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  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)
  • Time Period > Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963) (remove)
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96 results

  • . Braniff vs. Eastern Airlines. Spring LBJ has no opposition for re-election in primary. June CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Rebekah Baines Johnson travel from Washington to Texas, visit Monticello and the Hermitage en route. LBJ works for farm parity. June
  • in Ohio due to health. Also talked to W. Jenkins re: Ohio-Beaumont trip. Greeted Texas Home Demonstrators group - 40 ladies from all parts of Texas invited by Mrs. Johnson to LBJ Ranch for luncheon. On school bus tour of LBJ Ranch w/ Mrs. Johnson and group
  • (Lyndon Johnson) (recuperating in hospital; visitors include Governor James Allred, and C.N. Avery. 4/24 LBJ released from hospital; went to parents’ home in Johnson City. LBJ and CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) have dinner with Allreds at Governor’s Mansion. 4
  • CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) in Washington LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) scheduled to speak at Hyde Park Baptist Church (Austin). LBJ visits wounded servicemen McCleskey Hospital in Temple. 1/3 LBJ speaks at the Capitol, sponsored by the Austin American Legion. 1
  • with his brother re CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) sketch and problem. May 5/1 New York World’s Fair opens; LBJ and CTJ decide to go at last minute. 5/10 Maury Maverick elected mayor of San Antonio. 5/19 House passes $773 million Naval Appropriations Bill
  • . 2/3 Congressional Club tea; CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) taking Mrs. Barkley. 2/4 Radio correspondents stag dinner honoring Truman. 2/6 Barkley reception, Shoreham Hotel. 2/9 Luncheon meeting of the 81st Club is held at the Congressional Hotel
  • 1944 – January 1945 Both CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Lynda Bird are sick at Christmas. January Early January 1/3 Controversy over Coke Stevenson’s appointments to the Board of Regents. Coke is nominating Texas Regulars. LBJ (Lyndon Johnson
  • ) plans to appeal personally to FDR. 1/11 Congressional reception; Dorothy Jackson Nichols recalls attending with CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), LBJ, and LBJ’s sister, Rebekah. February 2/5 LBJ meets with director of budget, Harold D. Smith. c.2/7 LBJ
  • archival staff from oral history transcripts and other sources as a service to our researchers. Not intended to be complete or definitive. CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) attends a luncheon given by Mrs. Fritz Lanham in honor of Miss Lou Rayburn
  • training, health insurance, and aid for Europe and Asia. 1/10 Truman submits federal budget to Congress. He proposes that an estimated surplus of $202 million be used for reduction of the national debt rather than tax cuts. 1/15 CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson
  • to find out what is causing the infection to continue. Lady Bird is in bed today with a cold and Lynda is just recovering from high fever and a cold. In fact, everybody in my house and in my office has been sick.” Case Bill, designed to redress the “Pro
  • , Texas to Norris City, Illinois. 1/26 Rayburn appoints LBJ member of the Board of Visitors of the Naval Academy. CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) announces purchase of KTBC. Station operates only during the day and shares time with UT, has no network affiliation
  • Democrats, and 1 Independent (Senator Wayne Morse). LBJ and CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) are guests of Sarah McClendon at the Women’s Press Club dinner that night. 1/6 LBJ and CTJ attend a cocktail party given by the Dale Millers in honor of Speaker Rayburn
  • CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) leaves Marshall for Washington, D.C. with Ray Roberts. 1/2 LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) hospitalized in Washington, D.C. with severe bronchitis; friends said he was worn out and needed a rest; by 1/15 he is still being ordered to rest
  • /1 LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) flies to Dallas with CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), WJ (Walter Jenkins), MMW (Mary Margaret Wiley), and Moursunds; they meet the Gene Chambers, Mrs. West, and Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGaha, attend Cotton Bowl game, return later to Ranch
  • /1 New Year’s Day at the Ranch. In Washington by 1/4. (1/2 & 1/3 missing) 1/4 LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) flies to NYC. CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and girls already there). Returns 1/6 to Washington on JFK’s plane. 1/11 LBJ flies to Fort Worth
  • of women in the Regular Navy and Marine Corps, and Naval and Marine Corps Reserves, which passed the Senate on 7/23/47. 1/27 CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and LBJ attend the Army-Navy-Air Force Reception at the White House, 9 p.m. 1/28 Stag Reserve Officers
  • Angeles. CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) notes that she went to the West Coast with LBJ, trying to be his secretary. LBJ was working on James Forrestal’s program, inspecting Navy yards and training programs. January 1/3 LBJ visits Lockheed Aircraft plant. 1/4
  • in the Democratic Conference yesterday. That afternoon LBJ, CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), Yarborough and Bobby Baker fly to Aiken, South Carolina to attend the funeral of Mrs. Strom Thurmond. They return to Washington after the funeral and LBJ goes directly to a stag
  • for them. 2/6 CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) attends a luncheon hosted by Mrs. Tom Connally and Mrs. George Mahon in the Senate wing of the Capitol honoring Billie Bob Murphy, and that afternoon attends the 2:30 funeral of Harold Ickes, who died 2/3
  • /5 LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) and CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) are already in Washington at the beginning of the year. LBJ and other Democratic and Republican legislative leaders meet with Eisenhower at the White House to discuss Eisenhower’s State of the Union
  • in Washington. [On 12/31/48 there was a meeting of Democratic senators in Washington] January 1/3 Congress convenes. LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) is sworn in as Texas’ junior senator, with CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Lynda seated in the galleries. A petition protesting
  • CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) is invited to a dinner for ladies only given by Mrs. Bob Kerr. 1/10 LBJ announces new committee assignments for Democratic senators. Former Vice President Alben Barkley is assigned to the Foreign Relations and Finance
  • against the bill. LBJ, CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), the Thornberrys and Mary Rather fly to Florida to vacation until 1/28. They attend a dinner in honor of Senator George Smathers on 1/19 in Miami Springs. 1/20 After George Brown informs Charles Francis
  • something for them. If he is not there then maybe Lady Bird could have them to lunch or show them some 'attention. I think if they could Just pat him on the back and be nl~eto them it might pay off. • January21, 1960 TELEPHONE CONVBRSATICN BETWEEN WARREN
  • that evening. 1/3 Apparently spends day at the Ranch. 1/4 Attends Senator Kerr’s funeral, returns to Johnson City, has dinner at the Moursunds, calls Dr. Lawrence Lamb in San Antonio at 10 p.m. 1/5 LBJ, CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), Luci and staff return
  • :.__.filxU-0896 Res: ,6'6J-l,' Meac:f9w. Rif,· IJ~ilas : ARIA _ .. EM 1-0156 - ·.-· -- · ... ··- -- - -- ---.___...... _ __ __ 1; - .. RI 8-4736 "Capt ~ Horace Y~ · (Dick) ': · ~Q~~I::-_! l_i6- .. . - BIRD
  • government. 1/2 LBJ meets CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson), Lynda and Luci at the airport upon their arrival in Washington. 1/3 LBJ meets with Senator Green; they apparently discuss the possibility of Green giving up the chairmanship of the Foreign Relations
  • to be complete or definitive. Former UN delegates Senators Sparkman, H. Alexander Smith and Cooper voice approval in separate interviews of LBJ’s plan for UN program of manning space for peace. 1/16 LBJ, CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) and Senator
  • to remain as vice chairman and former Senator Earle Clements to serve as executive director. 1/24-1/25 Dulles continues his testimony on Mideast Resolution. 1/25 CTJ (Lady Bird Johnson) meets with Walter Jenkins, Cliff Carter and Altavene Spann
  • VPres. and Judge Moursund depart LBJ Ranch for cattle auction near Johnson City. 4 4:30 PM VPres, and Judge Moursund arrive at Heywood Ranch and joined by Mrs. Johnson, Lynda Bird, Liz Carpenter, Yolanda Boozer, George Reedy, Chief Rowley, Stu Knight
  • , Puerto Pirn Date. Wednesda y July 2 5 , 196 2 Activity (includ e visited by)* LD Breakfast i n Suite 104 1 - Mrs. J , Lynd a Bird , CK , MF To Governor' s Beac h - El Dorado - Mrs. J . , Lynd a Bird , CK , Li z Carpenter , Horace Busby , Col
  • Bank, Johnson City 10:00a 10:15a 10:30a 10:45a 11:00a 11:15a 11:30a 11:45a 12:00n 12:15p 12:30p 12:45p 1:00p 1:15p 1:30p 1:45p 2:00p 2:15p 2:30p 2:45p / f Mary Johnson Wash., D.C. Worked in office Lunch: Frank Muto, Mr. Valeo, Dorothy, Bird and Sen
  • April 15, 1961 Expenditure Code To Norfolk, Va -- see travel activity civic luncheon for LBJ Coronation ceremonies at Azalea Gardens; LBJ crowned Lynda Bird Azalea Queen Azalea Dinner To Washington, DC (Anacostia) see travel activity * Selected names
  • April 26, 1961 visited by)* LD Expenditure Code Dick Berlin and Ed Weisl in hotel suite (among other things discussed Gen. MacArthur haircut in Waldorf barbershop (see letter fr. Mr. Berlin dtd Apr. 27, 1961) hamburgers in suite with Reedy, Dick Bird
  • . Met Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kellam there. Lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Kellam, Mrs. Johnson, MMV, MF, Lynda Bird, Doctors Hurst and Lamb. Nap To Haywood with MMV, Lynda Bird, Dr. Lamb, MF, Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Kellam Arrive Haywood Boating Boat
  • :40a 2 12:00n 3 4 5 6 7 8 1:00p 1:30p 1:45p 2:45p 3:15p 3:30p 9 7:10p 7:30p 8:00p 10 11 San Leave Naval Air Station, San Juan via helicopter - Mrs. J. , CK, Lynda Bird, Sen. Neuberger, Bill Moyer, Horace Busby, George Reedy, MF , Rufus Youngblood
  • party plus Mrs. Kellam and Mrs. Deathe, arriving at 1:55 Memorial Stadium - Texas-TCU football game -- Lynda Bird joins for watching game To Ragsdale w/ all of above, except Lynda Bird, arriving at 4:20 pm To LBJ Ranch, arriving at 5:10, immediately
  • . and Mrs. Thornberry; Lynda Bird; SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Expenditure Code
  • Airport -- see travel activity Texas State Society brunch honoring Lynda Bird; Statler Hotel massage at home with Olaf Dinner a t home: Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark; Cong and Mrs. Thornberry; Walter and Marjorie, MMW, Bob Waldron * Selected names