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  • LBJ works in bed--Jack Valenti, Marvin Watson and Billy Graham are there; former Representative Carl Vinson is houseguest; Lady Bird has lunch with Lynda Johnson; reception held for Vinson; Lady Bird greets several guests who were on Whistle Stop
  • Lady Bird to LBJ's hospital room; vote on Highway Beautification Bill; Luci Johnson reads LBJ a poem and a prayer while LBJ kneels; LBJ to surgery;--removed gall bladder and kidney stone; Lady Bird talks to family and Billy Graham; LBJ returns from
  • . The four: Tom Croaln Bill Graham Bill Jorden Don Ropa No February 16, 1967 Mary: To the best of our knowledge, this is the list of Bright Young Men who attended the Jan. 18th reception: /4liff Alexander vf"red Bohen ..,..W-alter Coyne ......Chuck