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  • been reading about this coznmission from Kennedy. about it. We've started reading DALEY: Oh, yes. WATSON: I want to tell you what we know about it. Mel Elfrin, of Newsweek magazine, tells us he got his original tip from a freind of Ted
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • both McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy on the ballot. I have asked Bailey and Criswe ll at DNC to talk to the State Chairman and National Committeeman and our friends and get their recommendations on these Primaries. I do not want to say I am or I am
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • . B It was one of the most He 1 s a very decent fellow. What about the Present situation? Let me ask you. Can you in any way entertain that idea of a appointing a Committee? I tell you why•••• Kennedy called me, and he says a lot of people
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • strong that we ought to pull out and this was a bad situation, including Senator Kennedy, and we told them that if we got one Senator without getting the Chairman of the Foreign Relations and the Chair~an of the Armed Services. that they would just run
  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • spent $9. 5 billion on poverty in his last year, Kennedy $12. 5 billion, and Johnson $28 billion. Manpower training cost from 3 to 4 to 12 billion in the same period. ) The President: It is not right to say that we are not moving fast enough because
  • members would report on current situations . He first called on Secretary Rusk for a summary of developments in Brazil. Secretary Rusk summarized our relations with Goulart, including Goulart 1 s dis cuss ion with President Kennedy, and later, in Rio, his
  • . During the period February, 1965, through July, 1967, Ashton Jones participated in eleven large demonstrations in the Los Angeles area protesting the war in Vietnam and police brutality. Robert Lee Swartz - Swartz resides at 4821 North Paulina, Chicago
  • had seen Leon Keyserling on television, and it was the the meanest thing he had ever seen directed against Bobby Kennedy. The President said he feels there has been a dramatic shift in public opinion on the war, that a lot of people are really
  • ~ '. .. .. ... , ·Nrr1~ Q;~1·uc. "t ·. 1 ~... .Jv--1-~;. ....~- • . i·1 . ·J . · · ;BY~-,t·LA.R.·~LDm:i:J:C.'iQt " .>j . .\ ·: ·! · .. ~ . .... . i ;.A•. GENERAL . } . ·.·' i .... ~-1. I DISCUSSED THE KENNEDY S?EECH THIS MORNING WITH SENIOR
  • Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009
  • . I will be happy just to keep doing what is right and lose the election. There has been a panic in the last three weeks. It was caused by Ted Kennedy's report on corruption and the ARVN and the GVN being no good. And now a release that Westmoreland
  • Vietnam frc es. The President: There are ..two or three dangers in this: (1) We comply with the Senator Kennedy demand. (2) We create doubt about the fact we are doubtful. (3) We were charged with handpicking. (4) It might harden public position
  • Dirksen, at 72, from Chicago, can stand up and be my defender the way he has been. SECRETARY RUSK: He has a little stronger chemical than others. in his system THE PRESIDENT: Quoted parts of the James McGregor Burns book on Kennedy's quotes about