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  • Subject > Vietnam (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Meeting notes (remove)
  • Subject > USSR and Eastern Europe (remove)

3 results

  • - Discussion on Vietnam, Robert Kennedy, Eisenhower, Alliance for Progress, role of ror. 42. 9 December 1963 - Briefing. General revi·ew. Press, McNamara, Vietnam. I 43. 13 December 1963 - Introduced DDCI, Peer de Silva., reviewed checklist. Discussed
  • Vietnamese statement in Paris. It says again that the United States is the aggressor. "U Thant, DeGaulle, Senator Kennedy and Fulbright say you should stop bombing." They want world opinion to sway us. The sooner we show we will do what is right, the better
  • " will in long run prevail. 11 Senator Edward Kennedy "The entry of Russian troops in Cze c hoslovakia is a retrogression into an age we had all hope d was passed. I will not comment in detail, but these events are an affront to decency and especially