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  • Subject > Assassinations (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 (remove)

13 results

  • that he met with Robert Kennedy at the White House. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories:
  • See all online interviews with Juanita Roberts
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • Roberts, Juanita, 1913-1983
  • Oral history transcript, Juanita Roberts, interview 4 (IV), 4/6/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Juanita Roberts
  • think it was any sudden, overnight decision that he made, because 1 had been in his presence where I could have assumed very easily that this man was doing all he could for this term and maybe would go on. B: Were you close to Robert Kennedy? 5: Yes
  • ; LBJ’s efforts in Vietnam; Martin Luther King’s assassination; working on the Commission for Federal-State Relations; LBJ inheriting JFK’s staff; being offered a federal appointment; LBJ deciding not to run in 1968; LBJ’s relationship with Robert Kennedy
  • General Robert Kennedy or some of the other staff members? Y: I would say they were sort of lumped together. You sort of thought of them as the clique or the clan, the Eastern Establishment. I guess the more unkind characterizations have been the Mafia
  • Kennedy had me there on his ghetto housing bill that he proposed around 1966 or 1967. B: That would be Senator Robert Kennedy. A: Senator Robert Kennedy. And I became, more or less, a pretty con- stant visitor to Washington, being a big supporter
  • Evaluation of LBJ's Senate record; political background prior to election as Mayor of Atlanta in 1962; work with President Kennedy and request to testify on behalf of Civil Rights Bill; civil rights programs in Atlanta; support of mayors of America
  • . I said, "In Southeast Asia we need a policy as to where we're going . What are we there for? What are the conditions for us to leave?" I tried to get Kennedy to see this . I pointed out that in Korea we never knew what we wanted there . we
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • thing that concerned me was I couldn't really envision anybody else lead~~3 this country as Presidc':t. None of the people that \'icre on the scene, Hhich of course at that tir.:c included Senator Robert Kcnr.cdy and Vice President Humphrey-I had net
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • got that news on a very sad day, as you know. It was the day Robert Kennedy was to be buried here in Washington, and we had planned a brief memorial ceremony here at the department. The funeral cortege was to stop outside the department
  • Kennedy, known as Executive Order 10988, which set up for the first time a formal government policy with respect to the rights of federal empoyees to be in unions. There was never any question, there was never any deviation, there was 'never any compromise
  • important precedent. And, as I remember, Lyndon Johnson did work for that bill. B: Yes, he did. Then what was your attitude toward the 1960 Democratic ticket of Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Johnson? R: Quite frankly, I was very distressed when Mr. Johnson
  • to overstate my national I began \vorking in national campaigns, as I recall, in 1956, involvement. being head of the Speakers' Bureau in Southern California for Adlai Stevenson. I had a role in John Kennedy's campaign in 1960, and a minor role
  • the same trip that Kennedy made in 1960, and I was with him on that trip. It was a great trip. and it did a lot of good. I honestly believe that if Humphrey had come through . . . I don't mean [to criticize] him personally. I don't think [he.made
  • for the District." Kennedy. Charlie Horsky had been created for that job under President Steve Pollak was there for Johnson. Steve Pollak did leave very quickly after we were nominated and appointed. M: What's the significance of that? F: The significance