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  • Shriver during the 1960 campaign. was at Princeton. paign. I That would have been my senior year during the cam- I worked for the Johnson-Kennedy ticket during that campaign. r was doing my senior honors thesis for the School of Public and Inter
  • lnveatipticm c:oncer.rl~ J'enle'• wherea'bouta on November 22, 1963•. and Immediately precedla1 daat at:e. Tbe ...._4 material relate• to &Zl FBI lra.veatlpUcm made shortly after tbe ••-alaatlan of Prealdezlt Kennedy wit:h reapect to alle;zadou ma4e lty
  • : Actually you got the formal endorsement of the Texas AF of L in the campaign? M: That"s right. And there was one Sunday when Morris Roberts and I thought we were going to get Stevenson to come out on the Taft-Hartley thing. We thought we had him
  • of Wisconsin seeing everybody he could see . Because [Robert M .] LaFollette [Jr .], who was his opponent, had not come home--had sort of moved to Washington and forgotten he was a Senator from Wisconsin--the people voted for the person they saw
  • of Senate Democrats; John Sparkman; Paul Douglas; Paul Butler; Matt McCloskey; Americans for Democratic; Charlie Murphy; Albert and Mark Lasker Foundation; 750 Club; Ed Foley; Liz Carpenter; Ralph Hewitt; Bob Berry; Dave Lloyd; Jack Kennedy; Ted Sorenson
  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT C. WEAVER INTERVIEWER: JOE B. FRANTZ More on LBJ Library oral histories: http
  • See all online interviews with Robert C. Weaver
  • LBJ when NYA set up; John Corson; Frank Horne; reaction to VP LBJ’s approach to civil rights; comparison of JFK and LBJ’s style; LBJ’s knowledge of housing; 1964 and 1965 urban task forces; first acquaintance with Robert Wood; role in formation of HUD
  • Weaver, Robert Clifton, 1907-1997
  • Oral history transcript, Robert C. Weaver, interview 1 (I), 11/19/1968, by Joe B. Frantz
  • Robert C. Weaver
  • , because I was the number two under Frank Wisner and I was the number two under Dick Bissell. As is probably relatively well known, both Allen Dulles and Dick Bissell were let go from the agency by President Kennedy because of the sad outcome of the Bay
  • with LBJ; doing LBJ’s makeup; LBJ giving to a poor family and the Catholic church in Stonewall; LBJ’s relationship with the Kennedys and Hubert Humphrey; LBJ’s interest in the media (TV, ticker tape, newspapers) and sensitivity to the media; diversity
  • with him on many occasions. Not only in Texas but also in Washington and I maintained my contact with him. fact, I would guess that I participated in all of his campaigns. In To include, of course, his presidential campaign both with President Kennedy
  • : In 1956 you had that horse race between young John Kennedy and Estes Kefauver for the vice presidency, and Johnson shook a lot of people by taking Texas for Kennedy instead of for Kefauver. Were you privy at all to his thinking or strategy in this, or do
  • was honored that he asked me, in part at the suggestion of his son George, who had been the assistant secretary of labor and with whom I'd worked. Ambassador Lodge knew that I'd traveled in the Soviet Union with Bob Kennedy, who of course had defeated his
  • JFK lies in state at the Capitol; the Johnsons attend St. Mark's Church; Eunice Shriver tells the Johnsons Lee Harvey Oswald has been killed; Jacqueline Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John-John and Caroline ride to the Capitol in the car with the Johnsons
  • [Roberts] and I have laughed about this so much--he had a real hang-up on the toilet paper holder, how awkward the place it had been put. We'd get a fifteen-minute lecture on [how] the guy who installed the toilet paper holder in the john was the torture
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Waldron
  • Waldron, Robert Earl, 1927-1995
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Waldron, interview 2 (II), 2/1/1976, by Michael L. Gillette
  • Robert E. Waldron
  • ~"as Governor Connally's vie't-l that Texas had done a very substantial part with regard to the fund-raising. But in any event President Kennedy and, perhaps, Attorney General . Robert Kennedy and others l.Jere desirous of having a fund-raising dinner in Texas
  • and concern for Governor Connally’s health; the Yarborough/Connally split; fund-raising in Texas for 1964; planning the trip for JFK and LBJ to Texas; Kennedy popularity in Texas; what was done with the money from the cancelled Austin dinner 11/22/63; guest
  • top secret things, just kind of a right-hand man type to the General. At the end of 1960--1 didn't know anything about this till I read it in Newsweek--somebody touted Clifton as the military aide to the newly elected President Kennedy. He didn't deny
  • as General Clifton’s photographer for industrial and VIP special events; being a White House photographer during the Kennedy administration; August 1961 trip to Berlin Wall with Vice-President Johnson and Y.R. Okamoto’s coverage of the trip; European trip
  • . Kennedy, Mr . Nixon, and Mr . Albert all in one little huddle . They were the only � � � � LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral
  • the tragedy of Robert Kennedy, and he called me up and said, "r want you to put men on that right away," about six o'clock in the morning, "put good men on it," and so forth and so on, which we did. M: So he does not at weird hours and frequently
  • it; no state commission ever has. F: You've got people like you, Andy Brimmer, Robert Weaver, and others scattered around. ~ Now then, you've g.ot something like downtown New York, the financial district, which has been pretty much lilywhite. Do you get
  • : Of course, that was primarily a Kennedy campaign. OM: That's true. F: Mr. Johnson was subordinate in this instance, except you did have . . . Vr'1: We had the tea F: You had the tea Vfvl: Yes. F: Tell me a little bit about them. VM: ~'Jell
  • . I said, "In Southeast Asia we need a policy as to where we're going . What are we there for? What are the conditions for us to leave?" I tried to get Kennedy to see this . I pointed out that in Korea we never knew what we wanted there . we
  • Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
  • . So I was one of them. Pat Kennedy, who was later to head up VISTA and who is now the city manager of Columbia, Maryland, was another. Jerry Bruno was the third one, and you know who Jerry is. Mel Cottone, who was also a Kennedy advance man
  • thing that concerned me was I couldn't really envision anybody else lead~~3 this country as Presidc':t. None of the people that \'icre on the scene, Hhich of course at that tir.:c included Senator Robert Kcnr.cdy and Vice President Humphrey-I had net
  • impatience; MLK and Resurrection City; Ramsey Clark and his relationship with LBJ; wire-tapping; J. Edgar Hoover; Robert Kennedy’s assassination; getting Secret Service protection for Presidential candidates; the Commission on Violence; Lloyd Cutler
  • got that news on a very sad day, as you know. It was the day Robert Kennedy was to be buried here in Washington, and we had planned a brief memorial ceremony here at the department. The funeral cortege was to stop outside the department
  • Robert M . LaFollette came there to lecture he That was Robert M . LaFollette, said, "Lindley, I want you to meet him ." Jr ., whom I later served in the Congress with . He did the same with reference to permitting me to get close, as it were, to Vice
  • Department for some years, primarily because of what I regard as its obvious and inexcusable failure to investigate effectively the shootings of President John F. Kennedy, Reverend Martin Luther King, Senator Robert Kennedy and, more recently, Governor George
  • of country for about two and a half weeks. I went from Rome back to Washington; as I mentioned earlier, I arrived there the day of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas. Then I went back via the Far East, stopped off and saw our embassy
  • Returning to Saigon following the JFK assassination; Robert McNamara’s December 1963 visit to Vietnam; January 1964 Khanh coup and alleged French involvement; what the French might have wished for Vietnam; Christmas 1964 in Dalat; Tran Van Don; Le
  • Robert Kennedy is shot in Los Angeles; LBJ discusses gun control with Senator Mike Mansfield; LBJ calls Senators Dirksen & Aiken about agriculture; Lady Bird cancels appointments; Lady Bird works on telegrams for Rose & Ethel Kennedy; LBJ makes
  • a terrible commentary. P: Anyhow, on the way back, I was flown to Honolulu to participate in one of [Robert] McNamara's big flying circuses. G: Of 1962? P: 1962, yes. This was August, I think. And I was asked to give a brief presentation of what we
  • about the one where Kefauver and Kennedy-G: Oh, I was there. F: And Adlai was, for a second time. G: I'm sorry, I will go back. You see, these years! All right. Yes, I was at the convention. F: As a delegate? G: No, Walter asked me to come
  • we're talking about now. F: Right. P: The farm-to-market roads, they were beginning to talk about them but not do anything about them. You see, the Highway Commission had just been formed with Robert Hubbard as chairman, and they were not too active
  • Kennedy, known as Executive Order 10988, which set up for the first time a formal government policy with respect to the rights of federal empoyees to be in unions. There was never any question, there was never any deviation, there was 'never any compromise
  • LBJ & Lady Bird read newspapers; to St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, for Robert Kennedy funeral; the Johnsons pay respects to the Kennedy family; lunch on plane back to Washington; Lady Bird reads newspapers and takes nap; mourners killed
  • meant Kennedy. When he talked about his conversation with Dean, you knew it was Rusk. When he talked about anybody in any position at all, he used nicknames and first names, and I think he had the chief justice of the Supreme Court that came out
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. All of our holdings are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
  • Memcon, Moroccan Sympathy on President Kennedy's Death, 11/25/63
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
  • Memo, de Gaulle's comments on death of President Kennedy, 11/24/63
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • See all scanned items from Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Box 2
  • Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • See all scanned items from Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Box 3
  • Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • See all scanned items from Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Box 3
  • Special File on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • Memcon, Moroccan Sympathy on President Kennedy's Death, 11/25/63
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963