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215 results

  • Date November 18, 1964 THE WHITE HOUS E PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY Day Wednesday The President began his day a t (Place) Entry No. C C C C Telephone f or t Time Out In Lo f The Operator, asking her to have the chief come
  • fHiif Houst CMT LYNDON 6. JOHNSON Date March ._,, Camp 'resident bega n hi s day at (Place) ^ Tune Telephone 11 In Out Lo Activity LD 21, 1967 David, Aspen > r &Lodge P.Day_ Mondav Monday_ (include visited by) .(Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Riordan
  • WHITE HOUS E Dat e Frida 'DIARY Th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da e Whit e Hous e 2 IDENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N Time Telephon In Ou 11 tL 8:l6a t e cloudy oL 8;36a t 9:03a t . Rober t S . McNamara , Sec y o f Defense r Joh n
  • ^^ "^ VHITE HOUSE Date March DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY President began his day at (Place)_ the Tirr,*. Telephone 11 .In Out Lo Secy 8:37a t Mr ~t 9:50a t ay Abe Fortas pl ~Walt Rostow Secy [ of Defense Clark Clifford 10:11a t
  • VHITE HOUSE Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November DIARY th President began his day at (Place) Day Time Telephone •1 : 1 In Out Lo 8:50a t 9:14a t 10:21c t 10:26c t e White House Monday fort Activity LD (include visited by) Rostow - pl
  • MEETING OFF mf asked Joe Hardesty Doug for gist George _ Jim Hardesty Ernest notes t o Bo DT Jim Jones On 1968 the White House Tuesday President began his day at (Place) Day T- Telephone .^ 25, the Cabinet Room RECORD Peter Benchley Charles Murphy
  • •^^ '^^ /HITE HOUSE Date >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY 'resident began his day at (Place) THE Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo 12:50a t 1:00a Stopped 1:00a 2:00a WHITE ^1 6, 1968 HOUSE Day fort Activity LD 12:15a Larr 12:40a t JUNE THURSDAY
  • October M«i Hou« Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DDIAR* the White House Thursday President began his day at (Place) Da T;m Telephone 11 In Out Lo y f o r t ExpendiActivity LD C^ 1:05a The Dale Senator 10:12a t Dr. 11:00a f Charles 11:02a t
  • WHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e DIARY President bega n hi s day at (Place ) Time Telephon 11 In Ou ' 8:15 a t tL 9:39 a£ . 10:30a 1 11:08a t e Whit e Hous e _ e Activit iort oL e Ab e Fortas Dal Willia Mik Secy Da y
  • /HITE HOUSE Date >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November DIARY The LBJ 'resident began his day at (Place) me : Time In Out Telephone 11 Lo 6:31a t 7:59a ~ RANCH KAN Uti Day f or t Activity LD The ~t .L.J3J Dale 27, 1968 Wednesday (include
  • WH,TE HOUSE November 18, 1968 IDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON ' DIARY President began his day at (Place) T;™ Telephone f TimC In Out Lo the or t E*pe LD awake 8:25a President 9:02a _ 9:34a f ~ 9:35a Dr. 10:21a President Monday Activity
  • VHITE HOUSE Dat V7 ^ e June ^ 26, 1968 : >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON J -, . . the White House ^ resident began his day at (Place)____ Day r r\rn^ Time 11 Telephone f In Out Lo or t ExpendiActivity Code LD 7:21a t Donald 7:22a t 7:55a
  • *c/HITE^^HOUS ^^ E date May ^P >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DIARY , ., , the D1 , •resident began his day at (Place) D Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo 9:35a t White house ~ ay i or t Activity Sunday (include visited by) LD Th 26, e Situation
  • cW ^^House Date November 5, 1968 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON CHARY 'resident began hi s day a t (Place) LBJ ^ anch> Texa s Day TUESDAY Da TT Telephone »™1; . In Ou t Lo ^ fSn Expendi Activit Cod LD 8:23am President 8:24a ____ I 8:39a
  • VICE PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The Vice President began his day at (place) Entry Time No. 1 2 3 4 5 Telephone f or t Lo 6 8:45a 9:50a 10:00a 10:20a 10:30a 10:45a 7 8 9 10 11:17a 11:50a 12:00n 12:05p 11 12 13 14 12:25p 12:30p
  • first vestiges of the new day can be seen. Date March 19, 1967 PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The President began his day at (Place) Aboard T-_ Telephone fort Entrv Tune \o' 1 1 1^ Ou AFOne 26000--en route Hickam AFB Expend,- Activity LD
  • :Mitf HOUSE DCNT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY President began his day at (Place) -r:.~ Time Th July e 24, 1967 Whit e Hous e Telephone f £ t . Lo LD Out In Date . Day_ Monday r. Expenditure ^^ Activity (include visited by) 5L3&Q3L a^gakJaadx
  • 'HITI HOUSE Date ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON August MARY White House ay_ I—TV,. ., . began his- ,„. TheD resident day at (Place) Time Telephone I1 In Out Lo 8:15a t t or t ...... Activity LD Cong. 8:55a 9:54a Cong. 8:30a' T" George Mahon
  • /HUE HOUS E Dat e November 16 , 1968 >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON , y th e Whit e Hous e „ 'resident began his day at (Place) Time 1 In Out Day Telephone 1 Lo LD 8:00a Presiden Saturda y Activity (include visited by) t awak e 8:10a Presiden
  • WTE HOUSE Date ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON >IARY Octobe the /T>1 . Day resident began his day at (Place) Timp Time Telephon f . _—_ . In Out L e or t ExpendiActivity o LD 7:30a Breakfast 0 1968 Tuesday £ (includ e visited by ) ture Code - w/ Mrs
  • ^^^ ^^^^ WHITE HOUSE Date DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON November The White House ^ President began his day at (Place ) Day Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo f or t Activity President asked for the chief in the doctor's office 8: 10a Justice 8:31a f
  • ^^ /HITE HOUSE n "^ )ENT LYNDON B . JOHNSON DIARY Resident began his day at (Place) Time Telephone In Out Lo The White House p f or t kxp 1 Activity G< LD 6:44a t The 7:31a t Judge ate ay BBibo6g:xi3 Sunday (include visited by) tu
  • /VHITE HOUS E Dat DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N e Novembe DIARY th President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) Da Timp Telephon 11 In Ou tL r 19 , 196 8 • e Whit e Hous e Tuesda e fort . Activit oL D God y « Expend! y (includ e visite d by ) tur 7
  • • .w - O- M ^ ^ M ^ Octobe THE WHIT E HOUS E Dat PRESIDENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N DAILY DIAR Y The Presiden t bega n hi s da y a t (Place) Tim P Telephon 1 In Ou tL Entryy f .^ 1 e Whlte H °USe _ Da e o r t Expendi Activit oL D t awak e 8
  • VH.TE House ^^wl^OX January 8, 1968 Datp DENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON *A" LBJ RANCH, Texas President began hi s day at (Place) Da Time Telephone .: j In Out f or t . Activity Lo : LD MONDAY n y . Extremely (mciud e visited by) bad
  • VICE PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY Day Friday. The Vice President began his day at (place) Texas Hotel, Fort Worth Date November 22, 1963 Telephone Entry No. 1 Time or t f Activity Code Lo L D 1 8:20 To 2 8:45 To 3 9:00
  • Today toiTE HOUSE IENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON WARY 'resident began his rec'd memo from Secretary of Interior re grants from Land and Watch Conservation The White House day at (Place) totaling $490,000 being awarded 1 ~7" • I Time Telephon : 1 —1
  • ) Bill Moyers (pl) Secretary McNamara %ixx3Sx (b. 1) Mrs. Johnson to President's office (President still on telephone) Datr Sept 30, 1966 White House Friday Acttvhy (inc!ude visited by) Walt Rostow (pl) OFF RECORD: Mrs. Jacqueline Cochran Bill Moyers
  • HITE Hous f Dat •NT LYNDO N 8. JOHNSO N e* *A«Y ** resident bega n hi s da y at (PUre ) Aboar Time Telephon In Ou , Activit tL AF On e Tfag^Hfal^^fBfTg'g e f or t ..... oL ^ Da . D 12:01a (CDT ) -Th 12:02a A i Ac y v _ d June 17
  • WITHDRAW AL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL FORM OF DOCUMENT Memo Memo Memo LIBRARIES) DATE CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE Telephone Jenkins Conversation Telephone Jenkins Conversation Telephone Jenkins Conversation 4/ 21/86 between Joe Skiles and Walter
  • Folder, "Notes and Transcripts of Johnson Conversations, February, 1960," Telephone Transcripts, Office Files of Walter Jenkins, Box 1
  • Telephone Logs, Shorthand Notes, and Summaries of Telephone Conversations
  • calls & security checked Date November 11, 1966 L B J Ranch Dav Friday Activity (inctude visited by) E The President awakened (as he told Sen. Mansfield in telephone conversation later in the morning. ) Ambassador Arthur Goldberg, New York
  • memo re dated today to DT ^ ^ . President Eisenhower McGeo. Bundy (pl) (b2) Palm Desert, Calif THE WmiE House n*tf January 21, 1966 PREStMNT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAHY MAHY The President began his day at (Place) ^n^ Time Telephone Entry f
  • Telephone 11 In Out Lo f or t Activity LD (include visited by) S President sa t in stern with most of guests, except a few who now and then went exploring, and lead conversation. Then went top side, which was chilly, but guests followed him and seemed
  • HITE HOUS e Dat ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N NARY e Jun resident bega n hi s da y at (Place) Time Telephon 1. In Ou tL 1:32am \ Whit t Nationa 3:15am t Whit 3:30am _ m_ e White House ' Washington , D . C . Da e t or t ..... Activit oL D 1
  • :30p President 2:50p ~ 1968 The White House Thursday 'resident began his day at (Place) Day Time Telephone 11 In Out Lo 31, at 1:35p Conversation on political situation and the media's handling of the candidates. Orville Freeman (President
  • Time Telephone f ort ... . ActfvMy in Ou! Lo 1:50p Cong. 2:QQp To 2:1 Op Gt 23, 1967 Saturday (mctude vmted by) LD George H. Mahon (Tex. ) joined. office to read tickers. Secy McNamara and Cong Mahon remained in Rose Garden. Pat returned to Rose
  • office and to Cabinet Room for the scheduled telephone speech to Regional DemocrAtic Conference in CHarleston, West Virginia.This was by "open circuit" between Washington and Charleston to allow a 2-way "conversation" to be heard by all the audience
  • fHIT§ HOUSC D ate April f NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON 13, WA V * TU 'resident began his day at (Place) "Beaulieu". Punta del Este, Uruguay Time Telephone .. In Out Lo I or t ..... Activity LD Thursday Day . (include visited by) " EVENTS
  • ^Ml -#ty^C*L^-r* ^t!#*t^*^^t**^ During this time, the President stepped into J^HWHaaHMtMHt^^^lhE^to greet bri Mrs. Simon McHugh and Mis s Barbara Mintz Date 29 November 1967 I B. JOHNSON * ' gan his day at (Place) Da r,- Telephone Out Lo