the way I size it up. most powerful influence. I'm not too sure which of those is the I daresay that in a decision like this I know that Lyndon Johnson would have instinctively reached out for the opinion of Lady Bird. He always has in moments
  • was, to me, of the highest caliber. a dedicated American. I believe him to be a good American, I think his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, is one of the most charming women I have ever met. I think she, too, was an excellent companion for him and a woman who
  • ; contact with community leaders; conflict of subway vs. freeway; housing problems; unique business and economic situation in D.C.; tourist trade; LBJ's interest in D.C. government; Lady Bird's beautification program; bipartisan support; personal summary
  • was there, and the message came through louder and clearer if the guy left the next day. But I know in a personal way, the Ambassador and Mrs. Lodge invited both Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Mecklin to dinner the nights of their respective husbands' departure, and these ladies
  • everybody, but it was a little vignette that live always carried with me about Johnson. deal about him and Mrs. Johnson. It has always told me a great Of course anybody who is going to understand Lyndon has to understand Lady Bird; it was that kind
  • Biographical information; first meeting LBJ at the Ranch; Lady Bird’s kindness; breaking the story of JFK’s assassination; transferred to Washington in 1964; contacts and conversation with LBJ; LBJ’s operation to remove a polyp on his vocal chords
  • storm and headed to the Ranch. three or four o'clock in the morning. Got in there around Mrs. Johnson and the other ladies, a friend of hers and Josefa, his sister, were there to meet us and had LBJ Presidential Library
  • was there to do some pick-up work. Toward midday, I think it was--oh, that was the Z day that Lynda Bird arrived home, and she arrived home quite early from having come all the way from California. Naturally the child was very upset because Chuck was on the way
  • is a fairly shy bird; that all we could do was to indicate to them that we preferred that they should make some share of their capital available to Australians, and that's all. It wasn't a matter of compulsion. There we~e one or two people who thought
  • to have a bird cat seat at what went on in those days, because he had been tipped off that there was going to be some trouble. He reported from an intelligence stand- point what the events were, and he did a good job of it. But he was under
  • /show/loh/oh 2 eX2.,;~?l(;, held the speech to Hrs. Johnson there in his bedroom and say; in effec t; F: "Bird, ",hat do you think about this?" Hm.J long in advance did he start that speech? You might say five years in advance, in one sense