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  • went to P-38, that went out the I was told, in fact, I bel ieve it was Juanita Roberts who told me, "When the Senator tells you to do something, don't ask him anything, just do it." She said, "For instance, if he says, 'Set yourself on fire,' don't
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • in answering the m ail M rs, Kennedy had received af ter the P resid en t’ s assassination. L iv e ly , attractive, a newspaperman's wif e - she said you could read just so much of it, day after day, time after time until you fin ally got saturated with g r
  • Lady Bird returns to White House; Johnson family to St. Mark's Church; lunch with the Dean Rusks, Robert McNamaras and McGeorge Bundys; Vietnam; Lady Bird and LBJ to Bob Thompsons; dinner with the Valentis
  • us, and Lucy Baines an d in the car with us Bob Waldron and the H arry McPhersons. There w ere long, long lines of solemn, respectful people, all along the hill in Robert E. Lee’s home as we wound up to the gravesite. The gravesite was covered
  • about that story of him promoting a trip to Laredo one I didn't. I had too many other irons in the fire. live seen his samples and everything a lot of times, yes. night by selling socks? R: No, I don't. G: I think it's in [Robert] Carols book
  • LBJ & Lady Bird read newspapers; to St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, for Robert Kennedy funeral; the Johnsons pay respects to the Kennedy family; lunch on plane back to Washington; Lady Bird reads newspapers and takes nap; mourners killed
  • to be the trad e m ark of Lyndon and h is b o y s. A ctu a lly in cold fac t, he n eed s m any of the things that Bobby Kennedy has and r e p r e s e n ts and is able to a ttr a c t. But , as he h im s e lf sa id , we tr a v e le d d ifferen t p a th s
  • Johnsons to National City Christian Church; lunch, newspapers and Republic Convention on TV with LBJ; cocktail party at the Jack Valentis; dinner at White House with friends; news story about LBJ and the Presidency; Bobby Kennedy
  • the sum m er. MEMORANDUM THE W H ITE HOUSE Sunday, M a y 3, 1964 WASHINGTON Page 2 I think Kennedy sent back, during those three y e a rs that he did it, a good number o f in form ed, enthusiastic friend s and possibly future public servants them
  • the tram poline used to be. It is now g o n e ^ it belonged t o M r s . Kennedy^and the hole has been f ille d and lev e le d . We la y down on the ground and looked up at the blue, blue sky until we began to fe e l damp and cold, and then thought what
  • the parents were in Texas at the time of President Kennedy's assassination. Lynda was in Austin at the University, but Luci was--I was out at the Elms with Luci. And that afternoon I went by the school to pick her up to take her home. That is one of my
  • of P r e s id e n t John F i t z g e r a l d Kennedy d u r in g th e f u n e r a l ma s s . P r e c e d in g t h e i r rem o v a l t o A r lin g to n where t h e y a w a ited th e jo y o u s day o f Re s u r r e c t i o n . " Somehow th e pronouns
  • LBJ and Lady Bird attend Red Mass at St. Matthews Cathedral with Luci, and Pat Nugent; Lady Bird reflects on bronze plaque in church about President Kennedy; Johnsons go to Jack Valenti's for coffee; lunch back at the White Housie; LBJ takes a nap
  • iv in g line along w ith a l l the w ives of the Cabinet members except Mrs, Bobby Kennedy who was out of town, back - always s h e ’ s back, ever missed one, Mrs, Henry W allace was I d o n 't believe Jane Barkley was there much fla t t e r e d
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • ; late lunch; Lynda Robb arrives; Lady Birds takes a nap, swims & has her hair styled; appointments to the Arts Council & Kennedy Center; another ride with guests
  • ; LBJ to New York for Joseph P. Kennedy dinner; Lady Bird dinner and talk with Luci Johnson; business meeting with A.W. Moursund; watched play "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" in the Lincoln bedroom
  • Meeting with Madam Shoumatoff about FDR portrait; Lady Bird, Nash Castro and Mary Lasker visit award-winning beautification sites; Beautification Committee meeting; Lady Bird mentions attendees and agenda; award ceremony in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
  • Small break in sound while talking about Kennedy playground