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  • Subject > Public relations (remove)
  • Contributor > Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007 (remove)
  • Series > Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)

8 results

  • Lady Bird, LBJ and staff are up late because of the Farm Bill; Lady Bird does office work; LBJ, Lady Bird and Lynda Johnson attend funeral for General Douglas MacArthur; Lady Bird exchanges brief remarks with Robert Kennedy; Lady Bird describes
  • Office work; recording in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Hudson Valley trip; Lady Bird with Lynda Robb to doctor's office; lunch with Lynda; Chuck Robb & Patrick Nugent in Vietnam; meeting about Beautification stamps; office work; Lady Bird works
  • te d though I didn*t m e et them so a lso w e re the Gene Cham bers and H. E. Butt; old tim e rs lik e Tom C o rc o ra n a nd Jim Row e; quite a fe w g o v e rn o rs , in cl uding the Sanfords; not a Kennedy in sight, and ev e ry w h e re m o re and m
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • LBJ to California; Lady Bird's television taping for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation; visits by family friends; shopping; dinner with Luci Johnson, Dr. Jim Cain & Jack Valenti; to Olney Theatre for play; airplane crash of Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • Tours arranged for the Bobby Russells; Lady Bird to luncheon on Capitol Hill in her honor; Lady Bird sees P-38, LBJ's Senate office, and John Kennedy's office across the hall; meeting with Howard Smith and Bob Fleming about ABC show on Mrs. Johnson
  • Small break in sound while talking about Kennedy playground
  • k a w a r d o f the W o m e n 's N a tion a l P r e s s Club. D inner, a speech by Lyndon, a p r e s e n ta tio n o f the a w a r d . B ut in the custom so u s e fu lly set by P r e s id e n t Kennedy had supper at hom e f i r s t , ^a nnd d w en