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  • that the President wanted to see me. And when I went in to see the President he had gone into that little-bitty office that had once been a bathroom, but President Kennedy converted into a very small relaxation room. As Jack and I went down the corridor toward
  • Shriver during the 1960 campaign. was at Princeton. paign. I That would have been my senior year during the cam- I worked for the Johnson-Kennedy ticket during that campaign. r was doing my senior honors thesis for the School of Public and Inter
  • . that visited. I went down with--one of the first high-level people I went down with President Kennedy. And we went LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More
  • there all my life except for World War II and the years I spent in Washington. I have no desire to live anywhere else. Any particular point which you want to [start with]? G: How did you get into Senator [Robert] Kerr's orbit? R: When I got out
  • How Reynolds came to work for Senator Robert Kerr in 1953; LBJ's relationship with Kerr and Richard Russell, especially regarding civil rights; cooperation and leadership among Russell, Kerr, and LBJ and why they were successful; Senator Robert
  • everybody with every other person that was ever out here, but these things that were accomplished after Kennedy was assassinated and Lyndon became President, I don't think they'd have gone anywhere but for Lyndon Johnson's big push as a President. And I
  • or fifteen [were] in there. Then Kennedy came down to the room. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] B: Robert? E: No, Jack Kennedy. More on LBJ Library
  • following my graduation; joined the law firm of Brody, Charlton, Parker, and Roberts, as an associate at the salary of $200 a month, but I got a rapid raise to $275 a month by Christmas. I stayed with that law firm first as an asso- ciate, later
  • Biographical information; work on Credentials Committee at 1964 Democratic Convention; support for Adlai Stevenson at 1956 and 1960 Conventions; JFK’s nomination at 1960 Convention; becaming a State Dept. employee 1965; contact with Senator Robert
  • don't think John F. could do it. With Robert, I'm not sure. G: What I was going to ask is that Robert Kennedy had some involvement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and with your contact there, some of the interpretations that I've seen
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • , because I was the number two under Frank Wisner and I was the number two under Dick Bissell. As is probably relatively well known, both Allen Dulles and Dick Bissell were let go from the agency by President Kennedy because of the sad outcome of the Bay
  • 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 20 that whatever adjustments were made were not made by Vice President Johnson but came from the White House and were frequently the product of Robert Kennedy's
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • Db you recall when this was in 1968? M: I would say probably August, some time like that. We were late on the bill. This was prior to the assassination of Robert Kennedy [June 1968], I would probably place it in a matter of time, two weeks before
  • the word "planning." Because as John F. Kennedy once said, the very future of the democracies will depend upon whether they can compete with the more rigorous and brutal methods of the totalitarians through planning under freedom. This is a rather
  • Employment Act of 1946, its intended and eventual uses; tax reductions of 1964; regulating the federal budget; the war against poverty and its failures; local control of education; planning in a free society; President John F. Kennedy; rising
  • : He preceded us. such. I'm not even sure whether I ever saw his report as I was told parts of it, at least. One of the first things I did when I got back in 1961, at President Kennedy's direction, was to go to the Vice President and tell him
  • delinquency. this. Youth. They had about four cities where they tried One of them was New York, where they set up Mobilization for Another one was Syracuse. New Haven, I think, Baltimore. I can't remember precisely--- I'm not sure. Robert Kennedy had
  • ; Medicare; Helen Taussig; Advisory Council on Public Welfare Task Force on Income Maintenance (Heineman Commission); Advisory Commission on Status of Women; Esther Peterson; LBJ fixed associations between Wicky/Cohen/Social Security; Medicare; Mrs. Kennedy
  • was supported by every And in 1959 I was John Kennedy's chairman in [Oregon]. K: I did want to ask about that because-- G: He was the author of a highly controversial labor bill. There were five of us who were swing votes on the Education and Labor
  • was honored that he asked me, in part at the suggestion of his son George, who had been the assistant secretary of labor and with whom I'd worked. Ambassador Lodge knew that I'd traveled in the Soviet Union with Bob Kennedy, who of course had defeated his
  • , 1969 INTERVIEWEE: C. ROBERT PERRIN INTERVIEWER: STEPHEN GOODELL PLACE: Mr. Perrin's office in Washington, D.C. Tape of 2 G: This is the second session with r'lr. Robert Perrin, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity
  • See all online interviews with C. Robert Perrin
  • Perrin, Robert, 1925-
  • Oral history transcript, C. Robert Perrin, interview 2 (II), 3/17/1969, by Stephen Goodell
  • C. Robert Perrin
  • [Roberts] and I have laughed about this so much--he had a real hang-up on the toilet paper holder, how awkward the place it had been put. We'd get a fifteen-minute lecture on [how] the guy who installed the toilet paper holder in the john was the torture
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Waldron
  • Waldron, Robert Earl, 1927-1995
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Waldron, interview 2 (II), 2/1/1976, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Robert E. Waldron
  • to develop Kennedy and Johnson factions from the sub-Cabinet and lower level. Did anything like that occur in Agriculture? M: Nothing of that sort occurred in Agriculture until the candidacy of Robert Kennedy was announced. At which time John Schnittker
  • Evaluation of LBJ; LBJ’s knowledge of, and interest in, the cattle business; government program to purchase surplus beef during the cattle crisis; transition from Kennedy to LBJ administration; shepherding bills through Congress and keeping LBJ
  • for a better package. There was a lot of discussion and speculation about the vice presidential business during the convention. I was not in on any of those negotiations except I had the misfortune of being the fellow to tell Jack Kennedy that he wasn't
  • Biographical information; first meeting with LBJ; Democratic political campaigns leading to 1956 Convention; Central High School integration; 1960 Democratic Convention and Kennedy-Johnson nomination; relations with LBJ as VP; ghost writing for Lady
  • there of putting other carriers in . M: There was the accusation at the time that Robert Kennedy was putting pressure on you to change . B: Absolutely untrue! M: And that this was tied in with the White House, too . B : That's absolutely untrue
  • was trying to keep it covered up for many good reasons. But at any rate, after the Bay of Pigs and even after the Cuban missile crisis, I know that the Kennedys and John McCone, who talked to me about it almost as soon as I came back to Washington
  • ; discussions on Vietnam; LBJ and Vietnam; incidents preceding and following Gulf of Tonkin incident; Robert McNamara; use of intelligence support
  • House in Palm Beach, Florida, where he was to meet with President Kennedy and members of the President's Cabinet, as well as leaders of Congress, prior to the opening of Congress, which was scheduled sometime the 8th or 9th of January, as I recall
  • , "Confidentally, I'm supporting Jack Kennedy, who is the logical one," and so forth. Kennedy?" "Will you line up with Jack But you know, there were seven Democratic candidates, potentials and hopefuls at that time. Lyndon was number seven at the bottom as far
  • , 1971 INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT KOMER li~TERVIEWER: PAIGE E. PLACE: Mr. Komer's office, RAND Corporation, Washington, D.C. MULHOLL&~ Tape 1 of 3 M: You were, for part of the time in 1964 and '65, the White House man on Africa as well as the Middle
  • See all online interviews with Robert Komer
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Komer, interview 3 (III), 11/15/1971, by Paige E. Mulhollan
  • Robert Komer
  • of this," and that ended the discussion. All these at'ticles that you have seen that have been written by the great brains of the Kennedy Administration, including Robert Kennedy, on the Bay of Pigs as to the bad military advice and the betrayal of the military
  • Bay of Pigs: reasons for failure; criticism of JFK’s Administration; military-industrial complex discussed in reference to General Dynamics controversy; disapproval and disagreement with Robert McNamara’s policies; opinions on LBJ Administration’s
  • an acknowledgement from the White House within twenty-four hours. That had been the rule through Kennedy and we carried on through Johnson. [They got] at least an acknowledgement signed by Larry, which I signed. LBJ Presidential Library http
  • Kennedy, who was up on Long Island, I think, on this particular occasion-M: This was Robert Kennedy? H: Robert Kennedy. He, having been Attorney General for a time, and therefore had known about the deliberations of this 303 Committee, had known
  • anything to do with his trip to Vietnam when he was vice president? S: No, that took place while I was in Geneva, I believe, 1961? M: Yes, it would have been while you were there. What was your job in the department at the time that President Kennedy
  • might re-enter? That with all that had gone on with the Kennedy assassination, for example, the troubles in Chicago, and so forth, do you happen to know whether or not he ever waivered, whether there was a possibility that he might have come back? H
  • Senator Robert Kennedy's body along with seventy-five staff members of the Kennedy family. But as I say, they are controlled by this office. Now, in addition to that, the President has a Jet Star for short hops. This hauls thirteen people and he used
  • to that, in the immediate past, you had served as Ambassador to OEeD and then prior to that in the Kennedy Administration, both as Director for the United States and the World Bank for a short time-L: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
  • an everwidening cone into Oklahoma and the Southwest. abiding fundamentalism. covert issue then. There's a deep and John Kennedy's religion was something of a I mean it was a burning brush fire among [what] I guess you would call the religious groups
  • concurrent--I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would have probably gone over to the Civil Rights Commission whether or not Jack Kennedy had been assassinated. As I've been indicating in another context, I often wore a number of hats, and this was a time
  • . So I was one of them. Pat Kennedy, who was later to head up VISTA and who is now the city manager of Columbia, Maryland, was another. Jerry Bruno was the third one, and you know who Jerry is. Mel Cottone, who was also a Kennedy advance man
  • thing that concerned me was I couldn't really envision anybody else lead~~3 this country as Presidc':t. None of the people that \'icre on the scene, Hhich of course at that tir.:c included Senator Robert Kcnr.cdy and Vice President Humphrey-I had net
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • . government. I think much progress was made in perfecting the organization of the Defense Department in previous administrations. I think Mr. [Robert] McNamara contributed substantially to further improving the organization. And I think during Mr. [Clark
  • The organization of the Department of Defense and its relationship to the president and his advisers in decision-making; delegation of authority within the Department of Defense; comparing Clark Clifford to Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense
  • . Then under Kennedy you joined the Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy. CK: That's right. K: Till 1966, yes. The same one then went on under President Johnson. Then also you were on President Kennedy's Railroad Emergency Board. I want to skip
  • don't recall his name at the moment, not the one who's a famous Japanese architect that planned on the Kennedy Library--this is another man. But President Johnson mentioned him to me two or three times, seemed to be well impressed with his work