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  • TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 16 and Robert Kennedy was then counsel. I'm not very clear what this was all aimed at--whether
  • Policy; Clarence Randall; Chad McClellan; Henry Thurton; Sherman Adams; Stanley Nehmar; Henry Kearns; President Kennedy; Census Bureau; Stanley Ruttenberg; Assistant Secretary Weaver; textile structure; meeting-labor textile advisory commission; White
  • that those r e v e n u e s , s h ould not r e a lly be tied up in o rd in a ry upkeep , with which I thoroughly a g r e e d . So cl o se w a s h e r r e la tio n sh ip with M r s , Kennedy t h a t I doubt th a t I MEMO R ANDUM T H E W H IT E H O U S E
  • Office work; swearing-in ceremony for District of Columbia Council; LBJ gives off-the-cuff speech; Lady Bird has lunch & goes to hair salon; family photographs in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and the West Hall; Francis Lewine interviews Lady Bird
  • LBJ, Lady Bird, Lynda & Luci to Paltka, FL, for Intercoastal Canal ceremonies, flipping switch for initial excavation, and presentation of ceramic bull; to Palm Beach to visit Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy; to reception for President's Club