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  • , and I could feel we organized, as far as the labor group goes, I think one of the very best campaigns on the telephone. first telephone banks. That was one of the That is where we first got women started in doing this, and it paid off. But along
  • and CTJ went into the manager's office for phone conversation with the President 7:15 plane take off the plane was decorated with streamers and balloons and everyone put on New Years Eve hats -- to celebrate the end of the last trip 8:00 8:55 stop
  • been engaged a. By supporting the Jarring Mission we have been seeking to move toward a settlement of the Arab -Israeli dispute. More than 50 bilateral conversations have b e en held. The two countries have now given papers to Ambassador Jarring who
  • anything else and he eventually took it. G: Did he leave you any parting shot, any instructions, recommendations, words of advice? H: Not really. We had some conversations before he left mostly about specific problems that were on hand. As a matter
  • for the world and for the nation, for the people. going admirer of everything that he has done. I'm a thorough He's also most remarkable for the knowledge he retains of the smallest things. He is more conversant with what goes on and who's doing it in his