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  • ci and I. Lyndon w a s in h is o ffic e - I knew a sta tem en t w as being p rep a red . He gave it on TV from the W hite H ouse -" A m erica i s shocked and sadden ed r b y the b ru tal sla y in g tonight of D r. M artin Luther King. I a s k e v
  • & speeches; LBJ works hard with little rest; Johnsons to Democratic fundraiser that night; Lynda Robb relays news that Martin Luther King has been shot & died; LBJ calls Coretta Scott King & makes televised speech; evening plans cancelled & Hawaii trip
  • are: wor king for Lynd on down at the headquarters fo r the volunteers for th e Dem oc ratic National Comm ittee:. She pu t th e littl e gol d pins in t he shap e of a number four cros sc~d with t he ini tials LJ3J. She ga
  • le ft and I d ecid ed I m igh t a s w e ll liv e it up. I c a lle d in C h ief King,-^and got a m a s s a g e , and when he had fin ish ed , tip toed to L yndon's MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE :' WA SHI NOT ON - M onday, A p r il 1, 1968 d oor