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  • Collection > Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary (remove)

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  • and also, I think, a good friend of ours. And Susan Mary, lean and smooth, and Kay Graham, I guess the best way I can think of Kay is sweet. And she with such a welter of problems of her own. Jack and Mary Margaret were there, too, and also Homer Thornberry
  • the White House Fine Arts Committee but keep the White House Historical Assn; dinner with Joseph Alsop, Katharine Graham, and others; guests gather around fireplace, and LBJ discusses his day
  • w ere as in te r e ste d in t h is , or m o r e , than I w as - - the on es who had g iv en i t . Kay Graham and h er m o th er, M r s . Agnes M eyer. I got out of the car and sta rted over and Kay Graham got out at the sa m e tim e , and w e m et
  • Bird encounters Kay Graham at Bowen School; Lady Bird bowls; Lady Bird & Ramsey Clark discuss Washington, D.C. schools; small dinner party with friends; to theater to see "Charge of the Light Brigade;" Lady Bird retires
  • Lady Bird has breakfast with LBJ; LBJ leaves for commencement address at Swarthmore; Lady Bird and Kay Graham to Art Fair sponsored by Washington Post; Lady Bird's remarks; Lady Bird works on Radcliffe speech; dinner with LBJ, Lynda Johnson
  • 1961 Sunclay, July 26th This morning we ,,·cnt to the N.:1.tional City Christian Church with Jake and Beryl and their son, Graham McCarr oll, and then whe:n we got decided to walk around the grounds, with Him Her on th!:!ir back w long
  • arolin a e s p e c ia lly fo r this, and M rs. Frank Graham, w ife of the fo r m e r P resid en t of the U n iv e rs ity of North Carolina; and beautiful M r s . F r id a y , the w ife of the present P r e s id e n t of the U n iv e rs ity of North
  • Church services at Camp David; Lady Bird uses home movie camera; visiting with guests; John Steinbeck talks about Russia; crime in the District of Columbia; assistance for law enforcement officers; Johnsons and Grahams to bowling alley; Luci Johnson
  • ber of T e x a s Bob C a s e y ; the Jake P i c k l e s fr o m A u stin , who had , / wanted to be h e r e p a r t ic u la r ly * so that they could be w ith the H o m e r T h o r n b e r r y s ; the Graham P u r c e l l s ; that hum orous W a lte r
  • , Larry O 'B r i e n s , and W alter handsome George Smathers and from our s t a f f , J e n k i n s . . .Walter loves him and he g ets a sk ed everywhere. Graham, some hot lo o k in g brown clim ate and b e a u t i f u l va ca t i o n i n g . M
  • on jumping up t o g r e e t f r i e n d s back i n th e s t a n d s , t a l l P o s tm a s te r G en eral James P a r l e y , a lw ays s t a n d s o u t' e v er y w h e re and e v a n g e lis t B i l l y Graham, who had c o n d u c te d th e p r a y e r s e r
  • ; Lady Bird's office staff are all sick or pregnant; hair styled; state dinner for the Holyoakes; exchange of gifts; Lady Bird names dinner guests; Prime Minister Holyoake gives toast; Martha Graham dance company performs; visit with houseguests upstairs