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  • Specific Item Type > Personal diary (remove)
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  • Contributor > Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
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108 results

  • , a very b r i e f a f f a i r . Actually j u s t a receiving l i n e , and then refresh- ments in the State Dining Room, and we l e f t the ground by chopper before five o'clock. Lyndon and Luci and I (Lynda Bird was already in New York) arrived a t
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnsons spent last weekend at Camp David; the Johnsons' belongings are being packed & moved out; Lady Bird has coffee with Alabama relatives; Lady Bird visits with the Brown family group; Lady Bird turns over personal documents to Dorothy Territo
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/13/1969 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird's clothing and shopping for shoes; call to Jacqueline Kennedy, who has a little girl with chicken pox; call to Nellie Connally and Lady Bird's concern for politics in Texas; call to Mary Lasker about art; dinner with A.W. Moursund, Babe
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/6/1964 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
  • Lady Bird does desk work; visit of King of Burundi; paintings for the White House; Lady Bird works with Dick Goodwin on Lady Bird's upcoming Kentucky speech; military reception on White House lawn; Johnson family greets the guests; Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/19/1964 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • in this house. Next I went back up to the Yellow Oval Room for tea with a group of Independent Agency Wives—about eight ladies. the only one I knew well. Jeanne Deason was They were bringing to me a l i t t l e piece of p e tit point, a presentation from
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Breakfast; desk work; swimming; hair salon; new china for the White House; luncheon with Walter Hoving, Chairman of Tiffany's; photos in State Dining Room with White House Tour Office; tea for Independent Agency wives; Lady Bird records diary; talk
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/10/1969 (Friday)
  • Lady Bird repeats the word, "Friday," at the begging of the recording; not good sound quality. 4:00-4:30, there is audio bleed-through.
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Moving out of The Elms; Lady Bird finds Girl Scout blouse belonging to Luci or Lynda; USIS film, "Mr. President;" office work; swim in pool; wall paintings by swimming pool; Lady Bird has dinner with Jack and Mary Margaret Valenti; Lady Bird fixes
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/20/1963 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • a First to h a d gone into vhen Lady J a c k s o n --B a r b a r a W a r d ^ a u t h o r an d the our h o u s e g u e s t for g o in g to b e third help having one Lyndon. just She a bright cf t h o s e r a r e as much ^ I up on t h e
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ, Lady Bird, Lynda Johnson and the McNamaras to St. Mark's Church; lunch with George Browns and Bob McKinneys; Alice Brown asked to be member of Committee for Preservation of the White House; paintings for White House; LBJ and golf; Lady Jackson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/12/1964 (Sunday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • of the drawings by John W hite t o p r esent to the lib r a r y here at the White House. I walked into the East Room at 5 o ’ clock and took m y place b e side the A m bassador of G reat B rita in and Lady H arlech, and Dean Holman of the U n iv e rs ity of North
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • Lady Bird does desk work; Lady Bird has photograph taken with Women's National Democratic Club; Lady Bird attends reception for University of North Carolina group presenting John White drawings to White House Library; Lady Bird relates stories about
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/7/1964 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • Bird names guests; Madame Shoumatoff's portraits of LBJ & Lady Bird are displayed; potluck supper with Mike & Mary Ellen Monroney; massage
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/4/1969 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • Sculptor Gilroy Roberts brings the model of LBJ's head for the Presidential Medal; Lady Bird visits Caroline Kennedy's school on third floor of the White House; Lady Bird remembers her mother's death when she was five; Lady Bird spends the afternoon
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/18/1963 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • as the shaking of hands had been com pleted/ the men went to the East Room fo r a b riefin g , with m ost of the Cabinet people participating, but I b e lie v e Lyndon being the ch ief speaker. And I took the ladies upstairs fo r the usual tour through the second
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Women Doers Luncheon with Speaker Kate Tuchman; Lady Bird mentions several attendees including Marian Anderson and Maria Tallchief; Lynda Johnson and Warrie Lynn Smith; LBJ introduces Dean Rusk & Bob McNamara; Lady Bird meets with Robin Duke about
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/28/1964 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • ^ - who took Tom C o r c o r a n , I s a t between L ord and Lady H a r l e ch. close b y . The McNam a r a s and e s c o r t e d me i n . in front of me. met me a t the f r o n t door And the I was l o s t years For But a f t e r of I d o n 't
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Possible dam at Caddo Lake; reception at White House for women appointees in LBJ Administration; Lady Bird mentions names and titles of several appointees; LBJ dinner with George Browns; Lady Bird to National Theatre for Royal Shakespeare Company
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/13/1964 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Tea for Fine Arts Commission; moving Waterford Chandelier back to Green Room; renovations to the White House; Lady Bird talks with White House Curator Jim Ketchum; Lady Bird meets with Clark Clifford with report of White House Historical Association
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/4/1964 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • -'~--..- -...· - - --­ · __._.... ~..t"a:.._..,_, l ·-j 1 _ __.....,,....::... 1' •• ME:YIORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE ), WASHINGTON Tuesday, May 9, 1967 Page 8 about the very pregnant lady that he saw at the Democratic gathering who wore a sandwich board which said, 11
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird has hair permanent; Johnsons welcome Vice President & Mrs. Yen of Taiwan; speeches; Lady Bird views state gifts; Head-of-State luncheon; Anna Chennault is guest; Taiwan's agriculture assistance in Africa; exchange of toasts; economic
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/9/1967 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird and White House Usher tour White House storage; Lady Bird attends birthday luncheon for Muriel Humphrey; fourth Congressional reception is held, for the Senate; Paintings of the White House film shown for ladies, along with tour of White
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/18/1965 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • of Turkey; B r itish A m bassador and Lady H arlech; Senor Fenoaltea fro m Italy ,M rs.Knuth-W interfeldt from Denmark, there without h e r husband; Monsieur Alphand there without the beautiful M a d a m eAlphand of France, ; and a ll the rest, including
  • Lady Bird attends meeting about artwork for the White House; diplomatic relations are restored with Panama; Robert Anderson; reception and LBJ's speech for the 15th Anniversary of NATO; Lady Bird mentions individuals attending the reception; Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/3/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Calls to Governors about Malagasy State Dinner; arrival ceremony & luncheon for Prime Minister Tunku Rahman of Malaysia; Lady Bird mentions luncheon guests; LBJ & the Prime Minister exchange humorous toasts; visit from Mary Lasker about painting
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/22/1964 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Problems of the Johnson administration: inflation, Vietnam, Peter Hurd portrait of LBJ; press reaction to departure of Bill Moyers; Lady Bird writes response to Peter Hurd; work on upcoming Vice Presidential dinner; Lady Bird visits with Lynda about
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/5/1967 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Lady Bird meets with Sen. John Sparkman and Liz Carpenter about Lady Bird's trip to NASA in Huntsville, Alabama; tea with Clifford & Virginia Durr and daughter, Ann Lyon, Helen Fuller of "New Republic," and Anita Williams; LBJ to New York to address
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/17/1964 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Ladies Red C ross Unit^ 0-^ I ^ n d how ea gerly we wanted to make it -different, Bess had started out with the grand idea of having the twelve tables, - - ^ that would seat the l^&Q-or-so guests,/in the State Dining R o o m ^ set with china
  • Annual Senate Ladies Red Cross luncheon; White House china; Lady Bird's statement about White House history; entertainment at luncheon; LBJ's press conference on White House grounds; photos with press and their families; Lady Bird's meeting about
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/6/1964 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Tour of White House grounds with gardener; Lady Bird mentions trees planted by former Presidents; Lady Bird views Westinghouse film on paintings in the White House; talk with Liz Carpenter and Bess Abell about upcoming social events ; Dinner
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/13/1964 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird meets with Abe Fortas about art; to National Geographic Society dedication and LBJ's speech; story about Rebekah Johnson; Scandinavian trip in Fall 1963; Sen. Harry Byrd & explorer brother, Richard; to Camp David with Bill White, Jack
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/18/1964 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird signs Christmas photos; snowing; Lady Bird talks with individuals about speech & artwork donated to White House; wedding gift for Beth Jenkins; cherry trees from Mary Lasker; telephone call with Brook Astor about Temple of Dendur; office
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/13/1966 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Busy day for Lady Bird; recent newspaper stories; discussions about art and the Pearson luncheon; meeting about Lady Bird's future schedule; Lady Bird's wish to visit the South; Lady Bird with LBJ at Sulgrave Club event honoring Liz Carpenter
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/23/1964 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Good night's sleep; to National City Christian Church with LBJ; lunch with the Valentis and A.W. Moursund; nap and read Sunday papers; Lynda Johnson & Warrie Lynn bowling in E.O.B; swim and watch TV with guests; Lady Bird's appraisal of Charles
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/2/1964 (Sunday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ's lack of sleep; Lady Bird visits National Art Gallery; meeting with J.B. West and Jim Ketchum about Committee for the Preservation of the White House; LBJ & Lady Bird have lunch; Lady Bird has dress fittings and a nap; Lady Bird & Jane Freeman
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/11/1966 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Doc # DocType Transcript Doc Info Classification Pages Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, Saturday, March 21, 1964, Page 4 1 Date 3/21/1964 Restriction C Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary Lady Bird
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Lady Bird's trip to New York Historical Society to see a Rembrandt Peale portrait of Thomas Jefferson for the White House; Audubon exhibit; lunch at James Fosburgh's home; Winslow-Homer painting for White House; Fine Arts Committee; Vincent Price
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/21/1964 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Lady Bird meets C.R. Smith about Worthington Whittredge painting; appointments with Mollie Parnis & Bonwit Teller staff for clothes; makeup lesson from Eddie Senz; back to White House; photo of LBJ & Lady Bird, Harper's Bazaar "100 Women
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/11/1967 (Thursday)
  • Lady Bird mistakenly says that she's at the Carlton Hotel instead of the Carlyle Hotel.
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Doc # DocType Transcript Doc Info Classification Pages Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, Thursday, September 16, 1965, Page 1 1 Date 9/16/1965 Restriction C Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary Lady Bird
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird does office work; Lady Bird swims and then to beauty parlor; Lady Bird's television program on Beautification in Washington, DC; LBJ gives speech at the Smithsonian; Lady Bird and Lynda Johnson to New York City to see a play; LBJ has
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 9/16/1965 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Meeting Timothy Carroll, poster child for National Hemophilia Foundation; meeting Dr. Daniel McKay, President of the Mormon Church; meeting 100 high school students under U.S. Senate program; Lady Bird's feeling of kinship with the South; dinner
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/31/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Doc # DocTvpe Doc Info 1 Transcript Page 1 of 1 Classification P ag es Lady Bird Johnson's Diary, Pages 2,6-7 3 Date Restriction 10/17/1967 C Collection Title Lady Bird Johnson's Diary Folder Title
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • of press; Lady Bird, Lynda and Chuck Robb view possible rental in Arlington; office work; bowling; hair styled; Johnsons meet Prime Minister & Mrs. Yew; Lady Bird mentions guests; exchange of state gifts; the McGeorge Bundys are houseguests
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/17/1967 (Tuesday)
  • 05:00-09:50, speech is too fast & Lady Bird's voice is distorted
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • i conductor of the o rch estra , and Lady B a r b a ro l l i “and G en era l and M r s, M a u rice H irsch . G en eral H irsch is the m anager. A ft e r a d eferen tia l greetin g to everyb ody, I took M iss Hogg into the State Dining Room
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Visits by Darrel Royal, University of Texas football coach, and the Houston Symphony; Lady Bird to beauty parlor; LBJ's first press conference; luncheon with Miss Ima Hogg and others; visit with friends, Ann Clark and Mrs. Herring; stories about
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/29/1964 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • ; Lady Bird swims; Mr. Per shampoos & sets Lady Bird's hair; Lynda Robb reads aloud letter from Chuck; Lady Bird names guests at dinner; LBJ & Mrs. Marcos exchange toasts
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/14/1968 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Visit of Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Italy; Lady Bird takes home movies in the Rose Garden; state dinner; Lady Bird mentions attendees; Lady Bird converses with Foreign Minister Fanfani at dinner; Leontyne Price is entertainment for the evening
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/20/1965 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ banters with reports from the Truman Balcony; Lady Bird works at The Elms; Lady Bird tours White House with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sandburg and Mr. & Mrs. Edward Steichen; Carl Sandburg's books are mentioned; Lynda and Luci Johnson meet the guests
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/10/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird visits with Ruth Carter Johnson about art for White House; visit to John Singer Sargent exhibit at Corcoran Gallery; reception for American Society of Newspaper Editors; LBJ's speech on civil rights, poverty, taxes, Medicare, railroad
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/17/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird signs Christmas gifts; meeting about "Living White House" sales; discussion about number of days White House is closed; proceeds from book go for White House furnishings & art; lunch; Lady Bird diets when she returns from LBJ Ranch
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/12/1966 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird has eye appointment; LBJ Library letters; swearing-in ceremony for C.R. Smith as Secretary of Commerce; Lady Bird has final sitting with Madame Shoumatoff; LBJ & Andre Meyer give approval to portrait; copy of Jefferson portrait for Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 3/6/1968 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ is in a dark mood; death of Senator Richard Russell's son; White House Festival of the Arts; press response to Festival; Lady Bird takes a nap; reception for Inaugural Committee workers; quick remarks by LBJ; visit by Tony and Matiana Taylor
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 6/15/1965 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird to Navy Photo Lab to see July Interlock; lunch; afternoon with Charles Maguire working on diary; LBJ & Lady Bird are meeting with Doubleday about publication; description of White House typing pool; tea with Mary Lasker; the Marc Chagalls
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/15/1968 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird and Mary Lasker to Smithsonian to choose artwork for the White House; Lady Bird makes appointment for visit to National Gallery; Society for Preservation of the White House; dinner for the McGeorge Bundys, Jack Valenti, Ted Sorenson
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/15/1964 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary