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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

11 results

  • LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] INTERVIEWEE: REVEREND EU1ER GRAHAM INTERVImVER: ERIC F. More on LBJ Library oral histories: http
  • See all online interviews with Elmer Graham
  • oh-grahame-196504xx-1-70-51
  • Graham, Elmer
  • Oral history transcript, Elmer Graham, interview 1 (I), 4/1965, by Eric F. Goldman
  • Elmer Graham
  • Go to Interviewee bio page
  • of involved along as sort of assistant to Phil Graham, the president, his mild political wheeling and dealing, the things he got involved in. And he did a little bit of it. M: He did quite a lot of it later. F: Later he did a great deal of it and it's
  • Roosevelt Association; counsel for Washington Post; Phil Graham; Jerry Siegel; John McCloy; Edmund A. Gullion; Herbert Humphrey; Jerome B. Wiesner; Arthur Dean; Arthur Schlesinger; McGeorge Bundy; ACDA; Alvin Wirtz; Moscow trip; test ban treaty; American
  • are prominent real estate men and have been for many years in Austin are Paul Crust2:nann and Tom Graham. comp~ny t..""e They are partners in a realty and other business interests and Paul Crusemann was nominee of the democrats in our precinct favoring
  • to run a park and what the ecological impact of drought was. Jackson Graham, who was then the chief of civil works, and I agreed after the very first meeting that we had in which we discovered this kind of dialogue going on among our staffs that I would
  • of Secretary of the Interior coming from the West; Bureau of Outdoor Recreation; Ed Crofts; North Cascades and Redwood National Park; Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; Floyd Dominy; Everglades; Sybil Jackson Graham; Federal highways; TVA; campground
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Wozencraft -- I -- 3 Henry Gonzalez, and I think the other was Graham Purcell, I'm not certain of that. There were
  • , substantially the same thing that--who was this fellow from the Washington pUblisherJ--his version was correct. ~ [Philip Graham, John Kennedy came to see Lyndon and asked him to run and all this talk, well, anyway-B: That fellow at the Washington Post, Mr
  • accept this proposition after the defeats - the year that Senator Graham, Senator Pepper, were defeated in 1952, I think it was - 1952 which was an unforgettable object lesson to me in politics - the inherent danger of getting out too far in front of your
  • side, and some of their key advisers, Congressman Graham Purcell in the grain area, Congressman Paul Jones and Congressman Tom Abernathy in the cotton area. They were the key men that would be on the majority side on this. And so you worked with them
  • Biographical information; first meeting LBJ in 1961 in discussions on Mexico; resolving the Chamizal issue; Sam Young; Judge Norman Hardy; John Connally; the Panama disturbance in early 1965; Cyrus Vance and Graham Martin; the Dominican crisis
  • as the chairman of the subcommittee involved, which was a Labor subcommittee, he was dealing with his counterpart in the House which was Graham Barden this tough old arch-conservative from North Carolina. Well, Barden treated him like an absolute baby, even