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  • Lady Bird talks to LBJ at Camp David; Lady Bird & foreign press board buses for Goliad; view flowers & cattle; funeral service for Martin Luther King; ceremony at restored Presidio La Bahia; speeches by Stewart Udall & Lady Bird; migrant children
  • . If T \ic!tC: :(2.-:nc~d_y I \•;01/ldn 1 t fot the:n cal1 my signills. \,;::_::; doi:1c; t;1cit I'd go ·int:) the South a tin;e or·t',10 rnys21f. I'd l.Jhik t I'd put th2 R:::pub l i can.s on the 3pot Ly ina king he·:! l': ,:.:h h:: 1,;~m ts ,rnd I