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7 results

  • planning and wanting e v e r since Lady J a c k s on a r r i v e d . . . J u s t Lady Ja c k so n , D r, H urst, and u s. r- Lady Ja c k s o n talked and Lyndon liste n e d , som ething he doesn't often do, e s p e c ia lly to w om en. But he is fa sc
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
  • Lady Bird's YWCA speech in Cleveland; Lady Bird talks about speechwriting process; Lady Bird meets handicapped girl, Nancy Martin; office work & nap; LBJ's press conference; Dr. Willis Hurst is houseguest; visit of Lady Bird's family and Dr. Blake
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/16/1964 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Lady Bird & female houseguests fly to San Antonio for Hemis Fair; lunch with LBJ & male houseguests at La Paloma del Rio restaurant on the Riverwalk; back to LBJ Ranch; nap; LBJ & George Mahon are sunburned; Coca Cola Cove for boating & swimming
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 9/21/1968 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird & Marilyn Walz swim; Lady Bird to Jean Louis' for hairstyle; Lady Bird & Abe Fortas have lunch & then go to Reston, VA, to see example of city planning; Lady Bird describes neighborhoods, shopping and business in the development; Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/13/1967 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • State of the Union message; Johnson Administration china; LBJ practices speech; lunch; Lady Bird meets about Fort Worth green space; beautification meeting on Washington, DC plans; Lady Bird & Lynda to Capital; Lady Bird mentions guests; death
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/10/1967 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • leaped. The flames merely singed its f~athers. A gangling six-foot youth attempted to leap upon the chicken. quick for him. The bird was too As it darted out of his way, he slipped and tumbled against a tree. The stark unwitting comedy broke
  • chicken. The bird ~ v ~ n-k\... nu-4..j,Hj,,_ c JI Iii 6 b ie z t.wd J ~8~~~~) out of his way, -..7 s1ippcd) and tumbled ag a inst a tree. 8 ~e_(\~ ยท .The stark comedy broke the tension. People laughed. Soon some began to drift ho me. A short time