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5 results

  • . . You will have to make your ovm analysis of the accuracy of Balch ' s inf'ormation . I em simply telling you what he told me , but he did seem very optimistic about bein~ able to take over the paper and apparently is wor king dili~ently on the job
  • pa1eeda perhapo, ror talk with thoeo Ttho do not hoa.r. It m1Q' b• old taahioned• o u ~ . todq to talk to Jl'uaaoli.c1, Stalin_ and Bitler. a king bore and a proaident tbare. The 0110 thlng tbet met bo aaved• it we cro to be eavCJd• 1e tho value~ you
  • wealth at all, no matter what the apparent cost in dollars. C'ertainly a granddaughter of a tobacco king buying pearls in Egypt is not oreating national wealth in the United s·t ates, but it is probably a Roosevelt tax of 50 per cent of the lady's wealth
  • '48election/page 3A Salas once rode with Villa >m workers advocate of - alfowing age 65 and to 1;a:keexthout losing aks it is unetire at 65, :1.rshallsuplouse Labor •toty ·retireericans and m federal ~•iwo king ?our leisure J your 11/ork your