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102 results

  • the conversation "we run the business"o Now it seems to me this would be a good time to . thoroly investigate the very "reason for being" of this nation wide 1 rat bait"Demonstration " business. I can well imagine that twenty years ago when anti-coagulant baits
  • let 1■ started me hear troa 7ou 1mmed1ate17. Yours ••rr truly, HG1MBP The above 1s salt-explanatory and it would be appreciated it JOU would advise me whether or not you saw Mcclendon Monday afternoon attar our telephone conversation. I think
  • to extract an hour or so of conversation on what seems to be the truth. Relationships of male and female in the cycles of companionship. quo. Who is qµid?. ledge of the facts. And Quid pro who is quot The cycle of emotion llU8t start with a lmow­
  • were telling the truth through Feltus to me. Your drive forced me immediately to the telephone on calls to Port Arthur and Orlando. At the end of the year in grading people, you remember I told you that you and Helen Fuller had done the best work
  • 0 R P 0 R A T E D EXPORT SALES MANAGERS CABLE ADDRESS "BANDT" TELEPHONE • LOCUST 4-4020 1010 SCHAFF BUILDING 1505 RACE STREET PHILADELPHIA 2 U.S.A. November 9, 1961 The Honorable Lyndon B. Johnson The Vice President of the United States
  • . S. District Judge Dallas1J,, T exil.s o.u.ns·on ,.,,. January 27, 1961 Dear Sarah: Walter told me about his conversation with you when you were her e for the Inaugural Ceremonies. I was pleased to have your letter and the most impressive resume
  • and thUB possibly injure the regular atore sales. I enjoyed our little conversation in Chicago very auch indeed and hope to be paying 7ou a viait in Waahington before very long. Kindest regards. Sincerely youra, Zit:IS POBLISHD!G COIIPAIII Louis Zara
  • . Charle11 Marsh Adolphu• Hotel Dallas, Texas Dear Mr. Marsha Pursuant to our telephone conversation some week ■ ago when I • • in Kansas City, Missouri w1 th Senator Claude Pepper, I wi ■h you to consider this a ••mi-official report concerning the di
  • tha t the sender authorizes the collection of any addltfonal ~~:rlt~r~~hJm,1J~T:t~/~iy ~~8:w~ r:~m~'hh ii!.r~~b'iJi~ ~\o~fi~a~ed from the addressee. There will be no additional charge !or deliveries made by telephone within _ 5. No respom1lblllty
  • making definite headway there every da:r and I feel confident we can vrnrk out something very much to our advantage by the first of Auf!;ust if vre will take two full days to it . You told me in our long distance conversation that you had arranged
  • on a number of subjects of interest to their two Governments. Their informal conversations have included among other things, discussions of; the problem of a divided Germany including Berlin; the current nuclear test ban talks; political and military de­
  • at the State Department. The call concerned Cuban sugar operations . Telephone Conversation between Bob Kle gerg of Kingsville, Texas, and Seno Johnson, June 16, 1959 K If you coulli say something backing up what the State Department has already said. •• 0
  • - · :5 : J~ :\Iclor.! ies 5 3 Telephone 8-6611 For All Departments be liabl e tn suffer through. fraud th ur nuw pitching !or ci\ilizR- · __:..._o_:-._ ·~_ .,_,·_s_ __ or deceptw n. tion. 5 :~5 . Rh ~ thm Time 1 I iL I O n e Ma n ' I Q p.n . I
  • 12-19 June 16., 1942 Kiplinger•s Washington Letter-June 13, 1942 "Politics in the form of fall election are pltqing a big J;B.rt in many governmental policies bearing on war. In conversations 'With officials, we hear it said a dozen times per
  • . Garcia then [1 of 2] - 2 ca..1.l.l.a Mr . George Groh , a rt.por'tur of t l told hi.c of his converse:. ti on wi t ••1 il: • l.r . Konnodr on tho s .mo night to ~orpu.., ..r . G1 oJ l . .clli.H.. dy . 't tu
  • In tt 1op1cs or conversation aroun thll part ot Calllorn!L It ctrana• bow UtUe we all to do about Ille olements, J)llJ Ueularl7 the weather. Several ldeu have been a, nDe
  • if you oere. And here I think it well to tell you of the last a pursuit -pilot at Port Moresby, New Guinea, before IJOrthern front at Im-win. icy conversation I had with bomber cerried me to the Stending in a grass covered hut to avoid
  • troubles end disruption in their own plants. They do not vote their men as they used to. Conversation Monday evening 9: 30 Ds State Young Democrats are meeting in Beaumont Friday and Saturday of this week. Believe it 13 e. Garner controlled group end
  • there is much fo g at the moment, let us imagine the Christ concept and the Buddha concept meeting somewhere f or a conversation at the town of the Golden Mean -of thought in motion. The distinguished Emerson might be the Corres-· ponding Secretary. Nietzsche
  • and the President's three mllltar, aides aa well aa many other distinaulshed members of 1ovemment, political, civic leadera and laymen. Former President of the United States, Oen. Dwt,ht D. Elaenhower, throUih his personal asatstant, Col. Robert L. Schulz, telephoned
  • into Prague. He was · rushed to . see Czech Prime Minister Siroky. On June 15 they talked of a military aid pact. This meant Czechoslovakia was going to do all the aiding-Cuba couldn't take Liechten­ stein without Soviet bloc help. Obviously, this conversation
  • and then today we say, ''Let George do it, 11 as we return to our debutant balls and such. Over the telephone, a thousand miles away, this morning crune a question, 11 It is very bad, isn't it?" bad." And, of course, one had to say, "V~ry, very But one said
  • Lady Bird comments on LBJ's "lamb of a letter," and asks about his law school courses. She writes about how her work around the house is progressing, how she misses her friends in Austin and their good conversation. She mentions seeing the Dodge
  • Lady Bird comments on her phone conversation with LBJ earlier in the day, describes her visit today with relatives, and thanks LBJ for sending books. She writes about the pictures she has enclosed and describes the busy week she has ahead
  • LBJ expresses disappointment after his phone conversation with Lady Bird a day earlier. He says he wrote Lady Bird a long letter but decided not to mail it. He describes going out with friends despite still being sick and says Gene [Latimer] now
  • LBJ comments on Lady Bird's letter to him describing her conversation with Victor [McCrea] while she was in Dallas. He also comments on letters from his mother and from "Mr. Dick" [Congressman Kleberg] and mentions again the letter he wrote Lady
  • LBJ tells Lady Bird he received letters from her and Gene [Boehringer]; Gene expressed approval of LBJ's relationship with Lady Bird. LBJ mentions his long conversation with Helen Crouch and plans to have dinner with Bill and Irene White. LBJ
  • of Germany. then have an opportunity to continue our conversations. With cordial of of time or We would greetings I remain Adenauer Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Senate Democratic Leader Senate Building Wa ■ hington O. C. Translated by: Edwin [multiple