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  • in bedroom w/ Nap Bill Moyers fr Governor John Connally J Edgar Arr Hoover office Leonard Young mansion fr w/ J mansion Valenti Marks Voter Group Oval office President 23 1964 Released text of a memorandum to the President from Secy
  • Requirements Resources, Utilization and training from Labor Dept. JV, Marianne Means - (unannounced) Secretary 1:35 1:37 3:02 2:20 wing ofc. 1 of 2 W. Jenkins Ambassador t t f t t w/ Paul Martin & Mr Robertson - J. Edgar Hoover, Dete Deloach, Walter
  • & McBundy Dungan O'Brien Sorensen re foreign aid program and military assistance in 1963 J Edgar Hoover To mansion w/ 1:45 0 J Bess Abell Return to office Kermit Gordon Dr. Fubini J. Edgar Hoover Telephone Enrry No. 1 Time f or t Activity Code
  • , Director, BOB Joe Califano - pl j 12:01p 12:30p Crf j Members' Treasury .X^ Postmaster General Lawrence O'Brien The President asked to see the PMG to discuss Cabinet speeches. • I i /' 12:05p t J. | . . Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI - THE WHIT
  • Nicholas Katzenbach and Director Director of the FBI, J. J. Edgar Edgar Hoover Hoover OFF th e FBI, in OFF OFFRECORD RECORD lounge Bill Bill Moyers Moyers Mr. Davidson Davidso n RECORD RECORD May 14 . 196 5 FRIDAY White Hous House e McGeorge Bund
  • ? " - Presiden t replie d "Sure." Burke Marshall Civil Right Division Senator James Eastland Ruleville Miss J Edgar Hoover Secretary Hodges Nicholas Katzenbach J Edgar Hoover W Jenkins Senator James Eastland Ruleville Miss Secretary Dillon W Jenkins Secretary
  • Thursday White Burke Marshall House fr June 25 1964 mans Walter Jenkins George Reedy fr mans George Reedy J Edgar Hoover George Reedy fr mans Walter Jenkins Larry O'Brien To the office Secretary Hodges To Fish Room for picture taking w / John
  • / A.W. Moursund and WJ J Edgar Hoover Sen. Pastore Sen Saltonstall Sen. Scott In the Oval Room w/ Secy Douglas Dillon David Lawrence U.S. news & World Report In the Oval Room Dr. Glenn Seaborg and McGeorge Bundy Waddy Bullion Sen Russell Long Mr Charles
  • J Edgar Hoover - (returning his call) - nr (fr mansion) Arrive office Pierre Salinger Frank Denius, Wm. Frances, Walter Stults, Irving Dale To Cabinet Room for swearing in of Stan Musial - Special Consultant to the President for Physical Fitness
  • , tell them over there that I'm coming --four for lunch. " fr mans Dr Walter Heller Attorney General Bill Moyers J Edgar Hoover fr mansion Robert Kennedy fr mans fr mans Secretary of Defense McNamara reported to the President today that he has
  • of foreign students John Steele and Andrew Haskell (presented portrait of Sam Rayburn) To Cabinet Room to tape a message for J. Edgar Hoover In outer office reading newspapers w/ JV To Oval Office Sen. Russell Long (b.2) Secy Freeman (b.2) Secy McNamara (b
  • . Edgar Hoover Joe Califano Dr. Harry Ransom, Chancellor of the University of Texas, arrived--houseguest The following guests to second floor Hon. & Mrs. Walt W. Rostow Hon. & Mrs. John Macy, China CSC Hon. & Mrs. Horace Busby Hon. Wilbur Cohen^ DINNER W
  • Hoover Geo Reedy Secy Mann Lee White and Harry McPherson for conference JV .To the the Office The Honorable Honorabl e J. J. Edgar EdgarHoover Hoover OFF OFF RECORD RECORD call June 4 . 196 5 Friday White House To th e Flower Garde n - o
  • Johnson To the pool May White Secy Mr House To the Santo Domingo mansion J Edgar Lunch Tuesday Rusk Bundy Hoover w/ Secy McNamara Secy Rusk Secy Ball Secy Vaughn Admiral Raborn Abe Fortas Bill Moyers McGeorge J Edgar Bromley Bundy Hoover
  • - discussing possible press conference questions w/ George Reedy and Malcolm Kilduff J. Edgar Hoover - FBI - LaJolla, California Press conference in office of LBJ Ranch. . Reporters gathered around the President's desk ended at 10:30, at which time
  • hhayhaygordonhayhaygordonis schedule for the day. Rostow, Rusk, BM. Gen Wheeler and Sec'y McNamara. David Bacon Organised Crime mtg in Oval Office. The Attorney General, J. Edgar Hoover, Sheldon S. Cohen, Fred M. Vinson, Jr., David Acheson, William G. Hundley, BxHHAd Bacon
  • joined Gen. Harold Johnson, Chief of Staff, US A Hon. J. Edgar Hoover, Director FBI , 8:56p The 1 9:55p ' The President to the mansion for dinner W/ 10:00p ______ Marvin President " " Watson -pl returned ' to ~ the ~ oval " office
  • Office Sen Gale McGee to small lounge. J Edgar Hoover to Oval Office Rostow, Katzenbach, Califano and Hoover. .out. Rostow (Pl) Date June White House Dav 25, 1966 Saturday President came to mjdr's desk, glanced at some papers on her desk
  • j^ March White House ^ 23, 1966 L)a\Wednesday Acti vity(inc!ude visited by) General Earle Rudder- (houseguest) Hon. J. Edgar Hoover (in his car) Hon. J. Edgar Hoover Bill Moyers (pl) Belt on this call filed w/ belts of March 24 Departed
  • Friday White House June Awake papers and breakfast in bed in for a cup of tea did exercises Nicholas Katzenbach fr mans Sargent Shriver Secretary Dillon Walter Jenkins Bill Moyers J Edgar Hoover Secretary Rusk Secretary Rusk George Reedy Walter
  • . 22,1966 White House Thursday To mjdr's room to speak privately with Dr Edward D.Re Chairman, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (who had attended the Columbus Day ceremony) To Oval Office J. Edgar Hoover , Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • VICE PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON- >^*-y* DAILY DIARY (Worksheet) The Vice President began his day at (place) 2-/?4^ 274 EOB Discussion *** : 274Cjdg EOB **+* f Mon. 11-25-63 j-£& ~£> 3 10:05 Arr 10:30 t 10:40 t J Edgar Hoover Joe Alsop
  • President each year since 1950 Young American Medals Committees , Director, J. Edgar Hoover pursuant to an Act of Congress, FBI to not mo re than four young people Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall under 18. They are chosen, for Jack Rosenthal, Director
  • . anniversary. JV memo; JV memo; 12-1 12-1 Jack Valenti Abe Fortas Honorable problems J Edgar Lynda To the calls usher's ofc checked mf future OFF RECORD Hoover Bird mansion and Jack Secretary Nap Dean Acheson re of foreign policy for lunch Valenti
  • for Johnson Home Sec. Bob Anderson " " " 7:05 To Elms w Congr . & Mrs. Brooks Judge Thornberry 8:11 T Mrs. Mary Las ker 8:20 T James Farmer of CORE 8:28 T Sen McCarthy thanking him for generosity to Mrs J on TV 8;50 f Bill Moyers re 8:55 T J. Edgar Hoover
  • See page 5 for guests Remarks by the President C 1:37 2:00 1:56 2:30 J. Edgar Hoover (b. 1) t George Reedy ( b. 1) Senator Pierre Salinger f 2:25 X John McCone - re his plans for the future 2:44 To mansion to meet w/ Speaker of the House
  • / the President's Advisory Labor Management Policy by the President Remarks To office George Reedy W Jenkins George Reedy Ambassador John J Edgar Hoover W Jenkins G Reedy S Badeau Amb to UAR 29 1964 Committee see page 2 on asst Secy of State Secy Phillips
  • Jack Valenti J Edgar Carl Bill calls and usher's ofc checked Hoover Rowan Moyers Gov Frank Senator Carl Hayden Senator Mike Mansfield Senator Hubert Humphrey fr fr fr fr mansion mansion mansion mansion Clement and Cong Joe Evans
  • t t t f f wing t J. Edgar Hoover Ralph Dungan To pool w/ Myer Feldman - joined by Ralph Dungan Secretary Rusk ( at pool) (n/r) Secretary Tom Mann ( from pool) (n/r) Sargent Shriver ( from pool - n/r) Larry O'Brien ( fr. pool - (n/r) Prime
  • by Knudsen) Roche has a "seeme" memo on minimum wage and Democratic Study Group MW(pl) Marvin — — Watson Joe Califano Mrs. Jac k Valenti J. Edgar Hoover Mrs. Johnson joined _ To the Mansion an __ d dinner w/ Mrs. Johnson Retired for the evening
  • was delighted with her gift and immediately put it on her wrist. Watched Lyndon Johnson's Texas, the "Hill County" on television his office Ray Scherer, San Antonio J Edgar Hoover, Washington, D. C. Norman Dietel, Editor of the newspaper in Fredericksburg
  • -- Sant Sant oo Domingo Domingo , D R R (calle (calle d fo forr Secy Secy..Vanc Vanceebu but t talke talkeddw w/ /McG McG. .Bundy Bundy )) J Edgar George Hoover Meany Geo Reedy Bromley Smith J Edgar Hoover Bill Bill Moyers Moyers May 17 1965 White
  • joined J. Edgar Hoover (B.1) Senator Russell out JJ(pl) Bill Moyers (at his residence) J. C. Kellam - Austin, Texas To the Mansion for dinner w/ VM and Simon McHugh To the Mansion for dinner w/ VM Joined there by Simon McHugh Paul Fisher (movie man
  • Arnold J Edgar Hoover
  • House Reedy George Reedy Bill Moyers Ralph Dungan Prime Minister Ralph Walter Miss J G Pearson Ottawa Canada Dungan Jenkins Erdecamp answered the State Dept President's questions on Valenti Reedy Press J Edgar Acting Conference Hoover
  • . 1) Acting Mayo r o f New York City , Pau l R . Screvan e (b . 1) mf - "Tel l Le e Whit e to com e o n in. " Lee White out J Edgar Hoover Attorney General Robt Kennedy J Edgar Hoover H Pics on porch of Mr Mrs Dale Tucker and Mrs Tucker is cousin
  • Room Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach Deputy Attorney General Ramsey Clark J Edgar Hoover Deke DeLoach Lee White Marvin Watson Harry McPherson Jack Valenti statement on murder of Mrs Vida G Liuzzo of Detroit Michigan on road between Selma
  • , in Cong.J.J.Pickle's office __________^____^___^_^^_^.i^-^ ~ — HO. Hou* Date July •NT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY resident began his day at (Place) Time Tdephone :1 1 Lo In Out /: : 10:24a t / /I White H The I Activity j LD Code Secy , J. Edgar Hoover 10
  • Mr. Ke n Bunce -Asst . Director Cong . Charle s Hallec k Mr. Jame s Tul l -membe r VietNa m Tas k Force Cong . Hal e Bogg s Mr. Henr y Loomi s -Director, VO A Cong . Mende l River s DEFENSE -MILITARY Cong . Clemen t J. Zablock i General Earle G
  • :15 11:35 11:55 12:02 12:15 Secy McNamara Ken O'Donnell Larry O'Brien J. Edgar Hoover McGeorge Bundy Pierre Salinger Walter Jenkins Mr Bundy Mr Bundy W Jenkins (mansion) arr Oval Room / WJ & Dr. Frank Stanton in Dr Glenn Seborg Senator Smathers