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9 results

  • . Johnson will give a dinner in honor of the Presi­ dent of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Park at the White House. Dress: Black tie. 5 TUESDAY, MAY 18 8:00 a.m. The Honorable Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense, will have breakfast with President
  • and matters of common interest to their countries. Deput7 Prime Minister Key Young Chang, Acting Foreign Minister Duk Choo Moon, Defense Minister Sung Eun Kim, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and other high officials
  • . Japan accepted full membership in the Or­ ganization for Economic Cooperation and De­ velopment in early 1964. Japan has partici­ pated in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade since 1955 and is expected to participate actively in the Kennedy Round
  • of recreation is horseback riding. As y;ou know, you met Park when he came to this country in November 1961 shortly after ecizlng power by a mU1tary coup: you met him again when he came to President Kennedy' a £uneral. In the attached menprandum (which you have
  • ,....... . ; .. 1tayf Doe~·Tokyo agree with' Washington on Red China? Communist trade? Other issues? :;?/lo _tliist '.interview, iust before his U.S. trip, ,r,Jm ..... e ·.•.·.•·M .. ... · ~".ister Sato. gives his views to Robert ·,< M,a.,rt1n.:.of ~'U~S. News & World
  • to other l a nd ft and p eople•, has a wldt1 range of program• directed toward the area ■ mentioned ln your letter. Sincerely~ Richard M. Moo1e )( M r. Robert M. Lelberger, Jr. 517 E . Cedar .Avenue Connell•vllle, Penn ■ ylvanla 15 4Z5 RECEIVED JULJ
  • an opportunity~ that excites and interest-£e him. He l'\"w-~ li.l!lrlad7 that the six many members of his Cabinet assassination worked Cabinet family members who were en route of President Kennedy. had been to Japan at there, the time
  • admiration for this display of ability, energy and dedication. In the next two days President Kennedy and members of his administration will discuss with you how we in America can assist in the fulfillment of these plans for the greater well-being and prosp
  • is rcy-third official visit to your country, beginning in the r all of the year 1961, when my dear friend, now departed, Pres:ident Kennedy, whom I will never forget, invited me to America. On each visit I came from a di.ff erent Korea; that. much has