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  • let 1■ started me hear troa 7ou 1mmed1ate17. Yours ••rr truly, HG1MBP The above 1s salt-explanatory and it would be appreciated it JOU would advise me whether or not you saw Mcclendon Monday afternoon attar our telephone conversation. I think
  • tha t the sender authorizes the collection of any addltfonal ~~:rlt~r~~hJm,1J~T:t~/~iy ~~8:w~ r:~m~'hh ii!.r~~b'iJi~ ~\o~fi~a~ed from the addressee. There will be no additional charge !or deliveries made by telephone within _ 5. No respom1lblllty
  • troubles end disruption in their own plants. They do not vote their men as they used to. Conversation Monday evening 9: 30 Ds State Young Democrats are meeting in Beaumont Friday and Saturday of this week. Believe it 13 e. Garner controlled group end
  • Three segments: 0-3:55; 3:55-39:10; 39:10-43:38. Segment 1: Continued conversation between Luís Salas, James Mangan, and Max Skelton in the car en route to the library. Topics: Salas's motivation for telling his story; importance of Salas's story
  • ; conversation with Eloy Aguilar in Spanish, mostly about Salas’s personal history and his book, places in Texas and Mexico, Pancho Villa; Salas’s vision for his book; structure of the book, inclusion of biographical details; possibility of movie deal, and steps
  • . If American democracy is to survive , it can ' t do it on conversation. It can'; survive on the glories of the past . If American democracy persists it will be because Americans want it to . Because they want it -6- to so muoh they will offer