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  • frequently when people think something big is about to happen. He noted that President Kennedy's poll went up 10 points immediately after the Bay of Pigs then plunged 12 points when the crisis was over. More .. Roberts and Elfin -2­ The President also
  • oral histories: Robert E. Jordan III Subject(s) covered 18,19 Events in Dallas 19,20,21 Warren Commission Report 21,22 Autopsy on Senator Kennedy 23,24 23,24 James Rowley Rufus Youngblood 24
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Jordan III
  • Biographical information; prosecuting White House sit-in demonstrators; Frank Reeves; Howard Reed; Ralph Roberts, clerk of the House, and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; David Dellinger and the March on the Pentagon; "Murphy" confidence
  • Jordan, Robert E., III
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Jordan III, interview 1 (I), 1/6/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
  • Robert E. Jordan III