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  • Subject > Assassinations (remove)
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  • Subject > JFK Assassination (remove)
  • Tag > new2023-Oct (remove)
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3 results

  • It was reached persons: McNamara, Secretary Chief of the Secret tlme, who crune to tho Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense, Douglas J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the and Attoznay CIA; James Reilly, General, at that Robert Kennedy. ThG investigation
  • lnveatipticm c:oncer.rl~ J'enle'• wherea'bouta on November 22, 1963•. and Immediately precedla1 daat at:e. Tbe ...._4 material relate• to &Zl FBI lra.veatlpUcm made shortly after tbe ••-alaatlan of Prealdezlt Kennedy wit:h reapect to alle;zadou ma4e lty
  • Department for some years, primarily because of what I regard as its obvious and inexcusable failure to investigate effectively the shootings of President John F. Kennedy, Reverend Martin Luther King, Senator Robert Kennedy and, more recently, Governor George