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  • by you at 11 a.m. will best whistlestops) is: by you to each Gov. to discuss and Lindy can come sit the telephoning ~oody, Dewey Long(the it (Bill Friday be good to have all for in on it for planning) 2) A further se~ if additional stops
  • played it two or three columns. It wasn't a long story, but they really blew it up into a box on page one, and 'r had a telephone call from Jack in Palm Beach saying, ''Where did you get the information that the Library of Congress is doing research
  • For Johnson Committee. Just $10.00 a couple, or $5, if you have bad breath. Music, food, live entertainment, drink and plenty of political conversation, and all proceeds go to President Johnson's Southern California camĀ­ paign fund. Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m