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  • Subject > Assassinations (remove)
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  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

81 results

  • in the office just to the east of the large Attorney General's office where Robert Kennedy made his office. morning. I manned those phones most all of the night until early My recollection is that when I began, nobody was writing LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • histories: ROBERTS -- I -- 14 F: Okay, let's go back to Love Field. R: Yes. You're in a police car. We got there of course after both Johnson and the Kennedy casket and had a little trouble getting
  • See all online interviews with Charles Roberts
  • Reasons for JFK’s 11/63 trip to Texas; detailed description of the day of the assassination, the motorcade, assassination, hospital, swearing-in; and flight back to Washington D.C.; LBJ’s and Kennedy staff’s behavior following the assassination
  • Roberts, Charles Wesley, 1916-1992
  • Oral history transcript, Charles Roberts, interview 1 (I), 1/14/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Charles Roberts
  • that he met with Robert Kennedy at the White House. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories:
  • See all online interviews with Juanita Roberts
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • Roberts, Juanita, 1913-1983
  • Oral history transcript, Juanita Roberts, interview 4 (IV), 4/6/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Juanita Roberts
  • justification whatsoever. I detected this shortly after I came onboard in 1961 and called the attention of the Roosevelt commission to this and was asked by Mrs. Roosevelt to go to the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, and see what we could do about reviewing
  • The role of Civil Service Comission in loyalty and security program; his work as president of Wesleyan College; becoming Chairman of the Civil Service Commission in the Kennedy administration, 1961; working with Vice-President Johnson on equal
  • . And you're also right now Executive Director of the Robert F. Kennedy f:lemorial. nay I ask, do you plan to have a historical project in connection with Robert Kennedy? D: Yes. The National Archives--What's his name? John Stewart is actually organizing
  • through the emergency room area--myself, Chuck Roberts and Merriman Smith--and we went through the area where they had been treating President Kennedy. emergency room area. we went through. The cot was still there in this There was blood on the sheets
  • Mr. Rayburn was not opposed to it, but he had certain conditions that he wanted. And as I recall, he did not want himself or he didn't want Senator Johnson to receive all the information from Senator Robert Kennedy. I don't know that there was any
  • ? H: That's quite right. F: You didn't assign additional people to McCarthy or Robert Kennedy? H: No, I should say not. F: At the convention in '68, did you see evidence of the alleged heavy-hand LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • ; reputation as a hawk in Vietnam erroneous; Robert Kintner; rivalry between RFK and LBJ; Presidential press secretaries; LBJ seeking professional advice on TV style; conscious of Texas twang; Barry Goldwater; George Wallace; 3/31 speech; evaluation of LBJ
  • : January 11, 1974 INTERVIEWEE : MRS . JACQUELINE KENNEDY ONASSIS INTERVIEWER : JOE B . FRANTZ PLACE : Her Manhattan apartment in New York City Tape 1 of 2 First part of tape missing (35 feet) F: Let's continue, then, our broken interview
  • See all online interviews with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • ; JFK's staff vs. LBJ's staff; Kennedy Rose Garden; William Manchester's book; not voting in the 1964 election; LBJ's campaigning for RFK's Senate campaign
  • Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 1929-1994
  • Oral history transcript, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, interview 1 (I), 1/11/1974, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
  • INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT BASKIN INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ PLACE: Mr. Baskin's office at the Dallas News, Dallas, Texas Tape 1 of 1 F: Bob, we've known each other too long to be formal, so we might as well go on there. Lyndon Johnson? B: Briefly, when
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Baskin
  • as vice president; space program; LBJ relations with Eisenhower; LBJ and Robert Kennedy; JFK assassination; role of White House press; Walter Jenkins' resignation; Bobby Baker; presidential press secretaries; Nixon-Johnson relationship
  • Baskin, Robert E.
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Baskin, interview 1 (I), 3/16/1974, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert E. Baskin
  • , it was deliberately used against him. ·There's no question of that. In a state like Texas, most of the midwestern states. I remember Robert Kennedy, who was the campaign manager, telling me that he thought that the Catholic issue hurt worse in the Midwest than
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEWEE: SIR ROBERT GORDON MENZIES INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ More on LBJ Library oral histories: http
  • See all online interviews with (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies
  • Menzies, Robert Gordon, Sir, 1894-1978
  • Oral history transcript, (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies, interview 1 (I), 11/24/1969, by Joe B. Frantz
  • (Sir) Robert Gordon Menzies
  • think it was any sudden, overnight decision that he made, because 1 had been in his presence where I could have assumed very easily that this man was doing all he could for this term and maybe would go on. B: Were you close to Robert Kennedy? 5: Yes
  • ; LBJ’s efforts in Vietnam; Martin Luther King’s assassination; working on the Commission for Federal-State Relations; LBJ inheriting JFK’s staff; being offered a federal appointment; LBJ deciding not to run in 1968; LBJ’s relationship with Robert Kennedy
  • th e l ate 1950s with the Racket s Committee invest i gating staff, with , l ater, Senator Robert Kennedy . 0: No . Did you get to know Mr . Johnson at all du r i ng t hat time? I had seen him , but I ' d never met [h im) . The fi r st time I
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • . Mrs. Shriver came down and Mrs. Robert Kennedy came down. I remember that was the first time that the Kennedy women were involved in this, and we set up a big affair at the Shamrock. I was the emcee and introduced them. We had a couple or three
  • in the 1960 campaign; dating Mary Margaret Wiley (Valenti) and their marriage; LBJ’s possible frustration as vice-president; events leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy.
  • INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT STOREY INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ PLACE: Dean Storey's office in Dallas, Texas Tape 1 of 1 F: When did you first get acquainted with Lyndon Johnson? $: I got acquainted with him before World War II. I had met him and I saw him
  • See all online interviews with Robert Storey
  • the Nuremberg trial; Storey’s work on the Atlantic-Pacific Interoceanic Canal Route; Storey’s work on a President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice; his acquaintance with the Kennedys and Herbert Hoover.
  • Storey, Robert G. (Robert Gerald), 1893-1981
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Storey, interview 1 (I), 3/29/1974, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert Storey
  • :// - 12- Did this impression that you say came from that meeting that Johnson was going to be offered the nomination over the objections of Robert Kennedy-did that ever get cleared up, or was that still-- B: No, that one
  • ? P: The only time I really ever campaigned for him was in the 1960 election. I was in law school in 1948. And so, yes, in the 1960 campaign as he and Mr. Kennedy were running, I did do some rather modest [campaigning], and all in Texas, nothing
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • Washington-newcomer Purcell to many people; Bobby Kennedy; the JFK assassination; Luci Johnson babysitting for the Purcells; the hard-working staff of the White House; the JFK to LBJ transition; Meat Inspection Act; LBJ communication problems with mass media
  • General Robert Kennedy or some of the other staff members? Y: I would say they were sort of lumped together. You sort of thought of them as the clique or the clan, the Eastern Establishment. I guess the more unkind characterizations have been the Mafia
  • :// July 8, 1969 B: This is a continuation, the second interview with Rev. Holcomb. Sir, we left this after about 1961 or so. The next thing would be in '62 when you were appointed by President Kennedy as chairman of the Texas
  • . D; Yes, very happily, they did. I remember the next week Life magazine had a centerfold and they had pictures of everybody laughing. They had all the senators, Humphrey, Kennedy, Johnson, Symington, all of them---l sti 11 have that copy of Li
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: I INTERVID~ INTERVIHJEE: ROBERT
  • See all online interviews with Robert S. Strauss
  • Strauss, Robert Schwarz, 1918-2014
  • Oral history transcript, Robert S. Strauss, interview 1 (I), 5/22/1969, by David G. McComb
  • Robert S. Strauss
  • witnessed that fight between Kennedy and Kefauver for the vice presidency? T: Oh, yes. F: How much did Senator Johnson show his preference to the Texas delegation in I was very much in that. that. T: Let's see if I can remember it. You know at one
  • presidential campaigns; Senators Kefauver and Kennedy for the vice-president; LBJ’s first heart attack and recovery; Senator Ralph Yarborough; LBJ to running for vice-presidency; JFK; opportunities for Thornberry to become a federal judge; limitations
  • of his responsibility. B: Did the activity on the Commission change much when Cliff Alexander took over as chairman? H: Let's keep the order. ing byplay on that. When Mr. Roosevelt resigned--there's a little interestYou see, Senator Robert Kennedy had
  • his way, was the Attorney General, Mr. Robert Kennedy, who came really racing through, neither looking to the right nor to the left to get to the back of the plane. The only thing that I noticed was that I remember that he passed President Johnson
  • Kennedy had me there on his ghetto housing bill that he proposed around 1966 or 1967. B: That would be Senator Robert Kennedy. A: Senator Robert Kennedy. And I became, more or less, a pretty con- stant visitor to Washington, being a big supporter
  • Evaluation of LBJ's Senate record; political background prior to election as Mayor of Atlanta in 1962; work with President Kennedy and request to testify on behalf of Civil Rights Bill; civil rights programs in Atlanta; support of mayors of America
  • I've maintained close contact with the Kennedy-Johnson administrations. M: You might make a statement about Brookings Institution in general and its purpose. P: Brookings Institution is a nonprofit research organization that is privately LBJ
  • and inflation, hut ~orked more generally in areas of forecasting overall economic outlook, concentl'ating ;leavily on prices, inflation, this of proi.:;:, ::1. SOy't fl,1: v~a.ges, Compared to the Kennedy-Johnson Administration; can you give me some
  • :// DATE RESTRICTION 1130170 A 1/30178 A 8118170 A .. FILE LOCATION Robert W. Komer Oral History Interviews RESTRICTION COCES (AI Closed by Executive Order 12358'governing access to national security information. (B
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 2 (II), 8/18/1970, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert Komer
  • Shriver during the 1960 campaign. was at Princeton. paign. I That would have been my senior year during the cam- I worked for the Johnson-Kennedy ticket during that campaign. r was doing my senior honors thesis for the School of Public and Inter
  • : Actually you got the formal endorsement of the Texas AF of L in the campaign? M: That"s right. And there was one Sunday when Morris Roberts and I thought we were going to get Stevenson to come out on the Taft-Hartley thing. We thought we had him
  • of Wisconsin seeing everybody he could see . Because [Robert M .] LaFollette [Jr .], who was his opponent, had not come home--had sort of moved to Washington and forgotten he was a Senator from Wisconsin--the people voted for the person they saw
  • of Senate Democrats; John Sparkman; Paul Douglas; Paul Butler; Matt McCloskey; Americans for Democratic; Charlie Murphy; Albert and Mark Lasker Foundation; 750 Club; Ed Foley; Liz Carpenter; Ralph Hewitt; Bob Berry; Dave Lloyd; Jack Kennedy; Ted Sorenson
  • , because I was the number two under Frank Wisner and I was the number two under Dick Bissell. As is probably relatively well known, both Allen Dulles and Dick Bissell were let go from the agency by President Kennedy because of the sad outcome of the Bay
  • with LBJ; doing LBJ’s makeup; LBJ giving to a poor family and the Catholic church in Stonewall; LBJ’s relationship with the Kennedys and Hubert Humphrey; LBJ’s interest in the media (TV, ticker tape, newspapers) and sensitivity to the media; diversity
  • with him on many occasions. Not only in Texas but also in Washington and I maintained my contact with him. fact, I would guess that I participated in all of his campaigns. In To include, of course, his presidential campaign both with President Kennedy
  • : In 1956 you had that horse race between young John Kennedy and Estes Kefauver for the vice presidency, and Johnson shook a lot of people by taking Texas for Kennedy instead of for Kefauver. Were you privy at all to his thinking or strategy in this, or do
  • was honored that he asked me, in part at the suggestion of his son George, who had been the assistant secretary of labor and with whom I'd worked. Ambassador Lodge knew that I'd traveled in the Soviet Union with Bob Kennedy, who of course had defeated his
  • [Roberts] and I have laughed about this so much--he had a real hang-up on the toilet paper holder, how awkward the place it had been put. We'd get a fifteen-minute lecture on [how] the guy who installed the toilet paper holder in the john was the torture
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Waldron
  • Waldron, Robert Earl, 1927-1995
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Waldron, interview 2 (II), 2/1/1976, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Robert E. Waldron
  • ~"as Governor Connally's vie't-l that Texas had done a very substantial part with regard to the fund-raising. But in any event President Kennedy and, perhaps, Attorney General . Robert Kennedy and others l.Jere desirous of having a fund-raising dinner in Texas
  • and concern for Governor Connally’s health; the Yarborough/Connally split; fund-raising in Texas for 1964; planning the trip for JFK and LBJ to Texas; Kennedy popularity in Texas; what was done with the money from the cancelled Austin dinner 11/22/63; guest
  • top secret things, just kind of a right-hand man type to the General. At the end of 1960--1 didn't know anything about this till I read it in Newsweek--somebody touted Clifton as the military aide to the newly elected President Kennedy. He didn't deny
  • as General Clifton’s photographer for industrial and VIP special events; being a White House photographer during the Kennedy administration; August 1961 trip to Berlin Wall with Vice-President Johnson and Y.R. Okamoto’s coverage of the trip; European trip