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  • Subject > Adenauer, Konrad, 1876-1967 (remove)

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  • on a number of subjects of interest to their two Governments. Their informal conversations have included among other things, discussions of; the problem of a divided Germany including Berlin; the current nuclear test ban talks; political and military de­
  • and the President's three mllltar, aides aa well aa many other distinaulshed members of 1ovemment, political, civic leadera and laymen. Former President of the United States, Oen. Dwt,ht D. Elaenhower, throUih his personal asatstant, Col. Robert L. Schulz, telephoned
  • . Walte r Jenkins Senate Office Building FROM: L. Executive Secr etary nAr.1e The enclosed memorandum of t he Vice Presiden t's conversation with Chancellor Adenauer is r eferr ed fo r approval prior t o distribution . The Vice Pre siden t ' s r emar
  • or other pay a visit to the Federal Republic of Germany. We would then have an opportunity to continue our conversations. With cordial greetings I remain Adenauer Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Senate Democratic Leader Senate Building Washington D. C
  • . In order to maintain neutrality in the election campaign, it was decided to have separate visits to Adenauer and Brandt. In the course of theae visits, the Vice President held highiy private conversations with both leaders