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  • Subject > Outer Space (remove)
  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Subject > Vietnam (remove)

10 results

  • ? H: That's quite right. F: You didn't assign additional people to McCarthy or Robert Kennedy? H: No, I should say not. F: At the convention in '68, did you see evidence of the alleged heavy-hand LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • ; reputation as a hawk in Vietnam erroneous; Robert Kintner; rivalry between RFK and LBJ; Presidential press secretaries; LBJ seeking professional advice on TV style; conscious of Texas twang; Barry Goldwater; George Wallace; 3/31 speech; evaluation of LBJ
  • /show/loh/oh 2 inception in 1957, so that means you served through now four presidents. H: That's right, all four. M: Did Mr. Johnson use the Civil Rights Commission any differently from either President Eisenhower or Kennedy, or for that matter
  • in his office drinking bourbon. He made some kind of a remark like this, "I'll never trade my vote for a gavel." I was asking him about his becoming a vice-presidential candidate under Kennedy. He said he'd never do that; he didn't want to be the vice
  • temper and why senators respected it; partisanship in the Senate; John F. Kennedy; Robert F. Kennedy; Jimmy Hoffa; LBJ's interest in space; foreign aid under Eisenhower; LBJ's Senate work; Robert McNamara; LBJ keeping JFK's staff members; LBJ's
  • we're talking about now. F: Right. P: The farm-to-market roads, they were beginning to talk about them but not do anything about them. You see, the Highway Commission had just been formed with Robert Hubbard as chairman, and they were not too active
  • the election of 1960, when all four of us went into the government. F: Yes. M: So I became involved in politics really through Governor Stevenson, and then to the Kennedys. F: How far back does you acquaintance with--I don't know which title to give him
  • Biographical information; meeting LBJ in 1955 on a visit to the Ranch; 1956 Democratic Convention; Stevenson/Kennedy campaign; Democratic Advisory Committee; 1960 convention and Stevenson’s hope for nomination; JFK’s consultation with Stevenson
  • it was not that favorable that he was considered in 1960, for instance. candidate for President. He was not considered by our people as the ideal You know, he was a candidate in 1960, and of course lost out in the convention to John F. Kennedy. When he was selected
  • First meeting LBJ; Labor’s opinion of LBJ in the Senate and support of Kennedy-Johnson ticket; LBJ as VP active on the Space Council; Landrum-Griffin Bill; talk with LBJ after the JFK assassination; LBJ’s legislative record; influence of organized
  • that time in which you're beginning to think about, 1960, and it shows John F. Kennedy with the controversial issue of labor, and Stuart Symington with the controversial issue of certain armed forces propositions, and Lyndon Johnson
  • which would prove to our ultimate disadvantage. Now my position was public, was well known. When President Kennedy sent an emissary to me to ask that I remain on as chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, I could immediately see that having me
  • President Kennedy was made president and then continued on when Johnson succeeded to that LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral
  • , and this again is something that is just a historical point, I've always thought that both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Eisenhower suffered a great serious loss in the first nine months of their first terms. When Senator Taft died the Republican Party control