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3 results

  • Lady Bird does office work; John Steinbecks and Billy Grahams are guests to Camp David; Lady Bird talks with Luci Johnson; lunch with guests; Bill Graham talks about integrated crusades; Johnsons and guests to Camp David; Johnsons and guests
  • Marny Clifford; Johnsons and guests attend church at St. Mark's; Lady Bird compares Billy Graham and Bill Baxter; Lady Bird bowls with guests; Lady Bird uses camera at Camp David; LBJ sits for Hurd portrait; LBJ and Arthur Goldberg; guests take nap
  • by train; Lady Bird visits with Luci & Lynda; Lady Bird has tea for Princess Grace, Monaco; LBJ & Billy Graham arrive; Johnsons meet Kennedy train at Union Station; cortege to Arlington Cemetery; James Earl Ray is arrested; Cardinal Cushing has attack