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43 results

  • Kennedy, Robert F. (Robert Francis), 1925-1968
  • as a secretary to Ralph Dungan. He was a special assistant to President Kennedy. His main job was to--he was a talent scout for President Kennedy with the ambassadors and cabinet officers. Latin America was on his wing [?] and we were pretty busy. And President
  • How Whittington came to work for LBJ following President Kennedy's assassination; Whittington's duties; LBJ's secretaries' rotating schedules; traveling with LBJ to the Ranch and Austin; Whittington as the first African American to integrate
  • frequently when people think something big is about to happen. He noted that President Kennedy's poll went up 10 points immediately after the Bay of Pigs then plunged 12 points when the crisis was over. More .. Roberts and Elfin -2­ The President also
  • could be more establishment than a federal agency. So the kind of people who were put together in that Civil Rights Division was really remarkable. B: You mean people like Robert Kennedy himself and John Doar and Burke Marshall? T: Yes. B
  • oral histories: Robert E. Jordan III Subject(s) covered 18,19 Events in Dallas 19,20,21 Warren Commission Report 21,22 Autopsy on Senator Kennedy 23,24 23,24 James Rowley Rufus Youngblood 24
  • See all online interviews with Robert E. Jordan III
  • Biographical information; prosecuting White House sit-in demonstrators; Frank Reeves; Howard Reed; Ralph Roberts, clerk of the House, and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; David Dellinger and the March on the Pentagon; "Murphy" confidence
  • Jordan, Robert E., III
  • Oral history transcript, Robert E. Jordan III, interview 1 (I), 1/6/1969, by Dorothy Pierce (McSweeny)
  • Robert E. Jordan III
  • Eugene Patterson Sub .i ect (s) covered 15 - 17 Built-in antagonism between the Justice Department and the Civil Rights Cormnission; Robert Kennedy Nicholas Katzenbach; Ramsey Clark; Frankie Freeman 18 '65 report on discrimination in agriculture
  • Boston area citizens asked Dr. Robert Coles, Dr. Howard Zinn, and myself to deliver to President Johnson a letter expressing concern about the Mississippi situation am urging the use of Presidential powers to guarantee the safety of the students par­
  • :30 PM: A 11:00 PM: Jackson COFO called Schwelb at approximately 11:00, but he gave no indication cf having taken any action. 12 :00 PM: Robert Weil from Jackson COFO called Schwelb and gave him the license number or· the missing cari and further
  • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE UNITED ST ATES: A Symposium on Civil Rights Co-sponsored by the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and The University of Texas at Austin Edited by Robert C Rooney Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs The University
  • iclent From: Larry O'Brien Carding - Letter to LBJ from Seno Robert for courtesy at signin g of civil rights bill Kennedy thank i ng him [2 of 2 (front)] ,-- . ..... .. . # •• - RE El E1J NOV 8 1965 CEN rR L FILES [2 of 2 (back
  • , Reynolds, Roberts, Robison (Montgomery), Robison (Pickens), Shelton, Smith, Taylor, Tyson, Wilson, and the Lieutenant Governor. WHEREAS, after a period of ten weeks of continued agitation and demonstrations, led and directed by outsiders, a march
  • at the university. Another source of this Bureau who has furnished reliable information in the past advised that Robert Brown, Acting Chairman of the Chicago Branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, may participate in the proposed activities
  • : 105-138833 Bureau File BLACK LIBERATIONFRONT 'I/.: Title: INTERNAL SECUJ{I'l1Y-MISCELLANEOUS Character: Interview with individuals listed. in address ROBERT COLLIER set forth. No information available reflecting the existen.:e of the Blaclt
  • viewpoint and have asked the Attorney General to go into some detail in connection with the principles that we would have in this bill. We are very anxious to have Democratic and Republican support. As you know, President Kennedy in the Kennedy-Johnson
  • The White House Washington, D. C. cc: Mrs. F. Fullerwood Vice President Lyndon Johnson ACP:ms I 38 Bayview Drive St . Augu s tine , Florida September 27 , 1963 Mr . John F . Kennedy President of the United States The White House ashington , n. c. Dear
  • • Cody Fowler Harold J. Gallagher Nathan B. Goodnow William T. Gossett William P. Gray Erwin N. Griswold Robert E. Lillard Arthur Littleton Ross L. Malone • William L. Marbury Orison S. Marden • Burke Marshall David F. Maxwell Robert W . Meserve • William
  • eynolds Russell Giffen Harry Baker Louis Robinson Russell Kennedy Accompanied by Senator Thomas K uchel of California, and California Congressmen: Harlan Hagen B. F. Sisk John Tunney 1:00 pm LUNCH with Secretary Rusk, Secretary McNamara, and McGeorge
  • Act; Lady Bird observes Robert Kennedy; LBJ & Lady Bird to LBJ Ranch
  • been advised. MILITANTOFFICEROF STUDENTNONVIOLENT COORDINATING C011MITTEE SPEAKSIN CHICAGO,ILLINOIS Robert Brown, a 19-year-old Negro, Acting Director of the Chicago, Illinois, Branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, a militant black
  • assassination -- to reassure a nervous world that "the gove nment in Washington lives", and to acquaint millions abroad with the new leader of America and the free world. Minutes after the bullets struck John Kennedy, USIA threw all its resources into this task
  • Kennedy walked into his office, the first time after John Kennedy 1 s death. It was Lyndon that suggested that we see Guess Who's Corning to Dinner, and we all went out to the hangar which is completed now, for showing movies, . and very nice, except
  • ; Lady Bird meets LBJ at hangar; park meeting continues at the LBJ Birthplace; to LBJ Ranch house; Johnsons, Lynda & Chuck Robb and the Krims drive the Lewis place; Robert Kennedy announces run for President; "Guess Who's Coming for Dinner?" movie shown
  • , when public sentiment for effective gun control was high following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy:, it appeared that we might even get the only . really effective control -- licensing and registration
  • ROBERTS FROM: Lee C. Whit~ I am sure that the President will want to see this before it goes out. Please return the file to me. THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF 'COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 April 2, 1965 Honorable Lee White Special Assistant
  • Civil Rights Bill of 1964; LBJ calls Pickle to commend him on his vote; Pickle votes against open housing; Pickle as "President Johnson's Congressman;" Robert Poage and Williamson County; regrets voting against open housing; LBJ, Yarborough
  • the Newark Police Department offer of pro~~ction. ... _ ...... ___... _. ... _. _. . . _.. . attached . . Registration and meals'"were ·served 'at tiie Re~tor House while workshops were·held at the Robert Treat Hotel. The large plenum meetings were held
  • . JESSE GRAYand the ReTerend ROBERT KINLOCH,Negro Baptist Minister, were also there with them. GRAYand·the ReTerend KINLOCHcalled off the demonstration in NI 100-91911 tront ot the Criminal Courthouse, 100 Centre Street !iew York Cit7, in support ot
  • This document was scanned and described as part of a digital exhibit about the days following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. All of our records are not yet digitized. The exhibit documents presented here
  • it to start looking like the Johnsons lived here. I put out a picture of President and Mrs. Kennedy--no, I believe it’s just the President--and Caroline, and the pony, the little pony that Lyndon gave them. And then I put out a picture of Daddy with Tommy
  • the inventory and sale of the Elms; evening social gathering of Johnson and Kennedy staffs; Ted Sorensen; Abe Fortas' interest in art and music; Jacqueline Kennedy's work; [Nancy] Salinger; LBJ's tour of the White House; civil rights legislation
  • you can see how they would have that added feeling of poignant grief, that their own state had to be embarrassed about it. So this is something that those of us in the Kennedy and the Johnson officia l family would like to seal off. Did you come
  • Senator Edward Kennedy's plane crash; Lady Bird calls Rose Kennedy, Birch Bayhs and Mrs. Edward Kennedy; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson about security problem on her flight; office work; Lady Bird reads; walk around White House
  • , and then w hen e v e r y th in g i s in p la c e in it it w i l l be turned o v e r to the F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t, B obby w a s e a s y , r e la x e d , but he i s an e n ig m a to m e . M r s , R o s e Kennedy w a s th e r e , a s s lim and p r e
  • Women Doers Luncheon with speaker, Jane Jacobs; funny story about Mrs. Charles Marsh; LBJ makes brief appearance; office work; Dorris Powell tells stories about Lady Bird's mother; LBJ & Lady Bird to dinner in New York honoring Jacqueline Kennedy
  • realised then. that poa·i tive action was long ,ove.r- dtta,. :action had: to be ca.k•n" Mom•ntum b elvil s-lshta l~om aceele.~ated tbat pojnt 011 under the le.adersh!p of tbe Kennedy- Jolut•on adm!m•~on .an4. 'by the :rietng Udo of Nes•o· ~nmtl­
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • on to the essentials it, they that to be done. Lady B~rd typified ·, in from the it by the act ' oj coming I• ,. 0 funeral simple of President Kennedy( certainly his death I ¢, . was. one of the greatest 0 she.walked ' in her -house, to go
  • LBJ to California; Lady Bird's television taping for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation; visits by family friends; shopping; dinner with Luci Johnson, Dr. Jim Cain & Jack Valenti; to Olney Theatre for play; airplane crash of Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • . "'"LE MllSTA , II. I. l'llAllL M. SAYllll, OKLA . 011 , MAllY SINCLAIR CllAW,.0110, CALIP'. MAllY C . KENNEDY, I ND. MAllY .I. •RANDON, OHIO C . TELEPHONE: LINCOLN • · 1210 ... , Chllirtn411, EMMA GUFFEY MILLEI, PENNSYLVANIA .! February 5, 1 . y
  • of Public Service; why LBJ kept Kennedy appointees; Lady Bird gives Pat Nixon tour of family quarters; photo montage for press women; performance of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" in East Room; dinner; LBJ has a cold
  • Lady Bird to beauty shop and works on magazine article; LBJ gives Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Ted Clifton; Lady Bird to Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for beautification ceremony; Lady Bird looks at photos with Luci and Lynda Johnson of Lynda's
  • of arousing life; they are now acting out fear and despair," of treat­ iri real homes and real ing "hope as the four-letter streets the splintered fanta- Ted l(ennedy Stops Parade SEN. Ted Kennedy (D· Mass.) made an unex­ pected appearance at the Purim