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  • the i dea t o t he recei vers at Louisville . We know we can handl e the paper sit uation with eit her Mead or Internationa l . ad , naturally , i s very anxious to ke ep the Louisville tonnage and my conversation wi th Conway indicated t hey would grant
  • making definite headway there every da:r and I feel confident we can vrnrk out something very much to our advantage by the first of Auf!;ust if vre will take two full days to it . You told me in our long distance conversation that you had arranged
  • Three segments: 0-3:55; 3:55-39:10; 39:10-43:38. Segment 1: Continued conversation between Luís Salas, James Mangan, and Max Skelton in the car en route to the library. Topics: Salas's motivation for telling his story; importance of Salas's story
  • ; conversation with Eloy Aguilar in Spanish, mostly about Salas’s personal history and his book, places in Texas and Mexico, Pancho Villa; Salas’s vision for his book; structure of the book, inclusion of biographical details; possibility of movie deal, and steps