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27 results

  • Rustin suggested to Harry Wachtel that Martin Luther King, Jr., should ask President Johnson to drop him off in Atlanta, Georgia, when the President is en route to Texas after King visits with the President on Friday. Rustin and Wachtel are frequent
  • See all scanned items from file unit "King, Martin Luther"
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • Folder, "King, Martin Luther [2 of 2]," Aides Files of Mildred Stegall, Box 32
  • A 9130165 A, PCI ~~3~ s L4 ST)t, bC...,~\L re Mai tht Latl1e1Minq,dt . 08 A a c... 01-0'a'S" Ma~il, Watson to Ure P1eside11t,7.25 ~ 11!5!65 s re Martin Luther King, Jr. t.l.h\AUA''lbII 1 ol Jc. NL,!" s ot-a..SS- Mar vln Watson
  • See all scanned items from file unit "King, Martin Luther"
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • Folder, "King, Martin Luther [1 of 2]," Aides Files of Mildred Stegall, Box 32
  • ~~e~e*t----~s..._---~3-~3~/1~g~ 1~eaa-_--8,Al.,__ ~ 11/:J.101 11/L,,.,r()l-:J3'7 me1110 uAeigneeaRe unaddr:assad R1eR1e, &:SO Collection Title Office Files of Mildred Stegall Folder Title "King, Martin Luther {1968) {Deceased)" Box Number 32
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • Folder, "King, Martin Luther (1968) (Deceased)," Aides Files of Mildred Stegall, Box 32
  • in this country has knowingly, willingly, and regularly cooperated with and taken guidance from communists. This individual--Martin Luther King--has used the communists and, in turn, has been used by them in an alliance that could have serious consequences both
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • /61 ,, A, C...1B 1 OtCl11 ~~ '\1 tJ tt/t."t /DI NL.t"' o l-rP3 Cf j ~- \\ Clo ~ LA.roer ~ C... Collection Title Office Files of Mildred Stegall Folder Title "King, Martin Luther, 1966-67" Box Number A 32 Restriction Codes (A) Closed by Executive
  • See all scanned items from file unit "King, Martin Luther, 1966-67"
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • Folder, "King, Martin Luther, 1966-67 [1 of 2]," Aides Files of Mildred Stegall, Box 32
  • know, Martin Luther King, Jr., President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was the principal speaker at the aass anti-war demonstration which took place in New York City OD April 15, 1967. I thought the President and Mr. Watson would
  • See all scanned items from file unit "King, Martin Luther, 1966-67"
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • Folder, "King, Martin Luther, 1966-67 [2 of 2]," Aides Files of Mildred Stegall, Box 32
  • a concentrated campaign to insure the partici­ pation of the highest possible number of Negro voters in the November, 1968, election. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is the organization founded by the late Martin Luther King, Jr., which conducted
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
  • March 1,. 1968 SELECTEDRACIAL DEVELOPMENTS ANDDISTURBANCES MARTINLUTHERKING, JR., APRIL OF 1968 SCHEDULED 'IO VISIT AFRICA IN A source of this Bureau who has furnished reliable information in the past advised that Martin Luther King, Jr., President
  • File No. December 11, 1967 SELECTEDRACIAL DEVELOPMENTS ANDDISTURBANCES MARTINLUTHERKING, JR., SPEAKSAT MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Martin Luther King, Jr., President of the Southern Chrfstian Leadership Conference, spoke at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
  • ; distributed Progressive Labor Party pamphlet. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr:, spoke in Cincinnati day before June, 1967 riots broke out. · SAM DAMU of "US", Los Angeles, at Black .Power meeting, Cincinnati, 7/8/67 0 DAMU spoke about above-surface legitimate
  • the UKA.) "Some Questions that Need Straight AnswerE." "Ylhat Vlill You Tell Youi.. Children?" · "Conquer and Breed." "Martin Luther King •••• At Communist Training School." ·ll'PENDIX 1 tJNITED KLANS OF AMERICA, INCo~ KNIGHTS OF 'fflE KU KLUX KLAN
  • with the Pres ident . He claimed that ~RTIN LUTHER KING, a Negro leader, attende d a communist trai ning -school at Folk Highlander. He also a ttacked the National Council of Churches. An associate of SHELTON9 MELWEN SEX'l~ON, was selling Klan paraphernalia
  • MARTINLUTHERKING, JR. Martin Luther King, Jr., President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, has scheduled a meeting of his Executive Board for February 6 and 7, 1968, in Washington, D. C. • During this period he plans to meet with Stokely Carmichael
  • Times, · 11/1/65, p~ t, · 52. Background story on suicide of Daniel Burros, · King ·Kleagle of the. United Klans of Ame:rica in New York. -2·- Little Klan influence seen here and no early inquiry expected, by Emanuel Perlmutter. New York Times, 11/1
  • physical condition. He stated they should not turn the other cheek when attacked but told them not to attack unless provoked. He stated a Muslim should only act in self-defense. Then he criticized MARTINLUTHERKING maintaining that KING "runs up and down
  • to gain'thei.r rights through wo~king for them. W~en the ANP rally was over, CHRISTOPHER· VIDNJEVICH, together with ,Comm,ander ROCKWELL, left the area of Marquette ·P ark in the camper truck _.- · (CG T-1, 8/30/66) - 8 __ ,. .\. • ,. . . · - - -4
  • , of rt:~·,;v.f.Ved Meeting Place NSRP Nation.a.I Convent.ion 9/12/66 Durham, North A collection of $30.00 was given· to LYNCH, who ·was . en route to M1ss1ss1ppt. 9/21, 23, N,SRP Hall, Kings 8/27/66 {~,/l0/66) . LA T-6 {o/2·S/66) T-2 {9/13/66
  • of the devil. "Violence is the answer. Everyone else fights for what he wants, we should fight too. Two people who are considered (phonetic), to be experts on violence are Dr. FREDRICKWITTIIAM Senior Psychiatrist, New York, and Dr. MARTINLUTHERKING. KING mys