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  • with about ten governors, and Martin Luther King somewhere in the middle of it. And it was good talk and a wonderful day, and I thought to myself: “Dear Lord, if he can just rest enough to think enough, it just might be wonderful.” I mean, the next 13 months
  • ci and I. Lyndon w a s in h is o ffic e - I knew a sta tem en t w as being p rep a red . He gave it on TV from the W hite H ouse -" A m erica i s shocked and sadden ed r b y the b ru tal sla y in g tonight of D r. M artin Luther King. I a s k e v
  • & speeches; LBJ works hard with little rest; Johnsons to Democratic fundraiser that night; Lynda Robb relays news that Martin Luther King has been shot & died; LBJ calls Coretta Scott King & makes televised speech; evening plans cancelled & Hawaii trip
  • Lady Bird flies back to D.C. & she is driven to the USS Sequoia; LBJ & Lady Bird read newspapers & have breakfast; Johnsons watch Clark Clifford & Maxwell Taylor on tv; Johnsons watch Martin Luther King on tv; lunch; Luci Nugent meets boat
  • Big breakfast with guests; everyone goes for walk and then bowling; lunch, a nap, and viewing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on "Meet the Press;" more bowling; talk of approaching Eastman-Kodak to sponsor beautification; possible trip to Florida
  • ie t s e r io u s v o ic e s a id ” We t r a v e l ( MEMORANDUM TH E W H IT E HOUSE : ( F r i d a y , A p r il 5, 1968 . WASHINOTON Page 2 w ith a h e a v y h e a r t to d a y , b e c a u s e of th e tra g e d y of D r, King*s d e a th . E v
  • Lady Bird slept little; Lady Bird has coffee with LBJ; they decide Crossing the Trails of Texas trip should continue; Lady Bird alters speeches to include statement about Martin Luther King; to Dulles airport; Washington & foreign correspondents
  • Lady Bird talks to LBJ at Camp David; Lady Bird & foreign press board buses for Goliad; view flowers & cattle; funeral service for Martin Luther King; ceremony at restored Presidio La Bahia; speeches by Stewart Udall & Lady Bird; migrant children
  • o king a t th e d e e r , co unting th e m and in s p e c tin g th e f e n c e s , p ic k in g up th e in te r c o m e v e r y few m in u te s to g iv e d ir e c tio n s to D a le w ho C S a tu rd a y , J a n u a ry 13 (C ontinu ed ) m u s t c u
  • , Martin & Danz Ranches; back to LBJ Ranch and talk about ranch issues with Dale Malechek; helicopter to Austin and a visit with Luci & Lyn Nugent; Johnsons to Andrews AFB and White House in pelting rain
  • arborough ca m e up to g r e e t m e . H e had c a n c e lle d out a fter the a s s a s s in a tio n of M artin Luther King and I did not e x p e c t to s e e h im . I m an aged to be m o r e c o rd ia l than I had been at our la s t m eetin g ■^ . '-i
  • lu n ch on t r a y s . Page 3 I t ' s a funny thing. f o r a p la c e p r o t e c t e d f r o m the w ind. We h a d b e e n loo king We ta lk e d f o r y e a r s ab ou t b u ild in g s o m e s o r t of a w ind b a r r i e r out b y the sw im m
  • through Martin & Danz Ranches; Frank Erwin & LBJ Library; Johnsons watch tv election coverage; party for military staff stationed at LBJ Ranch; story about elderly man & LBJ; LBJ gives speech & awards to military staff
  • --and I don't know just quite when it was; perhaps I'll run across it in the year 1960 or 1961--but at one point, I joined Mary Martin in christening--I think it was the first big jet of a whole family of jets, at Dallas. M: I think that will come up
  • of the military by civil authorities, and the president is the commander-in-chief. However, anything that produced that much division in the country he deplored. G: Did he have any advance warning, do you know, of the letter that Joe Martin released
  • and friends' children getting married; buying the Ranch property from LBJ's Aunt Frank Martin and plans to improve it; Senator Alvin Wirtz' death.
  • it all ready to go, and they slammed the gate shut on any further discussion of licenses, is the way I remembered it. He just wanted to get it judged to whether he could have the license or not, and then he would take his chances. Martin Winfrey and Tony
  • Hubert Humphrey but you send his wife and family, all working fo r your State ; an d when you send Gene McCarthy there is Abigail there , too , and the fami l y, wo r king for the State . And when the Secretary of Agriculture , Orv1lle Fr eeman , is the r
  • A p ril 14 , , ^ -Tuesday rri 1964 Because King Hu ssain was going to ar r i ve without his w i f e , I had not expected to p a r t ic ip a t e in the arriv al ceremonies at l l : 3 0 . So was b u s il y e n g ^ e d in desk work when I got
  • Head of State visit of King Hussein I of Jordan; Lady Bird to USDA for Food and Home Fair for Consumers; Lady Bird meets "Smoky the Bear;" Lady Bird to Senate Ladies Red Cross Luncheon; State dinner for King Hussein I; exchange of gifts
  • s s ib le . O nly G race and June w e r e th ere. I sta y ed un til a little p a st 11:00 and then retu rn ed to the W h ite H ouse for a 11:30 m eetin g on the N orth P o r tic o w ith King H a ssa n . -' -T h e b ig b la ck lim o u sin e w ith
  • LBJ & Lady Bird breakfast; Lady Bird to Spanish class; Johnsons welcome King Hassan of Morocco; new winter ceremony format; Lady Bird does office work, has lunch & watches entertainment rehearsal; Lady Bird lists houseguests with some from Marshall
  • have been out to dinner with Kitty King and Ben Powell and their nurseey. They have two adorable children and man~_,ge them without flickering an eyeiis~ The red velvet hostess pajantas have come and they look like what the Princess in the fairy tale
  • , or a g roup of citizens ? ·" That is the immediate problem and the challenge. Most of the great cities and great works of b eauty of the past were built by auto­ cratic societies . The Caesars built Rome. Paris represents the will of the Kings of France
  • of latUea. I did my bast to make them like me. Sunday I spent muoh of the day with • King, and, it being a feast day, could have drink, so celebrated end had sever -~al. He said he had lways worried about whether I understood why he had to be for O'Dantel
  • r . L a b o u is s e fo r the C a th e d ra l fo r the r e q u ie m m a s s for King Pau l. T h e en tran ce to the C a th e d r a l w as flan k ed by s o lid flanks of p h o to g r a p h e r s with fla sh in g bulbs and a u n ifo r m e d p a la ce
  • Greek King Paul's funeral; Archbishop Christostomas of Athens; Prince Phillip of England; unpleasant incident with Archbishop Makarias of Cyprus and crowd; long funeral procession to gravesite; Prince Loraton of Cambodia and stone-throwing at US
  • MEMORAN DUM TH E W H IT E HOUSE WA S H IN GTON T u e sday, M ay 19, 1964 P a ge 1 The day began with desk w ork with L iz , B ess and Ashton. Then I w alked o ve r to Lyndon*s o ffic e to g r e e t the King of Burundi, on the law n s m a ll
  • Lady Bird does desk work; visit of King of Burundi; paintings for the White House; Lady Bird works with Dick Goodwin on Lady Bird's upcoming Kentucky speech; military reception on White House lawn; Johnson family greets the guests; Lady Bird
  • -.. Let me tell you the tale of two citie s in Minnesota. the beautification is good busine se. Both illustrate ln Minneapolis, a city of half a million people, businessmen have created a ten-block mall wbere the pedestrian is king -- with ample parking
  • hope that you haYe had the opportunity of visiting over the luncheon table. Since las t Sunday night, some of you may have been wondering whether we would be holding t his luncheon. Let me say it clear and strong: we •re going to be wo!'king until
  • botter c ban ce for educ c. tion, xm ma king i t s t o1m moro livcab l c- -a ll th ese tra il s we s eck out ev cr J da_y , 2.nlt ·,.-e :;!rn.11 con tinuo to s eek th cc o ut . And we shall c lcar th cm. One of our for oign plcasod me an rl open ve r
  • editor. I try to report to him, factually, what I see and hear in the places that I visit. I try to pass along to him, the opinions, the aspirations, the moods and the needs of the people I talk to. Sometimes I will b e ta king trips by myself
  • him that rllr. Joe Connally, President of King Fea tu.res and INS, had had a conference with vou and that an agreement of this nature had been reac,hed: INS would cease the service and cease the charge on their news service to us imn1edia tely
  • i n a v i a o n ly l a s t O c t o b e r - the King of D e n m a r k , a n d f r i e n d l y Q u e e n I n g r i d of D e n m a r k , a n d b e a u t i f u l A n n M a r i e , t h e i r p r i n c e s s , who i s g o in g to b e m a r r i e d to you
  • Lady Bird arrives in Athens for funeral of King Paul of Greece; welcoming ceremonies; Lady Bird lunches at restaurant along Aegean Sea; background briefing on Greek government; Georgios Papandreou and son; visit to Byzantine Monastery; drive
  • to be a woman because there are so many roads to take . Two recent experiences have brought me in contact with the broad range of fields open to women. One evening in Greece, where I went to attend the funeral of King Paul, I spent some time with several
  • 34Ç to remove piece of litter in one state? ln another state the bill is 64Ç per paper cup. Think what you can do by simply being "king of your car", and ruling that litter bag4t wW always be used. AU America will welcome the example your
  • king c lock . I t i s the kind of question pondered by Senator Humphrey who has stood beside my husband for t he 16 years he ha s been a Senator and who my husband believes wil l be a wise and he l pful Vi ce - President . I t i s our privilege
  • , and it would be obvious to both him and Escoe that he w&s .just being groomed for the menager job. w·e have been t2.king uu the cappets in the reception root:1 and the little office where Sneed lteeps books. The terrazo floor underneath, cf ter wuch
  • to build a c i t y , / ^ being both stud ied and ex ecu ted at the sam e tim e. At s ix , I a ccom p a n ied Lyndon to King H iisse in 's r ec e p tio n for u s and 1500 m o re people at the M ayflow er H o tel. i The D ip lom atic Corps cam e down
  • ; Lady Jackson's ideas on improving cities; LBJ and Lady Bird to reception given by King Hussein I at Mayflower Hotel; party at the Warren Woodwards for Lloyd Hand; Lady Bird to Coliseum for Lippizzaner horse show; Luci Johnson & friends; Lady Bird's
  • e r^ A g lim p s e in to a h o u se w h e re I saw a p ic tu r e o f the King an d Q u een on th e w a ll; another^ a s m a ll h a m m o c k sw ay in g g en tly s u s p e n d e d f r o m th e b e a m - J t w a s th e b a b y 's c r a d le . A nd
  • Lady Bird tours the Khlong and describes people and sights; LBJ receives honorary degree from Chulalongkorn University; Lady Bird describes academic robes and King Kittikachorn; LBJ gives speech and signs International Education Act; Lady Bird meets
  • and liked very much, Mr. Hiram King, who was a vice president of Sinclair Oil, had written some of his friends up there to take these two young girls out. This time we were 4 LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT
  • Johnson's financial difficulties; the relationship between LBJ and his father; LBJ's mother, Rebekah Johnson; Mrs. Johnson's trip with LBJ to San Marcos, the King Ranch, and Corpus Christi; the Kleberg family, including Alice Gertrudis King Kleberg, Richard
  • chief of state, for instance, let's say the King of Nepal1 s son was going to Harvard and we had him downon LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More
  • are: wor king for Lynd on down at the headquarters fo r the volunteers for th e Dem oc ratic National Comm ittee:. She pu t th e littl e gol d pins in t he shap e of a number four cros sc~d with t he ini tials LJ3J. She ga
  • will be thin king of you. We arc 00 pcopk, all tbc studen ts of the National M usi c Camp
  • not the le a s t b it frig h te n e d lo o k in g . I d id n 't w a nt to add an e x tra g e rm so I j u s t patted h im and s a t down and h e ld h is hand. H e showed m e the a rtic le about L u c i by H e le n Th o m a s as to how she w as ta king C
  • MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ’ W ed n esd a y , N o v e m b e r 1, 1967 Page 1 It w a s the day o f the v i s i t o£ the King of N ep a l and h is Q u e e n . T he in o r n in g I sp e n t a t d e s k w o rk , a n d then a fe w m in u
  • Office work; arrival ceremony for King & Queen of Nepal; speeches & parade down Pennsylvania Avenue to Blair House; lunch; meeting with Clark Clifford & Madame Shoumatoff about portrait of Lady Bird; visit with LBJ in dining room; LBJ's announcement