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  • Type > Text (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961 (remove)
  • Subject > Vietnam (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

8 results

  • McPherson; George Reedy; Lee White; LBJ as VP under JFK; John Connally; Preston Smith; Bobby Baker; Lady Bird Special, 1964; NSC 1965; escalation in Vietnam; Tonkin Gulf Resolution; dissenting group in the White House; John Stennis; LBJ's decision not to run
  • educated really by him, having known our father He was extremely strict. day a different language at the table. He insisted that we speak every I went to a convent called the Convent of the Birds; it was called Les Oiseaux, which sounds funny in English
  • that station at the tim.e that Lady Bird bought it would have seen it grow fantastically in value just because of the rate of growth of the industry. have no direct knowledge of it. But I myself It was just in the nature of the industry that people who got
  • at least could express herself on some of those things in which local people were interested. coordination on these trips. So we had a little extemporaneous As a matter of fact I probably was with Lady Bird on that trip and saw more of her than I have
  • Biographical information; first association with LBJ; LBJ-Sam Rayburn relationship; 1960 convention; LBJ’s acceptance of VP nomination; Lady Bird campaigning in North Carolina; civil rights legislation; religious issue; Senate luncheon; LBJ’s trips
  • at the request of Mr. Johnson. And even the simplest question, "Is Lady Bird going to the hospital?" he'd say, "Well, I'll have to find out about that." Well, you know, that stuff. who knew about all this, I think did a very good job. is always difficult
  • nine o'clock at night, and that's no damn time to go house hunting ." He then related that he and Bird had bought a house out on 52nd Street, and they had stuff over there and some of the rooms were fixed up and the cook was working over there every day
  • through the Committee on Agriculture, a bill to put a license on migratory- -to hunt migratory birds known as the Duck Stamp Law. And we've collected millions of dollars out of that, and we saved the ducks that way. Then I helped to enact a law called