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  • Subject > Civil rights (remove)
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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)

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59 results

  • , when public sentiment for effective gun control was high following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy:, it appeared that we might even get the only . really effective control -- licensing and registration
  • physical condition. He stated they should not turn the other cheek when attacked but told them not to attack unless provoked. He stated a Muslim should only act in self-defense. Then he criticized MARTINLUTHERKING maintaining that KING "runs up and down
  • of the . chase, they began to participate ~ Some att~rnpted to help the officers in locating the suspects. R. c. Oates, one of the 17 Negroes on the 5OO-man , . Tampa police force, spotted 19-year old Martin Chambers, ' bare. to the waist, wriggling aw~y
  • in 16,000 tllKl(ll. 4. Kenncdr (196:3) Dcmonstrations,lcl b.­ Dr. Martin Luth,·r • King in Birmingham, Ala. President readied troops fnr u.,c hut did not send them to Birmi11gham. 5. Kcnncdr (1%'3) DeSt·,:re,:ation of lJ ni­ venih- of Alalxuna at Tusc
  • and in our Regional Office in San Francisco. [2 of 2] DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE 1730 K STREET, WASHINGTON N.W. 6, D.C. August 23, 1965 LOUIS MARTIN TELEPHONE DEPUTY CH A IRMAN FEDERAL 3-8750 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. LEE WHITE The attached
  • will be thin king of you. We arc 00 pcopk, all tbc studen ts of the National M usi c Camp
  • stated that if a court held this to be a legal requirement,, . he woultj sign. · At the conclusion of the meeting Commissioner King said .he would ~alk with the State Board f:urther to ascertain i f the state wished to sigJ:?.. Two we~ks la"!er he advised
  • , a n d t h e n he w a s s u m m o n e d b a c k into t h e M a e l s t r o m . He t a l k e d of s o m e of t h e p r o b l e m s . He b e l i e v e d t h a t t h e R e v . M a r t i n L u t h e r King is th e o nly one up t h e r e h i s f o l k s w
  • fie ld a n d S e n a to r a n d M rs . M c In ty re a n d S e n a to rs S m ith a n d P e ll a n d M u sk ie w ith M rs . M u sk ie a n d G o v e r n o rs V olpea n d K ing a n d M r s . King an d a n a s s o r tm e n t of C o n g r e s s m e n . V E
  • as possible from each and studiously avoiding sp~?.king ., o~her both _reading the same newspapar .. to each other. It loras a beautiful b9ginning. · The only thing they c;:ouid agre_e ' on was that they had to be polite to r..e, because I had just
  • in in g once w a s king. It’ s b e c o m e a s ic k in d u s t r y , nothing h a s r e a l l y c o m e along to r e p l a c e it . And now , two o r m o r e g e n e r a t io n s h a v e l i v e d h e r e , tra p p e d in a s o r t of fate o f s t a le
  • of the devil. "Violence is the answer. Everyone else fights for what he wants, we should fight too. Two people who are considered (phonetic), to be experts on violence are Dr. FREDRICKWITTIIAM Senior Psychiatrist, New York, and Dr. MARTINLUTHERKING. KING mys
  • I ) .) gi n i a . I ij I 11 1.../: :: - I f : 1 mon~hs J..f" I l The fir-st · occas ion th ~·rt I had to work Ri ghts Act of 196t1 . thre e l~j .i Act of 19 6 S. I s a o in ~..w r king with Tit l Ii· 10 1~ c1u catio n