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  • Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
  • Lynda Johnson christens Navy transport, "Austin"; LBJ & Lady Bird to St. Paul, MN, for Democratic Farm Labor Convention; Hubert Humphrey's son, Robert; LBJ gives speech; President's Club reception in Minneapolis; Fundraiser dinner with remarks
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 6/27/1964 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/14/1942
  • Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
  • was to be the main event of reception fo r 200 lea d e rs of the DAR, the state regents and the This is the f i r s t tim e in eleven y e a rs that the F ir s t Lady has r e c e iv e d the DAR. M r s . Eisenh ow er did it in 1953, and had clo se to 4, 000 guests
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • LBJ to World's Fair in New York; reception for leaders of Daughters of the American Revolution with descriptions of attendees by Lady Bird; LBJ's ancestor was founding member of DAR, Mary Desha; Lady Bird looks at samples for Luci's room; Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/22/1964 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • e r ic a n relations, and the ladies cam e down to o ffic ia lly present me with a book plate which w ill be used in the s e v e r a l thousand volum es to be accumulated. Books and trees a re among m y fa v o rite m e m o r ia l- - that is in m a te
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Luci Johnson to Winchester as Queen Shenandoah of the Apple Blossom Festival; Lady Bird opens Arts & Crafts exhibit at Department of Labor; Lady Bird meets man whose factory only employs the handicapped; reception for Brandeis University women; Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/29/1964 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird has meeting about Beautification Bill in Congress; lunch and trip to beauty parlor; fun visit with Luci Johnson; Lady Bird meets with Walter Reuther; LBJ has stag dinner for businessmen and labor leaders; Lady Bird visits with her Aunt
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 8/17/1965 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • relaxe d a fashi o n, I irna gin e - - by Jack V;:i. knti, and - - accor d ing to the - l0 ­ ne w ~pap e rs - - th e \'.'hole int • ·· view 19 61 took only sixt
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird meets with dressmaker; lunch with Lynda Johnson; LBJ's televised press conference; reception for labor leaders; LBJ meets with Goldwater--discusses Civil Rights Bill and Supersonic Plane; Lady Bird bowls with Lynda Johnson; LBJ discusses
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/24/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • First Lady
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird and Lynda Johnson to Wright Patman luncheon for Texas delegation; official photograph session of inaugural gown; LBJ takes nap; dinner with the Jack Brooks and Jake Pickles; Lady Bird watches "Gunsmoke;" dockworkers' strike
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/9/1965 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • represented , with M r s . O scar H am m erstein , C e leste Holm , M r s . A lle n Jay L e r n e r (of M y F a ir Lady), M rs. Jan P i e r c e , M r s . Jason Robards, Jr. (whom I had la st seen in A ft e r The F a ll), M r s . f B illy Rose; Elaine
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • LBJ and Railroad Strike; Lady Bird to first anniversary luncheon of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation in New York; Lady Bird & Jean Kintner to Needlework Shop to design needlepoint pillows for White House; Lady Bird mentions many people
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/9/1964 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird mentions LBJ and the steel strike; Lady Bird embarks on house cleaning and renovations at the LBJ Ranch; Lady Bird goes to the Lewis and Haywood Ranches; Johnsons have dinner at Haywood; Home Rule for District of Columbia bill
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 9/3/1965 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Tea for Fine Arts Commission; moving Waterford Chandelier back to Green Room; renovations to the White House; Lady Bird talks with White House Curator Jim Ketchum; Lady Bird meets with Clark Clifford with report of White House Historical Association
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 5/4/1964 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird talks with her daughters; Lady Bird talks with LBJ about concern over the steel strike and the use of Camp David; Johnson City park presented for LBJ's birthday; Lady Bird to beauty parlor; Lady Bird to party in Johnson City; Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 8/26/1965 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • Mrs. Cantinflas [Valentina Ivanova Zuvareff] dies; steel strike; Lady Bird dubs home movie of 1941 Senate campaign; White House maid finds rat in Luci Johnson's room; Lady Bird has lunch with Luci; new Chef for the White House; LBJ lunches and has
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/5/1966 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • See all scanned items from the Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson, Box 2
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Letter, Lady Bird Johnson to Lyndon B. Johnson, 3/18/1942
  • Personal Papers of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • Tour of Mackinac Island; Lady Bird describes native flora and fauna; the MRA (Moral Re-Armament) Complex; Lady Bird relates more history of Mackinac Island and the Grand Hotel; LBJ & Lady Bird to Detroit for President's Club reception
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 6/26/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • , President of LIFE itself, touched down, bringing -with them the three L i n e n children and a very attractive lady nam ed Miss Fow ler. M r. P itt had arrived e a rlie r. We came in the living room, this tim e by the side door and not the kitchen
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 8/27/1965 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird and Bess Abell work on seating chart for wedding; gifts from Luci Johnson to Bess Abell, Liz Carpenter, and Willie Day Taylor; Luci has luncheon for her friend; LBJ has stag luncheon for Prime Minister Wilson of Great Britain; airline
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/29/1966 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ banters with reports from the Truman Balcony; Lady Bird works at The Elms; Lady Bird tours White House with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sandburg and Mr. & Mrs. Edward Steichen; Carl Sandburg's books are mentioned; Lynda and Luci Johnson meet the guests
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/10/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ, Lady Bird & Dr. Cain swim; Lady Bird to hair salon; talk of strike; Johnsons to Wirtz wedding; reception at Army-Navy Club; lunch; Lady Bird and guests to Camp David; Lady Bird describes scenery; bowling; LBJ and others arrive; call from Mrs
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/1/1966 (Saturday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Lady Bird shops for clothes in New York with designers John Moore, Kandi Ohno, Sophie Gimbel and Adolfo; Lady Bird spends time with Lynda at White House; dinner with the McNamaras; LBJ's discussion with Labor leaders
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 1/5/1965 (Tuesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ & Lady Bird breakfast with guests while others attend church; news articles about Johnsons and the wedding; Lady Bird bowls with guests; possible blessing of marriage by Pope Paul VI; gift from Tony Taylor of their mother's silver cups for Luci
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 7/31/1966 (Sunday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • John Connally and LBJ visit Connally's ranch near Mexico; LBJ sad about President Eisenhower's illness; Lady Bird works on mail and makes phone calls; Lady Bird walks 3 miles along Pedernales River; she describes the flora, fauna, animals
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/10/1965 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson travel
  • George Washington's birthday; Lady Bird to New York City to purchase clothing; visit with Lynda Johnson; Mollie Parnis reminisces about Mamie Eisenhower; lunch, looking out over Central Park; Lady Bird & Lynda Johnson to Mary Lasker's party; Lady
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/22/1967 (Wednesday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Labor Day; LBJ & Lady Bird to Detroit for LBJ's Labor Day Rally in Cadillac Square; back to White House; office work; telephone calls with Mary Rather and Jessie Hunter; talk with Luci Johnson about raising children; dinner in bed with LBJ
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 9/7/1964 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • Office work; swearing-in ceremony for District of Columbia Council; LBJ gives off-the-cuff speech; Lady Bird has lunch & goes to hair salon; family photographs in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and the West Hall; Francis Lewine interviews Lady Bird
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 11/3/1967 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • LBJ & Lady Bird to Detroit; Gov. Romney meets plane; LBJ gives speech with heckler in crowd; standing ovation; Lady Bird mentions LBJ's health; to Battle Creek, Michigan; 1948 Campaign; as child, Lady Bird went to Battle Creek Sanitarium with Aunt
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 9/5/1966 (Monday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • An edited transcript for this day was included in Lady Bird Johnson's book "A White House Diary," published in 1970.
  • Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements
  • LBJ & Lady Bird 5-state tour; Lady Bird describes Chicago; stop at Cline High School, South Bend, IN; LBJ speech; stop at Peru, IN; LBJ speech & Lady Bird remarks at National Convention of League of Women Voters, Pittsburgh, PA; LBJ addresses United
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 4/24/1964 (Friday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson personal
  • LBJ, Lady Bird, Lynda & Luci to Paltka, FL, for Intercoastal Canal ceremonies, flipping switch for initial excavation, and presentation of ceramic bull; to Palm Beach to visit Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy; to reception for President's Club
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/27/1964 (Thursday)
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences
  • dinner; Lady Bird mentions guests & exchange of gifts; Lady Bird mentions her mother's favorite music; entertainment is Richard Tucker & Nedda Casei; Lady Bird visits with houseguests on second floor; Philip Bobbit to VISTA; visiting in LBJ's bedroom
  • Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007
  • Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 2/14/1967 (Tuesday)
  • 04:28 and 05:44-12:48 - sound recording has variable speeds that distort Lady Bird's voice
  • Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
  • Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary