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  • histories: ROBERTS -- I -- 14 F: Okay, let's go back to Love Field. R: Yes. You're in a police car. We got there of course after both Johnson and the Kennedy casket and had a little trouble getting
  • See all online interviews with Charles Roberts
  • Reasons for JFK’s 11/63 trip to Texas; detailed description of the day of the assassination, the motorcade, assassination, hospital, swearing-in; and flight back to Washington D.C.; LBJ’s and Kennedy staff’s behavior following the assassination
  • Roberts, Charles Wesley, 1916-1992
  • Oral history transcript, Charles Roberts, interview 1 (I), 1/14/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Charles Roberts
  • . And you're also right now Executive Director of the Robert F. Kennedy f:lemorial. nay I ask, do you plan to have a historical project in connection with Robert Kennedy? D: Yes. The National Archives--What's his name? John Stewart is actually organizing
  • ? H: That's quite right. F: You didn't assign additional people to McCarthy or Robert Kennedy? H: No, I should say not. F: At the convention in '68, did you see evidence of the alleged heavy-hand LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • ; reputation as a hawk in Vietnam erroneous; Robert Kintner; rivalry between RFK and LBJ; Presidential press secretaries; LBJ seeking professional advice on TV style; conscious of Texas twang; Barry Goldwater; George Wallace; 3/31 speech; evaluation of LBJ
  • , it was deliberately used against him. ·There's no question of that. In a state like Texas, most of the midwestern states. I remember Robert Kennedy, who was the campaign manager, telling me that he thought that the Catholic issue hurt worse in the Midwest than
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEWEE: SIR ROBERT GORDON MENZIES INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ More on LBJ Library oral histories: http
  • See all online interviews with (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies
  • Menzies, Robert Gordon, Sir, 1894-1978
  • Oral history transcript, (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies, interview 1 (I), 11/24/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
  • (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies
  • think it was any sudden, overnight decision that he made, because 1 had been in his presence where I could have assumed very easily that this man was doing all he could for this term and maybe would go on. B: Were you close to Robert Kennedy? 5: Yes
  • ; LBJ’s efforts in Vietnam; Martin Luther King’s assassination; working on the Commission for Federal-State Relations; LBJ inheriting JFK’s staff; being offered a federal appointment; LBJ deciding not to run in 1968; LBJ’s relationship with Robert Kennedy
  • th e l ate 1950s with the Racket s Committee invest i gating staff, with , l ater, Senator Robert Kennedy . 0: No . Did you get to know Mr . Johnson at all du r i ng t hat time? I had seen him , but I ' d never met [h im) . The fi r st time I
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • General Robert Kennedy or some of the other staff members? Y: I would say they were sort of lumped together. You sort of thought of them as the clique or the clan, the Eastern Establishment. I guess the more unkind characterizations have been the Mafia
  • the nomination? M: In 1956? B: Yes, sir. That's when Mr. Stevenson threw the convention open, and Mr. Johnson was in the running. M: I thought the contest then was between the late President John F. Kennedy and ex-Senator (Estes) Kefauver. LBJ
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
  • I've maintained close contact with the Kennedy-Johnson administrations. M: You might make a statement about Brookings Institution in general and its purpose. P: Brookings Institution is a nonprofit research organization that is privately LBJ
  • :// DATE RESTRICTION 1130170 A 1/30178 A 8118170 A .. FILE LOCATION Robert W. Komer Oral History Interviews RESTRICTION COCES (AI Closed by Executive Order 12358'governing access to national security information. (B
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 2 (II), 8/18/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert Komer
  • Shriver during the 1960 campaign. was at Princeton. paign. I That would have been my senior year during the cam- I worked for the Johnson-Kennedy ticket during that campaign. r was doing my senior honors thesis for the School of Public and Inter
  • , because I was the number two under Frank Wisner and I was the number two under Dick Bissell. As is probably relatively well known, both Allen Dulles and Dick Bissell were let go from the agency by President Kennedy because of the sad outcome of the Bay
  • was honored that he asked me, in part at the suggestion of his son George, who had been the assistant secretary of labor and with whom I'd worked. Ambassador Lodge knew that I'd traveled in the Soviet Union with Bob Kennedy, who of course had defeated his
  • [Roberts] and I have laughed about this so much--he had a real hang-up on the toilet paper holder, how awkward the place it had been put. We'd get a fifteen-minute lecture on [how] the guy who installed the toilet paper holder in the john was the torture
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Waldron
  • Waldron, Robert Earl, 1927-1995
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Waldron, interview 2 (II), 2/1/1976, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Robert E. Waldron
  • . So I was one of them. Pat Kennedy, who was later to head up VISTA and who is now the city manager of Columbia, Maryland, was another. Jerry Bruno was the third one, and you know who Jerry is. Mel Cottone, who was also a Kennedy advance man
  • thing that concerned me was I couldn't really envision anybody else lead~~3 this country as Presidc':t. None of the people that \'icre on the scene, Hhich of course at that tir.:c included Senator Robert Kcnr.cdy and Vice President Humphrey-I had net
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • of country for about two and a half weeks. I went from Rome back to Washington; as I mentioned earlier, I arrived there the day of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas. Then I went back via the Far East, stopped off and saw our embassy
  • Returning to Saigon following the JFK assassination; Robert McNamara’s December 1963 visit to Vietnam; January 1964 Khanh coup and alleged French involvement; what the French might have wished for Vietnam; Christmas 1964 in Dalat; Tran Van Don; Le
  • a terrible commentary. P: Anyhow, on the way back, I was flown to Honolulu to participate in one of [Robert] McNamara's big flying circuses. G: Of 1962? P: 1962, yes. This was August, I think. And I was asked to give a brief presentation of what we
  • we're talking about now. F: Right. P: The farm-to-market roads, they were beginning to talk about them but not do anything about them. You see, the Highway Commission had just been formed with Robert Hubbard as chairman, and they were not too active
  • meant Kennedy. When he talked about his conversation with Dean, you knew it was Rusk. When he talked about anybody in any position at all, he used nicknames and first names, and I think he had the chief justice of the Supreme Court that came out
  • it was not that favorable that he was considered in 1960, for instance. candidate for President. He was not considered by our people as the ideal You know, he was a candidate in 1960, and of course lost out in the convention to John F. Kennedy. When he was selected
  • First meeting LBJ; Labor’s opinion of LBJ in the Senate and support of Kennedy-Johnson ticket; LBJ as VP active on the Space Council; Landrum-Griffin Bill; talk with LBJ after the JFK assassination; LBJ’s legislative record; influence of organized
  • that time in which you're beginning to think about, 1960, and it shows John F. Kennedy with the controversial issue of labor, and Stuart Symington with the controversial issue of certain armed forces propositions, and Lyndon Johnson
  • which would prove to our ultimate disadvantage. Now my position was public, was well known. When President Kennedy sent an emissary to me to ask that I remain on as chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, I could immediately see that having me
  • :// Connell -- I -- 2 research for the State Department. [He] left Humphrey in about 1958 to go with Chet Bowles over to India, came back and I think became director of intelligence and research under Kennedy. He's now
  • President Kennedy was made president and then continued on when Johnson succeeded to that LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral
  • in October of ' 6 0 . The man he had named previously, who had formerly been District Commissioner, died before reaching Quito, and so I was the next one chosen. F: I don't want to pre-empt what people working on John F. Kennedy might ask you sometime
  • Foreign service career assignments: 1936 in the Pacific and later in Latin America; effect of Alliance for Progress in Ecuador; effect of Kennedy assassination on the Alliance; assignment as Ambassador to Venezuela; fishing agreement (12 mile limit
  • was to cover the President Kennedy tour through Texas. I was responsible for setting up our coverage and planning our coverage. in Dallas. As a result of that I laid on a little extra help Goodness knows I didn't have in mind any kind of real trouble