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  • office, and it certainly became the rallying place for a lot of inte~esting people. Well, it was simple enough for Lyndon and Mal- colm Bardwell, my husband I s secretary, to get together. many conversations. So, I remember And one day I was down
  • and Rayburn also talked over the telephone quite a bit, many times I thought on procedural matters, keeping each other abreast of some little development in their respective branches of the Congress. Then Johnson was a frequent visitor to the Board
  • the single room with the single cot I managed to get that single room most all the time, and later on--I didn't know Lady Bird very well except over the telephone when she'd call for me, when I was mayor of Pasadena, to get a crowd up for Lyndon and get
  • about his conversations LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 5
  • . G: Did Morse feel that he was politically vulnerable in accepting this post and did he resist the President's-- C: He agreed during that phone conversation. I don't know how long that phone conversation lasted. He tried to get--I don't know when
  • back to Washington, and the only reason I was suggested was that they felt that I could talk to Lyndon Johnson who was, at that time, the majority leader of the Senate. got in town. I telephoned him when I He said held come by and pick me up at eight
  • with Senators frequently, telephone calls, for example, frequent conversations, frequent briefings, this type of thing? B: I'm sure this happened. I've heard a lot about it. I did not ever receive one call from the President of the United States asking me
  • with the eee camps where Johnson may have gotten the news indirectly. P: That could have happened, and inc identa lly, Mrs. Carr, accord ing to a lawyer who told me, would telephone long distance and give the news if she got it in time to do
  • suppose things went on by private telephone conversations and so on, but certainly the written record indicates nothing but the most routine kinds of support that any cabinet officer would interpret as leaving the matter pretty much up to his own
  • , one on one conversation at the LBJ Ranch. Appointment as Ambassador to Poland, appointment of Fred Belen, swearing in ceremonies, relationship with LBj, Post Office summer program for hiring youth, Nathan (Nick) Katz, Albert H. Quie, LBJ’s good
  • permission, I had a great many conversations with Senator Johnson and with the Armed Services Committee on the happenings of this conference in Geneva . M: These were official conversations or social, private [ones]? A: They were private conversations
  • 12, 1983 INTERVIEWEE: BILLY GRAHAM INTERVIEWER: Monroe Billington PLACE: Interview was conducted over the telephone Tape 1 of 1 B: Why don't you just talk a little bit about the time you first had contact with President Johnson? G: Well
  • the conversation between you and him? R: It wasn't a conversation; it was a desperate, last-minute letter that I sent to him saying essentially what I have said to you. "This is the situation . . " LBJ Presidential Library ORAL
  • , many senators would make telephone calls on behalf of constituents. It is a normal procedure. It has always gone on, and I suspect always will. I don't think there is anything wrong about it. If the inquiry related to a proceeding or an investigation
  • explained, ,,,hy, then, he was there ready to make a reply or go into conversation. And if they didn't, why, there ,vasn't any need for him to waste any more time; and he'd just dash on to the next place. That impressed me very much, to think he (would
  • /show/loh/oh Murphy -- II -- 2 took a number of birthday gifts for President Truman. that very much. He appreciated President Johnson also called President Truman on the telephone from time to time to tell him some of the things that he was planning
  • HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] Reedy -- XII -~ 10 But in that article one of the things that really fascinated him was the telephone in the back yard down in Austin. Johnson had that house at that point
  • LBJ and Senate activities, 1958; hearings resumed; LBJ and the press; LBJ and the telephone; jury trial amendment; LBJ and the Hill Country; LBJ and foreign trips; LBJ's accomplishments; LBJ personal considerations, 1959-1960; Texas issues; LBJ
  • toward Senator Kennedy's candidacy? S: None at all from either party. I saw Senator Kennedy only once in that period, in April or May--had a long conversation with him at his house. I worked with his staff people a great deal on the telephone
  • traveled I received a call from a man by the name of Lyndon B. Johnson, to my surprise, about four o'clock on a Friday afternoon. duced himself. I went to the telephone. He intro- I told him yes, I had read of him in the papers, of his having come
  • as the Defense Department representative and I used to do a lot of the telephone business with the then-Vice President. M: He did take an active interest in that? Y: Yes. M: It wasn't just a title that [John F.] Kennedy assigned him? Y: Oh, no. No, he
  • : No, no way. T: I can hear Homer, turn around and said--and he would have asked Lady Bird--"Is there room for them to spend the night, so that we can take off early in the morning?" G: So there wasn't any conversation between LBJ and Mr. Teague? T: None
  • (then) belonging to Emil Hartmann; the search for the plane; waiting for news of the wreck at the Teague home; events leading up to the plane's departure from Austin; Harold Teague's conversation with Homer Thornberry regarding the flight; the layout of the plane's
  • guess. God I'd love to get these belts of my conversations with him. We've got to figure out a way to shake those loose from her [Mildred Stegall]. Just to listen to them. Oh God, here's a meeting with Senator [Everett] Dirksen about LBJ Presidential
  • was going to be with us, and all that sort of stuff. said, "Aw, don't bel ieve it. He's just a big bunch of stuff. telling you the truth," and all that. They He's not About a week or so later I got a telephone call from the Majority Leader saying
  • with our Vietnamese counterparts in army, navy or air force. We had our differences, we had our arguments, but nothing to cause a person to be mad about it five minutes after the conversation ended. G: That reminds me of something you mentioned 1ast time
  • to the conversation. I heard one I end of the conversation and then what was repeated afterwards, that he had solicited Johns on's help for Jack Kennedy for Vice President. Of course, Johnson had put on some kind of campaign for the presidency which was a little
  • that in conversation over the telephone from Chicago, and he told Wallace, and Wallace came around to my office in the Congress Hotel where I was staying, and he was very much disturbed. He said he thought I was a friend of his, and I told him I was, but that didn't
  • just happened to be in there talking to Jim. But as I recall the conversation, I had gone down there simply to see if they were seriously going to stay with it or if they were prepared to yield once the favorite son votes were cast-really a kind
  • down and converse. M: Was Mr. Johnson definitely in on all of the important meetings, as far as you know, on such a crisis as the Cuban Missile Crisis? D: Oh, very definitely, very definitely. President Kennedy was very strong about that, very
  • Kennedy to visit Texas. So, I offered to assemble, just by telephone, some twelve or fifteen what you might call community leaders in Dallas. at the Adolphus Hotel. We assembled them I remember I was out to lunch and received a phone call --I believe
  • : Then what happened about 1960? J: Well, I got a telephone call from Senator Johnson one day, and he told me that his right to run for the Senate and as Vice President had been challenged in the federal court in Austin; and that he wanted me to represent
  • a question." G: Was he speaking in terms of his radio station, do you think? A: That, and his telephone service, the two together, not his speech environment. He said, "I know nothing about those teleprompters. That's your problem. You've got to do those
  • How General Albright came to work for LBJ; Colonel George J. McNally; telephone system and security; functions of the White House Communications Agency; the teleprompter; LBJ’s lighting and background requirements for public appearances; problems
  • was just rambling in his conversation. "Could it have been Castro? Could it have been the Soviet Union?" And I told him no, that the investigation had been very thorough, that the Warren Commission had confirmed the conclusions of the FBI
  • and its effect on LBJ; White House telephone line in DeLoach’s bedroom; how LBJ related to his aides. LBJ and the Kennedys, especially Bobby Kennedy; the relationship between the FBI and the Attorney General’s Office; surveillance of and interaction
  • played it two or three columns. It wasn't a long story, but they really blew it up into a box on page one, and 'r had a telephone call from Jack in Palm Beach saying, ''Where did you get the information that the Library of Congress is doing research
  • was it was the first time I ever saw Senator Johnson's conversational capacity. I would say he started talking at nine-thirty or ten o'clock, and if anybody else in the room got in more than ten words in a row or five minutes in all within the two and a half hours
  • : That certainly is what he said to me. F: You never saw any signs yourself of President Johnson working with him? H: I had only one conversation with Senator Dirksen on this subject. It was a telephone conversation that lasted for about fifteen minutes
  • difficult We had all And we had always problem~ this would be the time when you would work fastest and with less conversation. Everything went smooth. I remember Mac Kilduff coming in and out, in and out; apparently he was bringing things from
  • to be a news conference. Anyway, the time was moving on and I had promised to have something for the noon newscast, so I decided I'd better call. Well, there was only one telephone at the Ranch, and it was in the Senator's den. wasan old-style telephone
  • Biographical information; first meeting LBJ at the Ranch; Lady Bird’s kindness; breaking the story of JFK’s assassination; transferred to Washington in 1964; contacts and conversation with LBJ; LBJ’s operation to remove a polyp on his vocal chords
  • . to be sure you weren't-- G: What was his relationship with LBJ like? J: It was a difficult one to describe. I thought it was close. Whenever Johnson--he'd be on that telephone on the plane long before we got in sight of Bergstrom, calling A. W., getting
  • the very day that my wife died, and I never will forget that conversation with him. The conversations we had were always very important, one way or another, but I did not bother him too much with telephone calls. M: Dr. Davis, as you have personally come
  • these affairs small enough for you to have an opportunity to have conversation? K: Oh, no. The state dinners were those great things out in the Rose Garden and in the White House, things like that. No, I had no conversation except the ones on the telephone
  • academic job would be the permanent academic job, but we've been here ever since 1949. I've long since become a Texan--at least in the eyes of everyone except native Texans. (Telephone rings.) And there's the telephone if you'll excuse me. (Interruption) L