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  • Subject > King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 (remove)
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10 results

  • 7719765 A 2 7/16/65 A 11/:;.ct/ot J. Edgar Hoover to Lee White ~ 11/:,..ifa1 S A/1-.J oJ-.1~ ~ memo MarvinWatson to the President, 11:48 PCI 1 mt65 r, 23-9 report 1e S 5 7f7t65 A 2-4 lette, J. Eagar11uuver to MeFYin¥Jats9n s 2
  • of your spring--"rhat s07C.e of them aren It. crises, al \'le But tell De ,.]hatever you could call -k.t10\.J about s and the d2cisio'l not to run again. T: Well, I recall, Joe, that after the President made the decision that he television
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • CflM~ctioLutber~i □ g ,le I t/(lt; ,-c93-=,- Cl -.9°37' i:e ~4aRiAl::1:1tROF l~iAg,JF, ~ 59a o 5 re Mertir,l::1:1ther l~il1g,dr. \\ }--z_~/o I ,9-~ ~ 58a c-Jc-r- o/-;)"'Jr J. Edgar Hoover to Marvin Watson cJ~ t1/1c-i/o I /V LT ~"' S:Za /oI
  • 09 me'!'o. ee\1er 1,oWtor FBI memorar1du11r-tt~ 9eI1ereleitwa~ienet Restmectio,, C 2 6121168 GKy-(near duplicate of document #5a) ~ C._, 'f .c,,1. A,L:r oa-i t letter 10 PCI 2 1 ~-t ~to-11-0!,~~),!.»~ 09a 7-0, J. Edgar Hoover
  • information which would identify the individuals or the group involved. SZC!tfi'f Group 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12958, Sec. 3.6 Nl,.J OI -~35 By~ NARA,Date[fi-0) 'SECH::13'.P Honorable D. Moyers
  • the matter of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. As is now beginning to appear in the newspapers, presumably there were wiretaps or other kind of surveillance on Dr. King during this whole period. R: I think
  • 3I14t68 LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Page 2 of 3 Doc # DocType Date 07a 07b letter report Doc Info Classification J. Edgar Hoover to Mildred ~tegall ~ Restriction 3/14/68 11/r). °I /01 re Martin Luther King, Jr. San,n"ud 08
  • FROM: FOR Bill 3, 1964 THE RECORD: Moyers I today informed Mr. DeLoach that we have confidence in Mr. Hoover's ability to decide who, on the basis of the national security, should see the attached report. He replied that they would follow through
  • pretty common knowledge that Mr. Hoover and the FBI can on occasions be jealous of their independence and their prerogatives. Has the FBI worked well in cooperation with the other agencies? V: They work very well now. That was not always the case
  • this idea of program budget come from? Did you bring this with you? F: Well, no, the whole concept of program budgeting goes back many years. the Hoover Commission started it back in the late '40s. agencies picked it up. Actually A number of the federal