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  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)

113 results

  • Mr. Ke n Bunce -Asst . Director Cong . Charle s Hallec k Mr. Jame s Tul l -membe r VietNa m Tas k Force Cong . Hal e Bogg s Mr. Henr y Loomi s -Director, VO A Cong . Mende l River s DEFENSE -MILITARY Cong . Clemen t J. Zablock i General Earle G
  • :15 11:35 11:55 12:02 12:15 Secy McNamara Ken O'Donnell Larry O'Brien J. Edgar Hoover McGeorge Bundy Pierre Salinger Walter Jenkins Mr Bundy Mr Bundy W Jenkins (mansion) arr Oval Room / WJ & Dr. Frank Stanton in Dr Glenn Seborg Senator Smathers
  • (an d perhaps MW ) Dodd did eat not June 10 1965 White Marvin Mrs House Thursday Watson Carpenter George Secy Reedy Freeman George Reedy George Reedy Secretary J Edgar McGeo Henry Fowler Hoover Bundy Hayes Redmond Judge Robert
  • :55 t t 4:05 4:08 4:22 4:27 f f t f f t f f t t (include visited by)* Expenditure Secy Rusk Dave Bell In movie theater to see USIA film "Mr. President" Return to office Director David Bell J. Edgar Hoover Liz Carpenter Martin Anderson
  • L . Wilso n Chief Washington Bureau Cowles Pub Charles Baile y White House correspondent Cowles Pub Busby Cater J Edgar Hoover Moyers Reedy Valenti May White Admiral J House 20 1965 Thursday Raborn Valenti Arrived i n the offic e w
  • with Dr. Milto n Eisenhowe r Bromley Smit h Harry McPherson Jack Valent i Jake Jacobse n George Reed y McGeorge Bundy J Edgar Hoover Bill Moyers Bill Moyers Geo Reedy Secy Rusk Bill Moyers Bill Moyers Marvin Marvin Bill Jack Watson Watson
  • . Higgins, Chr. , Norton Company. Worcester, Mass David G. Hill, Pres. , PittsburghPlate Glass Co. , Pittsburgh Merritt D. Hill, Pres. , J. I Case Co. , Racine, Wisc Edward B. Hinman, Pres., Intl Paper Co., NYC Herbert W. Hoover, Jr. , Pres & Chr
  • ) Autographed copy of "A Time for Action," "To His Excellency Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, K. T. , C. H. , Q. C. , Prime Minister of Australia with sincere affection and admiration, LBJ" Walter Jenkins (pl) J Edgar Hoover Senator John Stennis Walter Jenkins
  • Rusk, Secy of State Mr. Charles Engelhard. Boca Grande, Florida Hon. J. Edgar Hoover, Director FBI Mr. Marshall McNeill T*r< Mr. Arthur Krim, NYC "Tell the chief to come up." Cong. Abraham "Chick" Kazen -- at Bethesda, Md. residence ExpendiCode r
  • f the Interio r an d Mrs. Udal l Hon Robert C . Weave r Hon an d Mrs. Jame s Web b Sec y of Labor an d Mrs. Willar d Wirt z June 9 1965 White To the office Ed Clark Mrs Johnson Mansion J Edgar Dinner Retired Hoover w/ Mrs J House Wednesday
  • b.1 Secy Vance b.1 Secy Bill Bill Bill y Wednesday re bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong oil depots McNamara Moyers Moyers Moyers (pl) Senator Richard Russell (returning the President's call) MW (pl) J. Edgar Hoover Walt Rostow Bill (pl) Moyers
  • revie w o f the situatio n roo m a t th e Whit e House. Receive d a n intelligence briefin g fro m Directo r o f CI A Joh n McCon e an d then walked to his EO B office. 10:01 f 10:14 f 10:17 t J. Edgar Hoover - w/a report on investigation in Dallas
  • Bundy J Edgar Hoover Director To the Mr office w/ of f FBI Arthur Goldschmidt Sen of Thomas Dodd Texas Lee White Hon Najeeb Halaby Lee White Administrator of FAA OFF To mansion w / Marvi n Watso n to address District Directors o f
  • . Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Under Secy of State Nicholas Katzenbach. FBI Director J Edgar Hoover, and Exec Director of the President's Commission on Crime. James Vorenberg To second floor of mansion w/ Mr. and Mrs. John Hill — Ambassador Eugene Locke
  • Wednesday White Operator JV W asked July breakfast in bed did 22 1964 exercises met Jenkins W Jenkins Mayor Robert Senator J for House Edgar Wagner Hoover of NYC fr of yesterday fr mansion mans W Jenkins To office G Reedy J
  • Barefoot Sanders Cong Robert Ashmore Fred M. Vinson Cong Basil Whitener Herbert Hoffman Cong Robert W. Kasten &gh&r Nathaniel Kossack Cong Jacob Gilbert Richard L. Braun Cong James C. CormanJohn W. Kern Cone William Hungate J Edgar Hoover Cone Geo Grider
  • Wed White Bill House 8-5-64 Moyers Henry W Jenkins Larry O'Brien J Edgar Hoover W Jenkins Ford La II Jolla out at OFF RECORD California To Mansion to meet w/ Plans for Progress group made Remarks East Room Attending were 148 persons Top
  • Chapin Hon J Edgar Hoover Secy and Mrs. Fowler Bruce Cheever Maurice Hopkins Secy Orville Freeman Keith Clark Lawrence Houston Robert Fuchs Clark Clifford Thomas L Hughes Secy and Mrs. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. David P Close Mrs. Harold Ickes John Garlan
  • , Jr. , Director, CIA Hon and Mrs. Joseph A Califano Hon and Mrs. S. Douglass Cater Hon and Mrs. Donald . Hornig Hon and Mrs. William J.Crockett, Deputy Under Secy of State Hon J. %V Edgar Hoover, Dir. , FBI Hon and Mrs. Mike Manatos, Adm Asst
  • Cabo t Lodg e an d Jac k Valent i OF Secy McNamara Bill Moyers Jack 5 F TH E RECORD Valenti McGeo Lee Bundy White J Edgar Jack out Hoover Valenti Departed th e offic e an d went t o Sout h Ground s t o Receptio n fo r Congressiona l
  • Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI Mrs. Jane lckes, Olney, Md dH Dr. Walter Jaeger, Georgetown Law School, Washington, DC Stanford Jaffe, Justice Dept Dan Johnston, Des Moines, Iowa Hon Nicholas Katzenbach, the Attorney General Marion Katzive, Vera Foundation
  • asked for the appt to thank the President personally for his nomination. BM To mansion w/ BM J. Edgar Hoover for lunch Date June White House Dav Leonard Marks, Director, 27, 1966 MONDAY USIA To Oval Office Jack Gould, Broadcasting Editor
  • to the Mansion. 6:13 p t J. 7:25p President 7:26p President ' Nixon Edgar Hoover left Oval Office an d accompanied President-elect Nixon to South Grounds wJaea^exkiSLxiepaa^eidx: proceeded to Mansion --and to the second floor w/ President-elect President
  • point program -- that many of those things have now been accomplished. Someo f the points were the Chamizal Treaty problem, the Amistad Dam, Fulbrigh t Scholars , the Scr J. Edgar Hoover - Washington, D. C . J V had given the President reports on how
  • was going to see Helms. 2)Helms spent 20 min. w/Sen. Dirksen this p. m. and had a discussion in detail. . that Dirksen says there is one other man he wants to talk to first -- that is J. Edgar Hoover. 'HITE Housi Date February ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON t
  • Carrington Miss Taylor (daughter) and two friends Capt. John Proctor General Harkins Lt. Gen. A. J. Goodpaster Capt. G. C. Bullard Col. E. H. DeSaussure Col. H. L. Hogan, III Page 4 Thursday July 2. 1964 Mrs. Johnson (to the Pres. in his bedroom J. Edgar
  • . BRAMAN, J. D. , Mayor of Seattle. Washington BRICKLEY, James. President Pro Tempore of Michigan Senat e CARTWRIGHT, E. O. , chairman. Dallas Public Transit Board mTE House n^tr Sept. EMI LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY r^iH^nt h^,n h;^ w^y *t rP!.r^) White
  • for Bravery and Service. are: Capilla, Kail ua, Oshu, Hawaii G. Glynn III, Westbury, Long Island, New York Mary Lynne Donohue, Sheboyg an, Wisconsin attending; Director J Edgar Hoover Solicitor General Erwin Griswold 1968 VHITE HOUS E dat DENT LYNDO N B
  • , Louisville, Ky Mr. Leslie Bland, Chicago Hon Margaret Cox, NYC Hon. Dennis R ^xdk Coleman, State Senator, Bronx, NY Mrs. Shirley A. Chisholm, State Representative, Brooklyn Hon. Bernar d Charles, City Councilman, Spring Valley, NY Hon. Felton J Capel, City
  • , Hon. Ramsey Clark 6:19a t James 5: 21a t Hon. \' Rowle y , Director, U. S. Secret Service Ramsey Clark, the Attorney General 5:34a t FBI Director, J Edgar Hoover (b. 1 -6-4) telling him he had asked Rowley to assign agents to Presidential
  • , offering limited technical and financial aid to areas facing school desegregation. Reedy reports that J. Edgar Hoover is opposed to legislation in the bombing field, but will not publicly oppose the bill. 1/22 LBJ attends executive session of the Armed
  • Kittrell, Kilgores, Jenkins and Carpenters. 6/11 LBJ attends anti-discrimination subcommittee of PCEEO. Attends 4:30 p.m. WH full cabinet meeting. He talks with J. Edgar Hoover and with Walter Winchell that evening. 1962 Chronology ● p. 15 of 35 07/2024
  • shake hands with J. Edgar Hoover. 6/11 Truman vetoes Case Bill, calling it far too restrictive on unions. House attempts to override veto but falls short of two-thirds needed. LBJ votes yea. House passes terminal leave bill for enlisted men, 380-0
  • address to answer the charges. He maintains that he made the appointment with the approval of J. Edgar Hoover because failing to do so would have tipped off many other people then under surveillance by the FBI. Truman also charges that the Eisenhower
  • by LBJ Library archival staff from oral history transcripts and other sources as a service to our researchers. Not intended to be complete or definitive. LBJ and CTJ attend a dinner as guests of Tom Pickett in honor of Herbert Hoover
  • the charter which would meet strong communist opposition, but that we must use the United Nations to make it work. The committee is scheduled to hear President Hoover later this week. LBJ attends a luncheon for Truman given by Senators Hennings and Symington
  • in Washington for a visit. 3/29 1100 employees of the New York Stock Exchange go out on strike. 3/30 LBJ writes J. Ed Johnson concerning the reaction to his 3/25/48 radio speech: “I have been amazed by the immediate and overwhelming reaction to MY radio
  • attends meetings of the Appropriations Committee and State-Justice-Judiciary subcommittee today. Among his phone calls are ones to Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield and J. Edgar Hoover. 5/14 State-Justice-Judiciary Subcommittee marks up
  • Connally then fly to New York where LBJ attends a reception given by Mayor Wagner for him at Gracie Mansion and speaks at an appreciation dinner for Congressman John J. Rooney in Brooklyn. During an interview at Gracie Mansion, LBJ says he will give
  • with his district men at the Ranch: Chilton O’Brien; Bob Clark; Cliff Carter; Sam Low; Dub Singleton; Warren Woodward; Tommy James; Paul Bolton; Mac DeGuerin; John Connally; Raymond Buck; Elmer Parish; Cecil Burney; J. C. Looney; Jay Taylor; Charles Gibson