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  • Type > Text (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Subject > Beautification (remove)

14 results

  • . say? R: Jim and I went to dinner there, and we would talk about the passing scene. I spent quite a lot of time with Lady Bird there because I was a member of her committee, and I used to see him then. Oh yes, and then in 1964 I wo rked in the East
  • downtown Boston at lunch hour. his and was the first woman. I wa s in the car immediately behind I was dressed up with white gloves on, and lots of people thought that I was Lady Bird just because I was there, so I had a marvelous time waving. But he
  • daffodils in what is now Lady Bird Johnson Park. Altogether over 1,110,000 daffodils were planted, about 2500 dogwood trees were also planted, and we're planting a few more dogwood trees this fall and in the spring to fill out the gaps. So I hope
  • Castro; Committee for National Health Insurance; beautification stamps; 1968 campaign; dedication of Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park in Fredricksburg; Laurance Rockefeller and Mrs. Aston; how to spread beautification around a city.
  • in that. Yes. What was your role in that? Johnson. I am very fond of Lady Bird In the first place, I think she is a person of great charm, and [she has] an exquisite sense of words and the best judgment about human affairs that I can think of. judge. She
  • educated really by him, having known our father He was extremely strict. day a different language at the table. He insisted that we speak every I went to a convent called the Convent of the Birds; it was called Les Oiseaux, which sounds funny in English
  • , and it may spread to their own areas :'" And he agreed ; I'd say that the central focus for the whole effort was Lady Bird's committee . And I'll go further and say, as I have in my book on The American Aesthetic, that I believe that the impact of her
  • ; GREEN BOOK; LOOK magazine feature; Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue; John Saylor; Lady Bird’s Committee for the Beautification of Washington; THE AMERICAN AESTHETIC; reflecting pool at the Capitol; Pennsylvania Avenue and the Mall or national
  • be possible to know a more charming, wonderful in every sense of the word, person than Lady Bird Johnson . I just think she is one of the great women I've ever been privileged to know . Her role in the government, I would say, is intangible, but very, very
  • President's wives: Mrs. Rusk was the only one not to accept. We got into this plane with them and made three trips. Well, lim very aviation-minded. But when Stewart Udall asked me to go walking and meet the ladies later, I said, "If anything happens
  • Role and activities of the Citizens Committee on Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission; LBJ and Lady Bird's role in beautification; Mr. Henry Diamond was present and spoke during the interview
  • ; contact with community leaders; conflict of subway vs. freeway; housing problems; unique business and economic situation in D.C.; tourist trade; LBJ's interest in D.C. government; Lady Bird's beautification program; bipartisan support; personal summary
  • , I wasn't looking for anything, any appointment of any kind. F: You don't want really to get back into that? C: I don't want to go back into that. I just wanted to quit and open my law office. F: Yes. D,id you plant any seeds in Lady Bird's
  • the locals are afraid that it's going to take land off the tax roll. They're suspicious of whether it really will bring in enough tourism trade to offset this; they'd rather have a bird in the hand than two in the bush; they'd LBJ Presidential Library