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  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Contributor > President Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Daily Diary (remove)

243 results

  • No. Telephone f or t Time In Out Lo LD Activity (include visited by) President and Lady Bird, " and Welcome, Mr. President. " Large crowds surged alon g the cars, and followe d the motorcade to the Capitol. A large banner across wide Congress Avenue said
  • / Lady Harlech, Mrs. Johnson, and Dores e Bell. Mary Virginia Busb y reporte d tha t the President didn't seem to do much dancing . Much o f th e time was spen t in huddles w/ the Prime Minister an d various third parties. . . .like David Dubinsky
  • offic e - the Presiden t walke d beside th e lady , holdin g her ar m an d speaking quietl y to her a s sh e wa s having troubl e maintainin g control . Othe r member s o f the family followe d he r int o th e President' s offic e --a s di d Mrs. Johnso
  • . --columnist; Mrs. --Press Secy to the First Lady Mr. & Mrs. Richar d L. Coe, Mr. --Washington Post; Mrs . --Christine Sadler. McCall' Mr. & Mrs. Rene D'Harnon court, Dir. , The Museum of ModernArt, NYC Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Diebenkorn, Jr. , Painter, Santa
  • to Washington) To mansio n fo r LUNCH - alone Mike Manatos BM The Presiden t today sent flowers to Percy Brigham in the Nursing Home in Blanco, with the card reading, "It was goo d to see you again, LyK^Bm^amrk Lady Bird an d Lyndon B. Johnson." Joe Califano
  • Clark - Ambassador to Australia Mr. and Mrs. C . Wyatt Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Max Freedman Hon. and Mrs. Lloy d N. Hand Miss L ynda Bird Johnso n and her escort (Mr. John Betar ) Mrs. Nicholas Lonewort h Senator and Mrs. Warren G G.. Magnuson Hon
  • asked hi m an d Gov. Connall y to sig n the gues t book. Ladie s al l i n sittin g roo m chatting . 10:35a Entir ' Ambassadors __ I 10:40a ~ U.S Openin 10:42a j e grou p departe d Amb . Clark' s suite , goin g upstair s t o th e lobb y portion o f
  • of Pres Vashti aroused by call to WJ's ofc Bill Moyers 2 children Smith marble Falls Tex To Mansio n -- "Goodby e ladie s an d gentleme n " (to v m and mjdr ) - - the n half-way - out doorsays - - "Uh , oh, I've forgotte n something." "Mis s Vicky
  • in auditorium ended approximately on leaving US Pavilion the President stopped briefly in Lobby and said Now Lady Bird you can hold your own press conference if you want to and Mrs Johnson replied No No not this time Departed US Pavilion and stopped briefly
  • group PMG O'Brien (took call in Califano's ofc) 1, 1966 Date-august 1, 1966 ! '- White House Day MONDAY Activity (inctude visited by) To Oval Office w/ Clark Clifford Mrs. Johnson Lynda Bird - in for just a minute H Lt. General Victor Krulak
  • iI | G. ^r~ Christian (pl) I ^ Christian (pl) Flowers sent today to Senator Karl E.Mundt in Bethesda -- "Karl, I do hope your_ is only very temporary and nothing very bothersome. Lady Bird and are thinking of you. Lyndon B Johnson
  • to th e West Wing Sec y th e da y before . po b sai d seven an d h e sai d that' s ho w many I nee d bring the m ove r righ t away . b t o secon d floor wit h bracelet s - Presiden t aske d he r t o si t dow n an d join th e ladies. --he wa s tellin g
  • calls checked Date Octob Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippine Islands Dav Activity (inchide visited by) Bill Moyers Lynda Bird Johnson - Wash, D. C. Dale Malechek - LBJ Ranch, Texas Walt Rostow Bill Moyers Bill Moyers Harry McPherson er 26, 1966
  • the helicopter pad, EXPO'67= = after having flown over the St. Lawrence River, lined with its large ships and having a "bird's eye view" of the Fair with | its ( sprawling expanse of _^BB*i eclectic architecture. _ At the helicopter pad, the President quickly
  • kept on going - it was one of the most receptive and appreciativ e audiences President was stopped by a lady (who was being held and secret service men and a cordon they had set up) yelled Mr. said in President Please sign my card for me back
  • ; ._ Today is General Wheeler's birthday, and the President presented him with . |_ an autographed copy of "The Living White House," -- "To General and Mrs. i Wheeler with our appreciation. Lady Bird and Lyndon B. Johnson, Jan 13, 1966." j also — a set
  • Kennedy Ralph Dungan Cong. & Mrs. Jack Brooks, JV, Bill Moyers, Judge Moursund W Jenkins Marshall McNeil Lynda Bird and Warrie Smith Departed w/ Cong. & Mrs. Brooks, Judge Moursund, Lynda Bird, & Warrie Smith at mansion Cong Jake Pickle Dinner: Judge
  • Burns Honolulu Hawaii Goes int o living rm of suite - joined by Lynda Bird, George Reedy, and Bill Moyers. Has cup of tea. Honolulu Hawaii Leaves presidential suite w/ Bill Moyers, Lynda Bird, Lem Johns, and is met at elevators by Mr. Robt
  • , and fruit compote for dessert) The President left the luncheon table w/ Judge Heath and continued discussions Departed the LBJ Ranch w/ Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.Jim Bishop, Lynda Bird and George Hamilton Stopped at the Moursund Ranch and picked up Judge
  • Wasserman 1:59P t 2:00p f 2:06p The Ramsey Clark, the Attorney General The Situation Room - Washington, DC mf President to the pool -- other guests already there-accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krim already there: Lynda Bird - who just arrived
  • Tyler Abell Lyndon Abell Also pics of Dr Dobie Pres Truman Pres Johnson Press Conference on Oval Rm Lynda Bird and Warrie Lynn Smith over at Pres Truman Dr Dobie Departs Oval Rm w/ Dr Dobie Pres Truman Bill Steven Hou chronicle Walker Stone Lynda Bird
  • place of J J and J J drove Mrs. Johnson's car w/ the Jim Bishops in it Returned to the Main House w/ group -- for lunch LUNCH w/ Mrs. Johnson, Lynda Bird Mr. George Hamilton Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bishop Mr. Mr. J. C. Kellam Mr. Mr. Tom Frost, Jr. Mr. Mr
  • , Jo e Laitin , Mari e Fehmer , Ginny Thrift , Pau l Glynn , Ke n Gaddis , Rufu s Youngblood. President rea d som e correspondence , ha d lunch , too k a nap . Arrived Bergstro m AFB . Me t by Lynd a Bird . Departed Bergstrom . President , Lynd a Bird
  • Mrs. Jack Valenti J. C. Kellam - Austin Dr. James Gain , physical exam Dale Malechek - LBJ Ranch DINNER w/ Mrs. Johnson ^ Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Nugent , Pat Nugent ———— Luci _.—_ Mr. and Mrs. James Ray Dr. James Cain —— — —— Lynda Bird - Austin
  • The White House George Christian -pl Jorge Bird of Puerto Rico, new President of Lions Club International **t courtesy call. Mr Bird presented the President Mr. Bird will travel to South America next spring with the Board of a large display of flags
  • Items 14 thru 22 Lynda Bird personal re dinner plans Departs Oval Rm tells yb to pick up signed mail on his signing table go home immediately turn lights out Mrs Johnson fr mansion Dinner w/ Warrie Lynn and long distance Lynda Bird Estelle Harbin
  • conference Goran Ackley Meeting adjourns At 3:30 p President to office w/ PS, BM Lynda Bird & Warrie Lynn to office - Lynda into Oval Room Lynda Bird accompanies departure of President to East Room Press Conference begins End of Press Conference - returns
  • calls checked usher's checked White House September 30, 1966 Friday Lynda Bird - New York City To Oval Office Bill Moyers (pl) MW (pl) Ambassador Arthur Goldberg re Max Kampelman Cong. Samuel Stratton OFF for private SIGNING CEREMONY H. R
  • . Marvin Watson in Mrs. Johnson Bill Moyers (pl) Hon. James Reynolds. Asst Secy of Labor Bob Fleming To MJDR's room - where he sees Mrs. Johnson - she's trying to reach Lynda Bird on the telephone to wish her a happy birthday. Pres. and Mrs. Johnson depart
  • Whittington Walter Jenkins Mrs Lasker Kermit Gordon Cong Albert Thomas Secy Rusk Sen. Mansfield Lynda Bird Johnson t t t t f t t t t f To Stanton, Bob Kintner & Pierre Salinger & JV //10:15 t Houston Harte 12:00 Mansion for dinner w/ JV, M. Stegall
  • --and their two daughters Mrs. Lela Martin Cousin Oreole Bailey __^ Mrs. Jessie Hatcher Luci and Pat Nugent Lynda Bird Rodney White Mrs. Mamie Allison mf Finished dinner Colonel Cross __—_-—_. 24, 1966 To living room to watch movies "The visit to Korea
  • at M.P.A. ofc JJ (pl) Jack Lunch Valenti joined for President Mrs. Johnson Lynda Bird Mr. Valenti Harry McPherson M Watson (pl) Jake VM Jacobsen (pl) lunch Saturday 28, 1966 5 / 28 / 66 Bob Kintner (pl) Joe Califano (pl) BM (pl) Bob Fleming
  • , Dale Malechek, Jewel Malechek, Mr. Kellam Jake Jacobsen, v"" Don Thomas , Lynda Bird, Ginny Thrift.
  • the exception of Mrs. Valenti who departed The Attorney General MW Justice Fortas and JV departed Walt Rostow April 3, 1966 Sunday To Oval Office Edwin Weisl. Sr - NYC see ltr fr Ed Weisl and Valenti memo re plane Lynda Bird -Austin sale in files dated
  • yers - "Kaxk x Camp David Lee White - Washington , D. C. Bill Mo yers - Cam p David George Reed y --Washington, D . C. Lynda Bird (somewhere in Arizona or Colorado) Secretary Dean Rusk - Washington, D. C. George Reed y - Washington, D . C. McGeorge
  • , and in particular, Dolph Briscoe, a potential candidate_. YThe Congressman leaves early Saturday for the NATOParliamentarian Conference in Brussels. Secy Robert McNamara Lynda Bird Johnson --in mansion at party where she was awaiting his arrival n*t
  • Ambassador Kohler w/ McGeo Bundy joining Larry O'Brien G. Reedy G E Reedy Secretary Wirtz Cong George Grant (returning President's call) Larry O'Brien Lynda Bird (n/r) Cong. T Ashton Thompson Larry O'Brien (n/r) To Cabinet Room to tape film on Carl call
  • and walked to Mr. Klei workshop The President driving with Mrs. Johnson departed the Main Ranch driving west in blue T-bird. President & Mrs. J sboxix driving east on Ranch Raod One President through Main Gate headed toward the Main House Arrive the main
  • - enroute to Andrews AFB - Washington, D. C. The President sat in the stateroom w/ Mrs. Johnson, MF and VM during the return flight. .to Washington. On television, the Academy Awards were being televised from Hollywood where Lynda Bird was escorted by George
  • and Mrs. Johnso n departed for church w/ " * National City, Christian Mr. & Mrs. Patric k J. Nugent /t^^^^L