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  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Marny Clifford; Johnsons and guests attend church at St. Mark's; Lady Bird compares Billy Graham and Bill Baxter; Lady Bird bowls with guests; Lady Bird uses camera at Camp David; LBJ sits for Hurd portrait; LBJ and Arthur Goldberg; guests take nap
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/25/1965 (Sunday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Steamer; to Laurance Rockefeller home; lunch at Ethan Allen Hitchcock home; reception for conservationists; several speeches, including Lady Bird's; Rockefeller home becomes a National Historic Landmark; receiving line; walk; dinner; talk with Walt Rostow
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 6/11/1967 (Sunday)
  • Variable speeds throughout starting at 04:00 that distorts Lady Bird's voice.
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary