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  • Subject > Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements (remove)

5 results

  • Lady Bird attends the Congressional Wives Prayer Breakfast; LBJ, Billy Graham, and the Congress arrived later; Lady Bird goes to her Spanish lesson; office work with Ashton Gonella and work on Denver speech; Mrs. Philip Barry presents Lady Bird
  • Congressional Wives Prayer Breakfast; Rev. and Mrs. Billy Graham; Lady Bird's prayer greeting; meeting with Bess Abell, Liz Carpenter, and their staffs about correspondence procedures; tea with Mrs. Carl Sanders and Mrs. Farris Bryant; office work
  • FOR RELEASE UPON DELIVER Y THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 Office of the Press Secretary to Mrs. Johnson THE WHITE HOUSE RE:MARI
  • 11 Joseph Pulitzer, Igor Sikorski, Alexander Graham Bell, George Santayana, David Sarnoff, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Father Flanagan are but a few. Our very name, America, comes from Amerigo Vespucci. Down the bay is the great Verrazano Narrows Bridge
  • Lady Bird has breakfast with LBJ; LBJ leaves for commencement address at Swarthmore; Lady Bird and Kay Graham to Art Fair sponsored by Washington Post; Lady Bird's remarks; Lady Bird works on Radcliffe speech; dinner with LBJ, Lynda Johnson